/** mermaid * https://mermaidjs.github.io/ * (c) 2014-2015 Knut Sveidqvist * MIT license. * * Based on js sequence diagrams jison grammr * http://bramp.github.io/js-sequence-diagrams/ * (c) 2012-2013 Andrew Brampton (bramp.net) * Simplified BSD license. */ %lex %options case-insensitive // Special states for recognizing aliases %x ID %x STATE %x FORK_STATE %x STATE_STRING %x STATE_ID %x ALIAS %x SCALE %x NOTE %x NOTE_ID %x NOTE_TEXT %x FLOATING_NOTE %x FLOATING_NOTE_ID %x struct // A special state for grabbing text up to the first comment/newline %x LINE %% [\n]+ return 'NL'; \s+ /* skip all whitespace */ ((?!\n)\s)+ /* skip same-line whitespace */ \#[^\n]* /* skip comments */ \%%[^\n]* /* skip comments */ "scale"\s+ { this.pushState('SCALE'); console.log('Got scale', yytext);return 'scale'; } \d+ return 'WIDTH'; \s+"width" {this.popState();} "state"\s+ { this.pushState('STATE'); } .*"<>" {this.popState();console.log('Fork: ',yytext);return 'FORK';} .*"<>" {this.popState();console.log('Join: ',yytext);return 'JOIN';} ["] this.begin("STATE_STRING"); "as"\s* {this.popState();this.pushState('STATE_ID');return "AS";} [^\n\{]* {this.popState();console.log('STATE_ID', yytext);return "ID";} ["] this.popState(); [^"]* { console.log('Long description:', yytext);return "STATE_DESCR";} [^\n\s\{]+ {console.log('COMPOSIT_STATE', yytext);return 'COMPOSIT_STATE';} \n {this.popState();} \{ {this.popState();this.pushState('struct'); console.log('begin struct', yytext);return 'STRUCT_START';} \} { console.log('Ending struct'); this.popState(); return 'STRUCT_STOP';}} [\n] /* nothing */ "note"\s+ { this.begin('NOTE'); return 'note'; } "left of" { this.popState();this.pushState('NOTE_ID');console.log('Got dir');return 'left_of';} "right of" { this.popState();this.pushState('NOTE_ID');return 'right_of';} \" { this.popState();this.pushState('FLOATING_NOTE');} \s*"as"\s* {this.popState();this.pushState('FLOATING_NOTE_ID');return "AS";} ["] /**/ [^"]* { console.log('Floating note text: ', yytext);return "NOTE_TEXT";} [^\n]* {this.popState();console.log('Floating note ID', yytext);return "ID";} \s*[^:\n\s\-]+ { this.popState();this.pushState('NOTE_TEXT');console.log('Got ID for note', yytext);return 'ID';} \s*":"[^\+\-:\n,;]+ { this.popState();console.log('Got NOTE_TEXT for note',yytext);return 'NOTE_TEXT';} \s*[^\+\-:,;]+"end note" { this.popState();console.log('Got NOTE_TEXT for note',yytext);yytext = yytext.slice(0,-8).trim();return 'NOTE_TEXT';} "stateDiagram"\s+ { console.log('Got state diagram', yytext,'#');return 'SD'; } "hide empty description" { console.log('HIDE_EMPTY', yytext,'#');return 'HIDE_EMPTY'; } "[*]" { console.log('EDGE_STATE=',yytext); return 'EDGE_STATE';} [^:\n\s\-\{]+ { console.log('=>ID=',yytext); return 'ID';} \s*":"[^\+\->:\n,;]+ { yytext = yytext.trim(); console.log('Descr = ', yytext); return 'DESCR'; } "-->" return '-->'; "--" return 'CONCURRENT'; <> return 'NL'; . return 'INVALID'; /lex %left '^' %start start %% /* language grammar */ start : SPACE start | NL start | SD document { console.warn('Root document', $2); yy.setRootDoc($2);return $2; } ; document : /* empty */ { $$ = [] } | document line { if($2!='nl'){ $1.push($2);$$ = $1 } // console.warn('Got document',$1, $2); } ; line : SPACE statement { $$ = $2 } | statement { $$ = $1 } | NL { $$='nl';} ; statement : idStatement DESCR { console.warn('got id and descr', $1, $2.trim());$$={ stmt: 'state', id: $1, type: 'default', description: $2.trim()};} | idStatement '-->' idStatement { /*console.warn('got id', $1);yy.addRelation($1, $3);*/ $$={ stmt: 'relation', state1: { stmt: 'state', id: $1, type: 'default', description: '' }, state2:{ stmt: 'state', id: $3 ,type: 'default', description: ''}}; } | idStatement '-->' idStatement DESCR { /*yy.addRelation($1, $3, $4.substr(1).trim());*/ $$={ stmt: 'relation', state1: { stmt: 'state', id: $1, type: 'default', description: '' }, state2:{ stmt: 'state', id: $3 ,type: 'default', description: ''}, description: $4.substr(1).trim()}; } | HIDE_EMPTY | scale WIDTH | COMPOSIT_STATE | COMPOSIT_STATE STRUCT_START document STRUCT_STOP { console.warn('Adding document for state without id ', $1); $$={ stmt: 'state', id: $1, type: 'default', description: '', doc: $3 } } | STATE_DESCR AS ID { $$={id: $3, type: 'default', description: $1.trim()};} | STATE_DESCR AS ID STRUCT_START document STRUCT_STOP { //console.warn('Adding document for state with id ', $3, $4); yy.addDocument($3); $$={ stmt: 'state', id: $3, type: 'default', description: $1, doc: $5 } } | FORK | JOIN | CONCURRENT | note notePosition ID NOTE_TEXT { console.warn('got NOTE, position: ', $2.trim(), 'id = ', $3.trim(), 'note: ', $4); $$={ stmt: 'state', id: $3.trim(), note:{position: $2.trim(), text: $4.trim()}}; } | note NOTE_TEXT AS ID ; idStatement : ID {$$=$1;} | EDGE_STATE {$$=$1;} ; notePosition : left_of | right_of ; %%