sequence TB apa:Apanhoppar bapa:Server chimp:Chimpansenhoppar
graph TB;A(Astrid
b)-->B[Irene]; A-->C[Christer]; B-->D[Micke]; B-->E[Maria]; E-->F[Hjalte]; E-->G[Embla]; E-->J[Vidar]; E-->H[Bjarke]; E-->I[Ingvild]; click A apa;
graph TD; id1>This is the text in the box];


graph TD; sq[Square shape]-->ci((Circle shape)); od>Odd shape]---|Two line
edge comment|ro; od2>Really long text in an Odd shape]-->od3>Really long text with linebreak
in an Odd shape]; di{Diamond is
shape); di-->ro2(Rounded square shape); e((Inner circle))-->f; style e red;