Sankey diagram demos

Simple example


    node[title="hello, how are you?"]
    node[title="hello, mister Sankey"]

    First -> 30 -> Second
    First -> 10 -> Third 
    Second -> 20 -> Third

Energy flow


    "Agricultural 'waste'"      ->      124.729  -> "Bio-conversion"
    "Bio-conversion"            ->      0.597    -> "Liquid"
    "Bio-conversion"            ->      26.862   -> "Losses"
    "Bio-conversion"            ->      280.322  -> "Solid"
    "Bio-conversion"            ->      81.144   -> "Gas"
    "Biofuel imports"           ->      35       -> "Liquid"
    "Biomass imports"           ->      35       -> "Solid"
    "Coal imports"              ->      11.606   -> "Coal"
    "Coal reserves"             ->      63.965   -> "Coal"
    "Coal"                      ->      75.571   -> "Solid"
    "District heating"          ->      10.639   -> "Industry"
    "District heating"          ->      22.505   -> "Heating and cooling - commercial"
    "District heating"          ->      46.184   -> "Heating and cooling - homes"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      104.453  -> "Over generation / exports"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      113.726  -> "Heating and cooling - homes"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      27.14    -> "H2 conversion"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      342.165  -> "Industry"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      37.797   -> "Road transport"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      4.412    -> "Agriculture"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      40.858   -> "Heating and cooling - commercial"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      56.691   -> "Losses"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      7.863    -> "Rail transport"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      90.008   -> "Lighting & appliances - commercial"
    "Electricity grid"          ->      93.494   -> "Lighting & appliances - homes"
    "Gas imports"               ->      40.719   -> "Ngas"
    "Gas reserves"              ->      82.233   -> "Ngas"
    "Gas"                       ->      0.129    -> "Heating and cooling - commercial"
    "Gas"                       ->      1.401    -> "Losses"
    "Gas"                       ->      151.891  -> "Thermal generation"
    "Gas"                       ->      2.096    -> "Agriculture"
    "Gas"                       ->      48.58    -> "Industry"
    "Geothermal"                ->      7.013    -> "Electricity grid"
    "H2 conversion"             ->      20.897   -> "H2"
    "H2 conversion"             ->      6.242    -> "Losses"
    "H2"                        ->      20.897   -> "Road transport"
    "Hydro"                     ->      6.995    -> "Electricity grid"
    "Liquid"                    ->      121.066  -> "Industry"
    "Liquid"                    ->      128.69   -> "International shipping"
    "Liquid"                    ->      135.835  -> "Road transport"
    "Liquid"                    ->      14.458   -> "Domestic aviation"
    "Liquid"                    ->      206.267  -> "International aviation"
    "Liquid"                    ->      3.64     -> "Agriculture"
    "Liquid"                    ->      33.218   -> "National navigation"
    "Liquid"                    ->      4.413    -> "Rail transport"
    "Marine algae"              ->      4.375    -> "Bio-conversion"
    "Ngas"                      ->      122.952  -> "Gas"
    "Nuclear"                   ->      839.978  -> "Thermal generation"
    "Oil imports"               ->      504.287  -> "Oil"
    "Oil reserves"              ->      107.703  -> "Oil"
    "Oil"                       ->      611.99   -> "Liquid"
    "Other waste"               ->      56.587   -> "Solid"
    "Other waste"               ->      77.81    -> "Bio-conversion"
    "Pumped heat"               ->      193.026  -> "Heating and cooling - homes"
    "Pumped heat"               ->      70.672   -> "Heating and cooling - commercial"
    "Solar PV"                  ->      59.901   -> "Electricity grid"
    "Solar Thermal"             ->      19.263   -> "Heating and cooling - homes"
    "Solar"                     ->      19.263   -> "Solar Thermal"
    "Solar"                     ->      59.901   -> "Solar PV"
    "Solid"                     ->      0.882    -> "Agriculture"
    "Solid"                     ->      400.12   -> "Thermal generation"
    "Solid"                     ->      46.477   -> "Industry"
    "Thermal generation"        ->      525.531  -> "Electricity grid"
    "Thermal generation"        ->      787.129  -> "Losses"
    "Thermal generation"        ->      79.329   -> "District heating"
    "Tidal"                     ->      9.452    -> "Electricity grid"
    "UK land based bioenergy"   ->      182.01   -> "Bio-conversion"
    "Wave"                      ->      19.013   -> "Electricity grid"
    "Wind"                      ->      289.366  -> "Electricity grid"