updated documentation for noob-gettingStarted.md.
-added a new screenshot and edited directions for copying markdown code from live editor
-made some alterations with the instructions in effort to make it more n00b friendly.
-added link to Atom-mermaid plugin
this section had some outdated info regarding the live editor and its capabilities.
-replaced and outdated screenshot
-edited the documentation to make it a little more n00b friendly.
-added a link to the Atom mermaid plugin
Hi, I love your program and how it reimagines the whole dynamic of creating diagrams and graphs, I also like the wit of the documentation, but I had some small trouble in initially figuring out what the application was about.
I propose a few line changes to clarify the purpose of the application and an additional a link to the syntax section of docs to hopefully decrease the friction and increase the interest in using the product.
I changed:
-"__mermaid is a Javascript based diagramming and charting tool. It generates diagrams flowcharts and more, using markdown-inspired text for ease and speed.__"
and I added:
-"__The following are some examples of the diagrams, charts and graphs that can be made using mermaid and the Markdown-inspired text specific to it. Click here jump into the [text syntax](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/n00b-syntaxReference).__"
More power to you and your team.
Moved getRows function from `state/stateRenderer.js` and `state/shapes.js` into `common/common.js`. Broke out section into small one line functions for replacing line breaks, then moved the `sanitize` function from `utils.js` to this new module as there is shared functionality