import { line, curveBasis } from 'd3'; import { lookUpDomId, relationType } from './classDb'; import utils from '../../utils'; import { logger } from '../../logger'; let edgeCount = 0; export const drawEdge = function(elem, path, relation, conf) { const getRelationType = function(type) { switch (type) { case relationType.AGGREGATION: return 'aggregation'; case relationType.EXTENSION: return 'extension'; case relationType.COMPOSITION: return 'composition'; case relationType.DEPENDENCY: return 'dependency'; } }; path.points = path.points.filter(p => !Number.isNaN(p.y)); // The data for our line const lineData = path.points; // This is the accessor function we talked about above const lineFunction = line() .x(function(d) { return d.x; }) .y(function(d) { return d.y; }) .curve(curveBasis); const svgPath = elem .append('path') .attr('d', lineFunction(lineData)) .attr('id', 'edge' + edgeCount) .attr('class', 'relation'); let url = ''; if (conf.arrowMarkerAbsolute) { url = window.location.protocol + '//' + + window.location.pathname +; url = url.replace(/\(/g, '\\('); url = url.replace(/\)/g, '\\)'); } if (relation.relation.lineType == 1) { svgPath.attr('class', 'relation dashed-line'); } if (relation.relation.type1 !== 'none') { svgPath.attr( 'marker-start', 'url(' + url + '#' + getRelationType(relation.relation.type1) + 'Start' + ')' ); } if (relation.relation.type2 !== 'none') { svgPath.attr( 'marker-end', 'url(' + url + '#' + getRelationType(relation.relation.type2) + 'End' + ')' ); } let x, y; const l = path.points.length; // Calculate Label position let labelPosition = utils.calcLabelPosition(path.points); x = labelPosition.x; y = labelPosition.y; let p1_card_x, p1_card_y; let p2_card_x, p2_card_y; if (l % 2 !== 0 && l > 1) { let cardinality_1_point = utils.calcCardinalityPosition( relation.relation.type1 !== 'none', path.points, path.points[0] ); let cardinality_2_point = utils.calcCardinalityPosition( relation.relation.type2 !== 'none', path.points, path.points[l - 1] ); logger.debug('cardinality_1_point ' + JSON.stringify(cardinality_1_point)); logger.debug('cardinality_2_point ' + JSON.stringify(cardinality_2_point)); p1_card_x = cardinality_1_point.x; p1_card_y = cardinality_1_point.y; p2_card_x = cardinality_2_point.x; p2_card_y = cardinality_2_point.y; } if (typeof relation.title !== 'undefined') { const g = elem.append('g').attr('class', 'classLabel'); const label = g .append('text') .attr('class', 'label') .attr('x', x) .attr('y', y) .attr('fill', 'red') .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .text(relation.title); window.label = label; const bounds = label.node().getBBox(); g.insert('rect', ':first-child') .attr('class', 'box') .attr('x', bounds.x - conf.padding / 2) .attr('y', bounds.y - conf.padding / 2) .attr('width', bounds.width + conf.padding) .attr('height', bounds.height + conf.padding); }'Rendering relation ' + JSON.stringify(relation)); if (typeof relation.relationTitle1 !== 'undefined' && relation.relationTitle1 !== 'none') { const g = elem.append('g').attr('class', 'cardinality'); g.append('text') .attr('class', 'type1') .attr('x', p1_card_x) .attr('y', p1_card_y) .attr('fill', 'black') .attr('font-size', '6') .text(relation.relationTitle1); } if (typeof relation.relationTitle2 !== 'undefined' && relation.relationTitle2 !== 'none') { const g = elem.append('g').attr('class', 'cardinality'); g.append('text') .attr('class', 'type2') .attr('x', p2_card_x) .attr('y', p2_card_y) .attr('fill', 'black') .attr('font-size', '6') .text(relation.relationTitle2); } edgeCount++; }; export const drawClass = function(elem, classDef, conf) {'Rendering class ' + classDef); const id =; const classInfo = { id: id, label:, width: 0, height: 0 }; // add class group const g = elem .append('g') .attr('id', lookUpDomId(id)) .attr('class', 'classGroup'); // add title let title; if ( { title = g .append('svg:a') .attr('xlink:href', .attr('target', classDef.linkTarget) .append('text') .attr('y', conf.textHeight + conf.padding) .attr('x', 0); } else { title = g .append('text') .attr('y', conf.textHeight + conf.padding) .attr('x', 0); } // add annotations let isFirst = true; classDef.annotations.forEach(function(member) { const titleText2 = title.append('tspan').text('«' + member + '»'); if (!isFirst) titleText2.attr('dy', conf.textHeight); isFirst = false; }); let classTitleString =; if (classDef.type !== undefined && classDef.type !== '') { classTitleString += '<' + classDef.type + '>'; } const classTitle = title .append('tspan') .text(classTitleString) .attr('class', 'title'); // If class has annotations the title needs to have an offset of the text height if (!isFirst) classTitle.attr('dy', conf.textHeight); const titleHeight = title.node().getBBox().height; const membersLine = g .append('line') // text label for the x axis .attr('x1', 0) .attr('y1', conf.padding + titleHeight + conf.dividerMargin / 2) .attr('y2', conf.padding + titleHeight + conf.dividerMargin / 2); const members = g .append('text') // text label for the x axis .attr('x', conf.padding) .attr('y', titleHeight + conf.dividerMargin + conf.textHeight) .attr('fill', 'white') .attr('class', 'classText'); isFirst = true; classDef.members.forEach(function(member) { addTspan(members, member, isFirst, conf); isFirst = false; }); const membersBox = members.node().getBBox(); const methodsLine = g .append('line') // text label for the x axis .attr('x1', 0) .attr('y1', conf.padding + titleHeight + conf.dividerMargin + membersBox.height) .attr('y2', conf.padding + titleHeight + conf.dividerMargin + membersBox.height); const methods = g .append('text') // text label for the x axis .attr('x', conf.padding) .attr('y', titleHeight + 2 * conf.dividerMargin + membersBox.height + conf.textHeight) .attr('fill', 'white') .attr('class', 'classText'); isFirst = true; classDef.methods.forEach(function(method) { addTspan(methods, method, isFirst, conf); isFirst = false; }); const classBox = g.node().getBBox(); var cssClassStr = ' '; if (classDef.cssClasses.length > 0) { cssClassStr = cssClassStr + classDef.cssClasses.join(' '); } const rect = g .insert('rect', ':first-child') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', 0) .attr('width', classBox.width + 2 * conf.padding) .attr('height', classBox.height + conf.padding + 0.5 * conf.dividerMargin) .attr('class', cssClassStr); const rectWidth = rect.node().getBBox().width; // Center title // We subtract the width of each text element from the class box width and divide it by 2 title.node().childNodes.forEach(function(x) { x.setAttribute('x', (rectWidth - x.getBBox().width) / 2); }); if (classDef.tooltip) { title.insert('title').text(classDef.tooltip); } membersLine.attr('x2', rectWidth); methodsLine.attr('x2', rectWidth); classInfo.width = rectWidth; classInfo.height = classBox.height + conf.padding + 0.5 * conf.dividerMargin; return classInfo; }; export const parseMember = function(text) { const fieldRegEx = /(\+|-|~|#)?(\w+)(~\w+~|\[\])?\s+(\w+)/; const methodRegEx = /^([+|\-|~|#])?(\w+) *\( *(.*)\) *(\*|\$)? *(\w*[~|[\]]*\s*\w*~?)$/; let fieldMatch = text.match(fieldRegEx); let methodMatch = text.match(methodRegEx); if (fieldMatch && !methodMatch) { return buildFieldDisplay(fieldMatch); } else if (methodMatch) { return buildMethodDisplay(methodMatch); } else { return buildLegacyDisplay(text); } }; const buildFieldDisplay = function(parsedText) { let displayText = ''; try { let visibility = parsedText[1] ? parsedText[1].trim() : ''; let fieldType = parsedText[2] ? parsedText[2].trim() : ''; let genericType = parsedText[3] ? parseGenericTypes(parsedText[3].trim()) : ''; let fieldName = parsedText[4] ? parsedText[4].trim() : ''; displayText = visibility + fieldType + genericType + ' ' + fieldName; } catch (err) { displayText = parsedText; } return { displayText: displayText, cssStyle: '' }; }; const buildMethodDisplay = function(parsedText) { let cssStyle = ''; let displayText = ''; try { let visibility = parsedText[1] ? parsedText[1].trim() : ''; let methodName = parsedText[2] ? parsedText[2].trim() : ''; let parameters = parsedText[3] ? parseGenericTypes(parsedText[3].trim()) : ''; let classifier = parsedText[4] ? parsedText[4].trim() : ''; let returnType = parsedText[5] ? ' : ' + parseGenericTypes(parsedText[5]).trim() : ''; displayText = visibility + methodName + '(' + parameters + ')' + returnType; cssStyle = parseClassifier(classifier); } catch (err) { displayText = parsedText; } return { displayText: displayText, cssStyle: cssStyle }; }; const buildLegacyDisplay = function(text) { // if for some reason we dont have any match, use old format to parse text let displayText = ''; let cssStyle = ''; let memberText = ''; let returnType = ''; let methodStart = text.indexOf('('); let methodEnd = text.indexOf(')'); if (methodStart > 1 && methodEnd > methodStart && methodEnd <= text.length) { let visibility = ''; let methodName = ''; let firstChar = text.substring(0, 1); if (firstChar.match(/\w/)) { methodName = text.substring(0, methodStart).trim(); } else { if (firstChar.match(/\+|-|~|#/)) { visibility = firstChar; } methodName = text.substring(1, methodStart).trim(); } let parameters = text.substring(methodStart + 1, methodEnd); let classifier = text.substring(methodEnd + 1, 1); cssStyle = parseClassifier(classifier); displayText = visibility + methodName + '(' + parseGenericTypes(parameters.trim()) + ')'; if (methodEnd < memberText.length) { returnType = text.substring(methodEnd + 2).trim(); if (returnType !== '') { returnType = ' : ' + parseGenericTypes(returnType); } } } else { // finally - if all else fails, just send the text back as written (other than parsing for generic types) displayText = parseGenericTypes(text); } return { displayText: displayText, cssStyle: cssStyle }; }; const addTspan = function(textEl, txt, isFirst, conf) { let member = parseMember(txt); const tSpan = textEl .append('tspan') .attr('x', conf.padding) .text(member.displayText); if (member.cssStyle !== '') { tSpan.attr('style', member.cssStyle); } if (!isFirst) { tSpan.attr('dy', conf.textHeight); } }; const parseGenericTypes = function(text) { let cleanedText = text; if (text.indexOf('~') != -1) { cleanedText = cleanedText.replace('~', '<'); cleanedText = cleanedText.replace('~', '>'); return parseGenericTypes(cleanedText); } else { return cleanedText; } }; const parseClassifier = function(classifier) { switch (classifier) { case '*': return 'font-style:italic;'; case '$': return 'text-decoration:underline;'; default: return ''; } }; export default { drawClass, drawEdge, parseMember };