journey title Adding journey diagram functionality to mermaid accTitle: Adding acc journey diagram functionality to mermaid accDescr { My multi-line description of the diagram } section Order from website
pie accTitle: My Pie Chart Accessibility Title accDescr: My Pie Chart Accessibility Description title Key elements in Product X "Calcium" : 42.96 "Potassium" : 50.05 "Magnesium" : 10.01 "Iron" : 5
gitGraph commit commit branch develop commit commit commit checkout main commit commit
sequenceDiagram title: My Sequence Diagram Title accTitle: My Acc Sequence Diagram accDescr: My Sequence Diagram Description Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? John-->>Alice: Great! Alice-)John: See you later!
graph TD A -->|000| B B -->|111| C linkStyle 1 stroke:#ff3,stroke-width:4px,color:red;
journey accTitle: My User Journey Diagram accDescr: My User Journey Diagram Description title My working day section Go to work Make tea: 5: Me Go upstairs: 3: Me Do work: 1: Me, Cat section Go home Go downstairs: 5: Me Sit down: 5: Me
requirementDiagram accTitle: My req Diagram accDescr: My req Diagram Description requirement test_req { id: 1 text: the test text. risk: high verifymethod: test } functionalRequirement test_req2 { id: 1.1 text: the second test text. risk: low verifymethod: inspection } performanceRequirement test_req3 { id: 1.2 text: the third test text. risk: medium verifymethod: demonstration } element test_entity { type: simulation } element test_entity2 { type: word doc docRef: reqs/test_entity } test_entity - satisfies -> test_req2 test_req - traces -> test_req2 test_req - contains -> test_req3 test_req <- copies - test_entity2
gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid excludes weekends %% (`excludes` accepts specific dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, days of the week ("sunday") or "weekends", but not the word "weekdays".) section A section Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d section Critical tasks Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d Future task in critical line :crit, 5d Create tests for renderer :2d Add to mermaid :1d Functionality added :milestone, 2014-01-25, 0d section Documentation Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h section Last section Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page :20h Add another diagram to demo page :48h
stateDiagram state Active { Idle } Inactive --> Idle: ACT Active --> Active: LOG
flowchart TB accTitle: My flowchart accDescr: My flowchart Description subgraph One a1-->a2-->a3 end
sequenceDiagram A ->> B: 1 rect rgb(204, 0, 102) break yes rect rgb(0, 204, 204) C ->> C: 0 end end end B ->> A: Return
classDiagram accTitle: My class diagram accDescr: My class diagram Description Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool Class09 --> C2 : Where am i? Class09 --* C3 Class09 --|> Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : size() Class01 : int chimp Class01 : int gorilla class Class10 { int id size() }
stateDiagram accTitle: Apa accDescr: One that can climb better then any man [*] --> S1 state "Some long name" as S1
classDiagram Animal "1" <|-- Duck Animal <|-- Fish Animal <--o Zebra Animal : +int age Animal : +String gender Animal: +isMammal() Animal: +mate() class Duck{ +String beakColor +swim() +quack() } class Fish{ -int sizeInFeet -canEat() } class Zebra{ +bool is_wild +run() }