> **Warning** > > ## THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. > > ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/mermaidAPI.md](../../../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/mermaidAPI.md). # Module: mermaidAPI ## References ### default Renames and re-exports [mermaidAPI](mermaidAPI.md#mermaidapi) ## Variables ### mermaidAPI • `Const` **mermaidAPI**: `Readonly`<{ `defaultConfig`: `MermaidConfig` = configApi.defaultConfig; `getConfig`: () => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.getConfig; `getSiteConfig`: () => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.getSiteConfig; `globalReset`: () => `void` ; `initialize`: (`options`: `MermaidConfig`) => `void` ; `parse`: (`text`: `string`, `parseError?`: `ParseErrorFunction`) => `boolean` ; `parseAsync`: (`text`: `string`, `parseError?`: `ParseErrorFunction`) => `Promise`<`boolean`> ; `parseDirective`: (`p`: `any`, `statement`: `string`, `context`: `string`, `type`: `string`) => `void` ; `render`: (`id`: `string`, `text`: `string`, `cb?`: (`svgCode`: `string`, `bindFunctions?`: (`element`: `Element`) => `void`) => `void`, `container?`: `Element`) => `string` ; `renderAsync`: (`id`: `string`, `text`: `string`, `cb?`: (`svgCode`: `string`, `bindFunctions?`: (`element`: `Element`) => `void`) => `void`, `container?`: `Element`) => `Promise`<`string`> ; `reset`: () => `void` ; `setConfig`: (`conf`: `MermaidConfig`) => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.setConfig; `updateSiteConfig`: (`conf`: `MermaidConfig`) => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.updateSiteConfig }> ## mermaidAPI configuration defaults ```ts const config = { theme: 'default', logLevel: 'fatal', securityLevel: 'strict', startOnLoad: true, arrowMarkerAbsolute: false, er: { diagramPadding: 20, layoutDirection: 'TB', minEntityWidth: 100, minEntityHeight: 75, entityPadding: 15, stroke: 'gray', fill: 'honeydew', fontSize: 12, useMaxWidth: true, }, flowchart: { diagramPadding: 8, htmlLabels: true, curve: 'basis', }, sequence: { diagramMarginX: 50, diagramMarginY: 10, actorMargin: 50, width: 150, height: 65, boxMargin: 10, boxTextMargin: 5, noteMargin: 10, messageMargin: 35, messageAlign: 'center', mirrorActors: true, bottomMarginAdj: 1, useMaxWidth: true, rightAngles: false, showSequenceNumbers: false, }, gantt: { titleTopMargin: 25, barHeight: 20, barGap: 4, topPadding: 50, leftPadding: 75, gridLineStartPadding: 35, fontSize: 11, fontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif', numberSectionStyles: 4, axisFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', topAxis: false, }, }; mermaid.initialize(config); ``` #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:835](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L835) ## Functions ### appendDivSvgG ▸ **appendDivSvgG**(`parentRoot`, `id`, `enclosingDivId`, `divStyle?`, `svgXlink?`): `any` Append an enclosing div, then svg, then g (group) to the d3 parentRoot. Set attributes. Only set the style attribute on the enclosing div if divStyle is given. Only set the xmlns:xlink attribute on svg if svgXlink is given. Return the last node appended #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :--------------- | :------- | :----------------------------------------------- | | `parentRoot` | `any` | the d3 node to append things to | | `id` | `string` | the value to set the id attr to | | `enclosingDivId` | `string` | the id to set the enclosing div to | | `divStyle?` | `string` | if given, the style to set the enclosing div to | | `svgXlink?` | `string` | if given, the link to set the new svg element to | #### Returns `any` - returns the parentRoot that had nodes appended #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:283](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L283) --- ### cleanUpSvgCode ▸ **cleanUpSvgCode**(`svgCode?`, `inSandboxMode`, `useArrowMarkerUrls`): `string` Clean up svgCode. Do replacements needed #### Parameters | Name | Type | Default value | Description | | :------------------- | :-------- | :------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------- | | `svgCode` | `string` | `''` | the code to clean up | | `inSandboxMode` | `boolean` | `undefined` | security level | | `useArrowMarkerUrls` | `boolean` | `undefined` | should arrow marker's use full urls? (vs. just the anchors) | #### Returns `string` the cleaned up svgCode #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:234](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L234) --- ### createCssStyles ▸ **createCssStyles**(`config`, `graphType`, `classDefs?`): `string` Create the user styles #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :---------- | :-------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `config` | `MermaidConfig` | configuration that has style and theme settings to use | | `graphType` | `string` | used for checking if classDefs should be applied | | `classDefs` | `undefined` | `null` | `Record`<`string`, `DiagramStyleClassDef`> | the classDefs in the diagram text. Might be null if none were defined. Usually is the result of a call to getClasses(...) | #### Returns `string` the string with all the user styles #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:161](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L161) --- ### createUserStyles ▸ **createUserStyles**(`config`, `graphType`, `classDefs`, `svgId`): `string` #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :---------- | :----------------------------------------- | | `config` | `MermaidConfig` | | `graphType` | `string` | | `classDefs` | `Record`<`string`, `DiagramStyleClassDef`> | | `svgId` | `string` | #### Returns `string` #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:211](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L211) --- ### cssImportantStyles ▸ **cssImportantStyles**(`cssClass`, `element`, `cssClasses?`): `string` Create a CSS style that starts with the given class name, then the element, with an enclosing block that has each of the cssClasses followed by !important; #### Parameters | Name | Type | Default value | Description | | :----------- | :---------- | :------------ | :--------------------------------------------- | | `cssClass` | `string` | `undefined` | CSS class name | | `element` | `string` | `undefined` | CSS element | | `cssClasses` | `string`\[] | `[]` | list of CSS styles to append after the element | #### Returns `string` - the constructed string #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:145](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L145) --- ### decodeEntities ▸ **decodeEntities**(`text`): `string` #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :----- | :------- | :----------------- | | `text` | `string` | text to be decoded | #### Returns `string` #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:83](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L83) --- ### encodeEntities ▸ **encodeEntities**(`text`): `string` #### Parameters | Name | Type | Description | | :----- | :------- | :----------------- | | `text` | `string` | text to be encoded | #### Returns `string` #### Defined in [mermaidAPI.ts:57](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/master/packages/mermaid/src/mermaidAPI.ts#L57)