//(function (root, factory) { // if (typeof exports === 'object') { // // CommonJS // module.exports = factory(require('b')); // } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // // AMD // define(['b'], function (b) { // return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(b)); // }); // } else { // // Global Variables // root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(root.b); // } //}(this, function (b) { /** * Web page integration module for the mermaid framework. It uses the mermaidAPI for mermaid functionality and to render * the diagrams to svg code. */ var mermaidAPI = require('./mermaidAPI'); var nextId = 0; var log = require('./logger').create(); var utils = require('./utils'); module.exports.mermaidAPI = mermaidAPI; /** * ## init * Function that goes through the document to find the chart definitions in there and render them. * * The function tags the processed attributes with the attribute data-processed and ignores found elements with the * attribute already set. This way the init function can be triggered several times. * * Optionally, `init` can accept in the second argument one of the following: * - a DOM Node * - an array of DOM nodes (as would come from a jQuery selector) * - a W3C selector, a la `.mermaid` * * ```mermaid * graph LR; * a(Find elements)-->b{Processed} * b-->|Yes|c(Leave element) * b-->|No |d(Transform) * ``` * Renders the mermaid diagrams * @param nodes a css selector or an array of nodes */ var init = function () { var conf= mermaidAPI.getConfig(); log.debug('Starting rendering diagrams'); var nodes; if(arguments.length >= 2){ /*! sequence config was passed as #1 */ if(typeof arguments[0] !== 'undefined'){ mermaid.sequenceConfig = arguments[0]; } nodes = arguments[1]; } else{ nodes = arguments[0]; } // if last argument is a function this is the callback function var callback; if(typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === 'function'){ callback = arguments[arguments.length-1]; log.debug('Callback function found'); }else{ if(typeof conf.mermaid !== 'undefined'){ if(typeof conf.mermaid.callback === 'function'){ callback = conf.mermaid.callback; log.debug('Callback function found'); }else{ log.debug('No Callback function found'); } } } nodes = nodes === undefined ? document.querySelectorAll('.mermaid') : typeof nodes === 'string' ? document.querySelectorAll(nodes) : nodes instanceof Node ? [nodes] /*! Last case - sequence config was passed pick next */ : nodes; var i; if(typeof mermaid_config !== 'undefined'){ mermaidAPI.initialize(mermaid_config); } log.debug('Start On Load before: '+mermaid.startOnLoad); if(typeof mermaid.startOnLoad !== 'undefined'){ log.debug('Start On Load inner: '+mermaid.startOnLoad); mermaidAPI.initialize({startOnLoad:mermaid.startOnLoad}); } if(typeof mermaid.ganttConfig !== 'undefined'){ mermaidAPI.initialize({gantt:mermaid.ganttConfig}); } var txt; var insertSvg = function(svgCode, bindFunctions){ element.innerHTML = svgCode; if(typeof callback !== 'undefined'){ callback(id); } bindFunctions(element); }; for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var element = nodes[i]; /*! Check if previously processed */ if(!element.getAttribute('data-processed')) { element.setAttribute('data-processed', true); } else { continue; } var id = 'mermaidChart' + nextId++; var he = require('he'); // Fetch the graph definition including tags txt = element.innerHTML; //console.warn('delivererd from the browser: '); //console.warn(txt); // transforms the html to pure text txt = he.decode(txt).trim(); //console.warn('he decode: '); //console.warn(txt); mermaidAPI.render(id,txt,insertSvg, element); } }; exports.init = init; exports.parse = mermaidAPI.parse; /** * ## version * Function returning version information * @returns {string} A string containing the version info */ exports.version = function(){ return 'v'+require('../package.json').version; }; /** * ## initialize * This function overrides the default configuration. * @param config */ exports.initialize = function(config){ log.debug('Initializing mermaid'); if(typeof config.mermaid !== 'undefined') { if (typeof config.mermaid.startOnLoad !== 'undefined') { global.mermaid.startOnLoad = config.mermaid.startOnLoad; } if (typeof config.mermaid.htmlLabels !== 'undefined') { global.mermaid.htmlLabels = config.mermaid.htmlLabels; } } mermaidAPI.initialize(config); }; var equals = function (val, variable){ if(typeof variable === 'undefined'){ return false; } else{ return (val === variable); } }; /** * Global mermaid object. Contains the functions: * * init * * initialize * * version * * parse * * parseError * * render */ global.mermaid = { startOnLoad: true, htmlLabels: true, init: function(sequenceConfig, nodes) { init.apply(null, arguments); }, initialize: function(config) { exports.initialize(config); }, version: function() { return mermaidAPI.version(); }, parse: function(text) { return mermaidAPI.parse(text); }, parseError: function(err, hash) { log.debug('Mermaid Syntax error:'); log.debug(err); }, render:function(id, text,callback, element){ return mermaidAPI.render(id, text,callback, element); } }; /** * ## parseError * This function overrides the default configuration. * @param config */ exports.parseError = global.mermaid.parseError; /** * ##contentLoaded * Callback function that is called when page is loaded. This functions fetches configuration for mermaid rendering and * calls init for rendering the mermaid diagrams on the page. */ exports.contentLoaded = function(){ var config; // Check state of start config mermaid namespace if (typeof mermaid_config !== 'undefined') { if (equals(false, mermaid_config.htmlLabels)) { global.mermaid.htmlLabels = false; } } if(global.mermaid.startOnLoad) { // For backwards compatability reasons also check mermaid_config variable if (typeof mermaid_config !== 'undefined') { // Check if property startOnLoad is set if (equals(true, mermaid_config.startOnLoad)) { global.mermaid.init(); } } else { // No config found, do check API config config = mermaidAPI.getConfig(); if(config.startOnLoad){ global.mermaid.init(); } } }else{ //if(typeof global.mermaid === 'undefined' ){ if(typeof global.mermaid.startOnLoad === 'undefined' ){ log.debug('In start, no config'); config = mermaidAPI.getConfig(); if(config.startOnLoad){ global.mermaid.init(); } //}else{ // //} } } }; if(typeof document !== 'undefined'){ /*! * Wait for document loaded before starting the execution */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ exports.contentLoaded(); }, false); } // // Your actual module // return module.exports; //}));