const { Generator } = require('jison'); const fs = require('fs'); /** @typedef {import('esbuild').BuildOptions} Options */ /** * @param {Options} override * @returns {Options} */ const buildOptions = (override = {}) => { return { bundle: true, minify: true, keepNames: true, banner: { js: '"use strict";' }, globalName: 'mermaid', platform: 'browser', tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json', resolveExtensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.json', '.jison'], external: ['require', 'fs', 'path'], entryPoints: ['src/mermaid.ts'], outfile: 'dist/mermaid.min.js', plugins: [jisonPlugin], sourcemap: 'external', ...override, }; }; /** * @param {Options} override * @returns {Options} */ exports.esmBuild = (override = { minify: true }) => { return buildOptions({ format: 'esm', outfile: `dist/mermaid.esm${override.minify ? '.min' : ''}.mjs`, ...override, }); }; /** * @param {Options & { core?: boolean }} override * @returns {Options} */ exports.umdBuild = (override = { minify: true, core: false }) => { const core = override.core; if (core && override.minify) { throw new Error('Cannot minify core build'); } delete override.core; return buildOptions({ outfile: `dist/mermaid${override.minify ? '.min' : core ? '.core' : ''}.js`, ...override, }); }; const jisonPlugin = { name: 'jison', setup(build) { build.onLoad({ filter: /\.jison$/ }, async (args) => { // Load the file from the file system const source = await fs.promises.readFile(args.path, 'utf8'); const contents = new Generator(source, { 'token-stack': true }).generate(); return { contents, warnings: [] }; }); }, };