import { select } from 'd3'; import * as db from './mindmapDb'; const MAX_SECTIONS = 12; /** * @param {string} text The text to be wrapped * @param {number} width The max width of the text */ function wrap(text, width) { text.each(function () { var text = select(this), words = text .text() .split(/(\s+|
)/) .reverse(), word, line = [], lineHeight = 1.1, // ems y = text.attr('y'), dy = parseFloat(text.attr('dy')), tspan = text .text(null) .append('tspan') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', y) .attr('dy', dy + 'em'); for (let j = 0; j < words.length; j++) { word = words[words.length - 1 - j]; line.push(word); tspan.text(line.join(' ').trim()); if (tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width || word === '
') { line.pop(); tspan.text(line.join(' ').trim()); if (word === '
') { line = ['']; } else { line = [word]; } tspan = text .append('tspan') .attr('x', 0) .attr('y', y) .attr('dy', lineHeight + 'em') .text(word); } } }); } const defaultBkg = function (elem, node, section) { const rd = 5; elem .append('path') .attr('id', 'node-' + .attr('class', 'node-bkg node-' + db.type2Str(node.type)) .attr( 'd', `M0 ${node.height - rd} v${-node.height + 2 * rd} q0,-5 5,-5 h${ node.width - 2 * rd } q5,0 5,5 v${node.height - rd} H0 Z` ); elem .append('line') .attr('class', 'node-line-' + section) .attr('x1', 0) .attr('y1', node.height) .attr('x2', node.width) .attr('y2', node.height); }; const rectBkg = function (elem, node) { elem .append('rect') .attr('id', 'node-' + .attr('class', 'node-bkg node-' + db.type2Str(node.type)) .attr('height', node.height) .attr('width', node.width); }; const cloudBkg = function (elem, node) { const w = node.width; const h = node.height; const r1 = 0.15 * w; const r2 = 0.25 * w; const r3 = 0.35 * w; const r4 = 0.2 * w; elem .append('path') .attr('id', 'node-' + .attr('class', 'node-bkg node-' + db.type2Str(node.type)) .attr( 'd', `M0 0 a${r1},${r1} 0 0,1 ${w * 0.25},${-1 * w * 0.1} a${r3},${r3} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.4},${-1 * w * 0.1} a${r2},${r2} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.35},${1 * w * 0.2} a${r1},${r1} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.35} a${r4},${r4} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.65} a${r2},${r1} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${w * 0.15} a${r3},${r3} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.5},${0} a${r1},${r1} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${-1 * w * 0.15} a${r1},${r1} 1 0,1 ${-1 * w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.35} a${r4},${r4} 1 0,1 ${w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.65} H0 V0 Z` ); }; const bangBkg = function (elem, node) { const w = node.width; const h = node.height; const r = 0.15 * w; elem .append('path') .attr('id', 'node-' + .attr('class', 'node-bkg node-' + db.type2Str(node.type)) .attr( 'd', `M0 0 a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${-1 * h * 0.1} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${0} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${0} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.25},${1 * h * 0.1} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.33} a${r * 0.8},${r * 0.8} 1 0,0 ${0},${1 * h * 0.34} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.15},${1 * h * 0.33} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${h * 0.15} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${0} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${0} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.25},${-1 * h * 0.15} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${-1 * w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.33} a${r * 0.8},${r * 0.8} 1 0,0 ${0},${-1 * h * 0.34} a${r},${r} 1 0,0 ${w * 0.1},${-1 * h * 0.33} H0 V0 Z` ); }; const circleBkg = function (elem, node) { elem .append('circle') .attr('id', 'node-' + .attr('class', 'node-bkg node-' + db.type2Str(node.type)) .attr('r', node.width / 2); }; /** * * @param parent * @param w * @param h * @param points * @param node */ function insertPolygonShape(parent, w, h, points, node) { return parent .insert('polygon', ':first-child') .attr( 'points', points .map(function (d) { return d.x + ',' + d.y; }) .join(' ') ) .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (node.width - w) / 2 + ', ' + h + ')'); } const hexagonBkg = function (elem, node) { const h = node.height; const f = 4; const m = h / f; const w = node.width - node.padding + 2 * m; const points = [ { x: m, y: 0 }, { x: w - m, y: 0 }, { x: w, y: -h / 2 }, { x: w - m, y: -h }, { x: m, y: -h }, { x: 0, y: -h / 2 }, ]; const shapeSvg = insertPolygonShape(elem, w, h, points, node); }; const roundedRectBkg = function (elem, node) { elem .append('rect') .attr('id', 'node-' + .attr('class', 'node-bkg node-' + db.type2Str(node.type)) .attr('height', node.height) .attr('rx', node.padding) .attr('ry', node.padding) .attr('width', node.width); }; /** * @param {object} elem The D3 dom element in which the node is to be added * @param {object} node The node to be added * @param fullSection * @param {object} conf The configuration object * @returns {number} The height nodes dom element */ export const drawNode = function (elem, node, fullSection, conf) { const section = (fullSection % MAX_SECTIONS) - 1; const nodeElem = elem.append('g'); node.section = section; nodeElem.attr( 'class', (node.class ? node.class + ' ' : '') + 'mindmap-node ' + (section < 0 ? 'section-root' : 'section-' + section) ); const bkgElem = nodeElem.append('g'); // Create the wrapped text element const textElem = nodeElem.append('g'); const txt = textElem .append('text') .text(node.descr) .attr('dy', '1em') .attr('alignment-baseline', 'middle') .attr('dominant-baseline', 'middle') .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .call(wrap, node.width); const bbox = txt.node().getBBox(); const fontSize = conf.fontSize.replace ? conf.fontSize.replace('px', '') : conf.fontSize; node.height = bbox.height + fontSize * 1.1 * 0.5 + node.padding; node.width = bbox.width + 2 * node.padding; if (node.icon) { if (node.type === db.nodeType.CIRCLE) { node.height += 50; node.width += 50; const icon = nodeElem .append('foreignObject') .attr('height', '50px') .attr('width', node.width) .attr('style', 'text-align: center;'); icon .append('div') .attr('class', 'icon-container') .append('i') .attr('class', 'node-icon-' + section + ' ' + node.icon); textElem.attr( 'transform', 'translate(' + node.width / 2 + ', ' + (node.height / 2 - 1.5 * node.padding) + ')' ); } else { node.width += 50; const orgHeight = node.height; node.height = Math.max(orgHeight, 60); const heightDiff = Math.abs(node.height - orgHeight); const icon = nodeElem .append('foreignObject') .attr('width', '60px') .attr('height', node.height) .attr('style', 'text-align: center;margin-top:' + heightDiff / 2 + 'px;'); icon .append('div') .attr('class', 'icon-container') .append('i') .attr('class', 'node-icon-' + section + ' ' + node.icon); textElem.attr( 'transform', 'translate(' + (25 + node.width / 2) + ', ' + (heightDiff / 2 + node.padding / 2) + ')' ); } } else { textElem.attr('transform', 'translate(' + node.width / 2 + ', ' + node.padding / 2 + ')'); } switch (node.type) { case db.nodeType.DEFAULT: defaultBkg(bkgElem, node, section, conf); break; case db.nodeType.ROUNDED_RECT: roundedRectBkg(bkgElem, node, section, conf); break; case db.nodeType.RECT: rectBkg(bkgElem, node, section, conf); break; case db.nodeType.CIRCLE: bkgElem.attr('transform', 'translate(' + node.width / 2 + ', ' + +node.height / 2 + ')'); circleBkg(bkgElem, node, section, conf); break; case db.nodeType.CLOUD: cloudBkg(bkgElem, node, section, conf); break; case db.nodeType.BANG: bangBkg(bkgElem, node, section, conf); break; case db.nodeType.HEXAGON: hexagonBkg(bkgElem, node, section, conf); break; } // Position the node to its coordinate // if (typeof node.x !== 'undefined' && typeof node.y !== 'undefined') { // nodeElem.attr('transform', 'translate(' + node.x + ',' + node.y + ')'); // } db.setElementForId(, nodeElem); return node.height; }; export const drawEdge = function drawEdge(edgesElem, mindmap, parent, depth, fullSection) { const section = (fullSection % MAX_SECTIONS) - 1; const sx = parent.x + parent.width / 2; const sy = parent.y + parent.height / 2; const ex = mindmap.x + mindmap.width / 2; const ey = mindmap.y + mindmap.height / 2; const mx = ex > sx ? sx + Math.abs(sx - ex) / 2 : sx - Math.abs(sx - ex) / 2; const my = ey > sy ? sy + Math.abs(sy - ey) / 2 : sy - Math.abs(sy - ey) / 2; const qx = ex > sx ? Math.abs(sx - mx) / 2 + sx : -Math.abs(sx - mx) / 2 + sx; const qy = ey > sy ? Math.abs(sy - my) / 2 + sy : -Math.abs(sy - my) / 2 + sy; edgesElem .append('path') .attr( 'd', parent.direction === 'TB' || parent.direction === 'BT' ? `M${sx},${sy} Q${sx},${qy} ${mx},${my} T${ex},${ey}` : `M${sx},${sy} Q${qx},${sy} ${mx},${my} T${ex},${ey}` ) .attr('class', 'edge section-edge-' + section + ' edge-depth-' + depth); }; export const positionNode = function (node) { const nodeElem = db.getElementById(; const x = node.x || 0; const y = node.y || 0; // Position the node to its coordinate nodeElem.attr('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')'); }; export default { drawNode, positionNode, drawEdge };