> **Warning** > > ## THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. > > ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/community/documentation.md](../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/community/documentation.md). # Contributing Documentation If it is not in the documentation, it's like it never happened. Wouldn't that be sad? With all the effort that was put into the feature? ## Where is the Documentation Located? > **Warning** > DO NOT CHANGE FILES IN `/docs` > > The `docs` folder will be automatically generated when committing to `packages/mermaid/src/docs` and **should not** be edited manually. It is located in the [`packages/mermaid/src/docs`](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/tree/develop/packages/mermaid/src/docs) folder. Just pick the right section and start typing. The contents of [mermaid.js.org](https://mermaid.js.org/) are based on the docs from the `master` branch. Updates committed to the `master` branch are reflected in the [Mermaid Docs](https://mermaid.js.org/) once published. ```mermaid-example flowchart LR classDef default fill:#fff,color:black,stroke:black source["Edit /packages/mermaid/src/docs"] -- automatic processing--> published["View /docs which will be publised on Official Website"] ``` ```mermaid flowchart LR classDef default fill:#fff,color:black,stroke:black source["Edit /packages/mermaid/src/docs"] -- automatic processing--> published["View /docs which will be publised on Official Website"] ``` ## Running the Documentation Website Locally **[The mermaid documentation site](https://mermaid.js.org/) is powered by [Vitepress](https://vitepress.vuejs.org/).** Start development server for the documentation site **Host** ```bash pnpm --filter mermaid run docs:dev ``` or cd packages/mermaid pnpm docs:dev **Docker** ./run docs:dev Open in your browser. ## Format The documentation is written in Markdown. You can use `note`, `tip`, `warning` and `danger` in triple backticks to add a note, tip, warning or danger box. Do not use vitepress specific markdown syntax `::: warning` as it will not be processed correctly. ````markdown ```note Note content ``` ```tip Tip content ``` ```warning Warning content ``` ```danger Danger content ``` ```` Markdown is used to format the text, for more information about Markdown [see the GitHub Markdown help page](https://help.github.com/en/github/writing-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax). _\[TODO: need to keep this in sync with [check out a git branch in Contributing Code above](#1-checkout-a-git-branch) ]_ 1. Create a fork of the develop branch to work on. 2. Find the Markdown file (.md) to edit in the `packages/mermaid/src/docs` directory. 3. Make changes or add new documentation. 4. Commit changes to your branch and push it to GitHub (which should create a new branch). 5. Create a Pull Request from the branch of your fork. ## Documentation organization: Sidebar navigation If you want to propose changes to how the documentation is _organized_, such as adding a new section or re-arranging or renaming a section, you must update the **sidebar navigation.** The sidebar navigation is defined in [the vitepress configuration file config.ts](../.vitepress/config.ts).