%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% graph TB a --> b a --> c b --> d c --> d
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% flowchart TB %% I could not figure out how to use double quotes in labels in Mermaid subgraph ibm[IBM Espresso CPU] core0[IBM PowerPC Broadway Core 0] core1[IBM PowerPC Broadway Core 1] core2[IBM PowerPC Broadway Core 2] rom[16 KB ROM] core0 --- core2 rom --> core2 end subgraph amd[AMD Latte GPU] mem[Memory & I/O Bridge] dram[DRAM Controller] edram[32 MB EDRAM MEM1] rom[512 B SEEPROM] sata[SATA IF] exi[EXI] subgraph gx[GX] sram[3 MB 1T-SRAM] end radeon[AMD Radeon R7xx GX2] mem --- gx mem --- radeon rom --- mem mem --- sata mem --- exi dram --- sata dram --- exi end ddr3[2 GB DDR3 RAM MEM2] mem --- ddr3 dram --- ddr3 edram --- ddr3 core1 --- mem exi --- rtc rtc{{rtc}}
flowchart TB %% I could not figure out how to use double quotes in labels in Mermaid subgraph ibm[IBM Espresso CPU] core0[IBM PowerPC Broadway Core 0] core1[IBM PowerPC Broadway Core 1] core2[IBM PowerPC Broadway Core 2] rom[16 KB ROM] core0 --- core2 rom --> core2 end subgraph amd[AMD Latte GPU] mem[Memory & I/O Bridge] dram[DRAM Controller] edram[32 MB EDRAM MEM1] rom[512 B SEEPROM] sata[SATA IF] exi[EXI] subgraph gx[GX] sram[3 MB 1T-SRAM] end radeon[AMD Radeon R7xx GX2] mem --- gx mem --- radeon rom --- mem mem --- sata mem --- exi dram --- sata dram --- exi end ddr3[2 GB DDR3 RAM MEM2] mem --- ddr3 dram --- ddr3 edram --- ddr3 core1 --- mem exi --- rtc rtc{{rtc}}
flowchart LR B1 --be be--x B2 B1 --bo bo--o B3 subgraph Ugge B2 B3 subgraph inner B4 B5 end subgraph inner2 subgraph deeper C4 C5 end C6 end B4 --> C4 B3 -- X --> B4 B2 --> inner C4 --> C5 end subgraph outer B6 end B6 --> B5
sequenceDiagram Customer->>+Stripe: Makes a payment request Stripe->>+Bank: Forwards the payment request to the bank Bank->>+Customer: Asks for authorization Customer->>+Bank: Provides authorization Bank->>+Stripe: Sends a response with payment details Stripe->>+Merchant: Sends a notification of payment receipt Merchant->>+Stripe: Confirms the payment Stripe->>+Customer: Sends a confirmation of payment Customer->>+Merchant: Receives goods or services
gantt title Style today marker (vertical line should be 5px wide and half-transparent blue) dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %d todayMarker stroke-width:5px,stroke:#00f,opacity:0.5 section Section1 Today: 1, -1h