import { logger } from '../../logger'; let prevActor = undefined; let actors = {}; let messages = []; const notes = []; let title = ''; let titleWrapped = false; let sequenceNumbersEnabled = false; let wrapEnabled = false; let currentDirective = {}; export const parseDirective = function(statement, context) { try { if (statement !== undefined) { statement = statement.trim(); switch (context) { case 'open_directive': currentDirective = {}; break; case 'type_directive': currentDirective.type = statement.toLowerCase(); break; case 'arg_directive': currentDirective.args = JSON.parse(statement); break; case 'close_directive': handleDirective(currentDirective); currentDirective = null; break; } } } catch (error) { logger.error( `Error while rendering sequenceDiagram directive: ${statement} jison context: ${context}` ); logger.error(error.message); } }; const handleDirective = function(directive) { logger.debug(`Directive type=${directive.type} with args:`, directive.args); switch (directive.type) { case 'init': case 'initialize': logger.debug('init/initialize is handled in mermaid/mermaidAPI'); break; case 'wrap': case 'nowrap': wrapEnabled = directive.type === 'wrap'; break; default: logger.warn( `Unhandled directive: source: '%%{${directive.type}: ${JSON.stringify( directive.args ? directive.args : {} )}}%%`, directive ); break; } }; export const addActor = function(id, name, description) { // Don't allow description nulling const old = actors[id]; if (old && name === && description == null) return; // Don't allow null descriptions, either if (description == null || description.text == null) { description = { text: name, wrap: null }; } actors[id] = { name: name, description: description.text, wrap: (description.wrap === undefined && autoWrap()) || !!description.wrap, prevActor: prevActor }; if (prevActor && actors[prevActor]) { actors[prevActor].nextActor = id; } prevActor = id; }; const activationCount = part => { let i; let count = 0; for (i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { // console.warn(i, messages[i]); if (messages[i].type === LINETYPE.ACTIVE_START) { if (messages[i] === part) { count++; } } if (messages[i].type === LINETYPE.ACTIVE_END) { if (messages[i] === part) { count--; } } } return count; }; export const addMessage = function(idFrom, idTo, message, answer) { messages.push({ from: idFrom, to: idTo, message: message.text, wrap: (message.wrap === undefined && autoWrap()) || !!message.wrap, answer: answer }); }; export const addSignal = function( idFrom, idTo, message = { text: undefined, wrap: undefined }, messageType ) { logger.debug( 'Adding message from=' + idFrom + ' to=' + idTo + ' message=' + message.text + ' wrap=' + message.wrap + ' type=' + messageType ); if (messageType === LINETYPE.ACTIVE_END) { const cnt = activationCount(; logger.debug('Adding message from=', messages, cnt); if (cnt < 1) { // Bail out as there is an activation signal from an inactive participant let error = new Error('Trying to inactivate an inactive participant (' + + ')'); error.hash = { text: '->>-', token: '->>-', line: '1', loc: { first_line: 1, last_line: 1, first_column: 1, last_column: 1 }, expected: ["'ACTIVE_PARTICIPANT'"] }; throw error; } } messages.push({ from: idFrom, to: idTo, message: message.text, wrap: (message.wrap === undefined && autoWrap()) || !!message.wrap, type: messageType }); return true; }; export const getMessages = function() { return messages; }; export const getActors = function() { return actors; }; export const getActor = function(id) { return actors[id]; }; export const getActorKeys = function() { return Object.keys(actors); }; export const getTitle = function() { return title; }; export const getTitleWrapped = function() { return titleWrapped; }; export const enableSequenceNumbers = function() { sequenceNumbersEnabled = true; }; export const showSequenceNumbers = () => sequenceNumbersEnabled; export const setWrap = function(wrapSetting) { wrapEnabled = wrapSetting; }; export const autoWrap = () => wrapEnabled; export const clear = function() { actors = {}; messages = []; }; export const parseMessage = function(str) { const _str = str.trim(); return { text: _str.replace(/^[:]?(?:no)?wrap:/, '').trim(), wrap: _str.match(/^[:]?(?:no)?wrap:/) === null ? autoWrap() : _str.match(/^[:]?wrap:/) !== null ? true : _str.match(/^[:]?nowrap:/) !== null ? false : autoWrap() }; }; export const LINETYPE = { SOLID: 0, DOTTED: 1, NOTE: 2, SOLID_CROSS: 3, DOTTED_CROSS: 4, SOLID_OPEN: 5, DOTTED_OPEN: 6, LOOP_START: 10, LOOP_END: 11, ALT_START: 12, ALT_ELSE: 13, ALT_END: 14, OPT_START: 15, OPT_END: 16, ACTIVE_START: 17, ACTIVE_END: 18, PAR_START: 19, PAR_AND: 20, PAR_END: 21, RECT_START: 22, RECT_END: 23 }; export const ARROWTYPE = { FILLED: 0, OPEN: 1 }; export const PLACEMENT = { LEFTOF: 0, RIGHTOF: 1, OVER: 2 }; export const addNote = function(actor, placement, message) { const note = { actor: actor, placement: placement, message: message.text, wrap: (message.wrap === undefined && autoWrap()) || !!message.wrap }; // Coerce actor into a [to, from, ...] array const actors = [].concat(actor, actor); notes.push(note); messages.push({ from: actors[0], to: actors[1], message: message.text, wrap: (message.wrap === undefined && autoWrap()) || !!message.wrap, type: LINETYPE.NOTE, placement: placement }); }; export const setTitle = function(titleWrap) { title = titleWrap.text; titleWrapped = (titleWrap.wrap === undefined && autoWrap()) || !!titleWrap.wrap; }; export const apply = function(param) { if (param instanceof Array) { param.forEach(function(item) { apply(item); }); } else { switch (param.type) { case 'addActor': addActor(,, param.description); break; case 'activeStart': addSignal(, undefined, undefined, param.signalType); break; case 'activeEnd': addSignal(, undefined, undefined, param.signalType); break; case 'addNote': addNote(, param.placement, param.text); break; case 'addMessage': addSignal(param.from,, param.msg, param.signalType); break; case 'loopStart': addSignal(undefined, undefined, param.loopText, param.signalType); break; case 'loopEnd': addSignal(undefined, undefined, undefined, param.signalType); break; case 'rectStart': addSignal(undefined, undefined, param.color, param.signalType); break; case 'rectEnd': addSignal(undefined, undefined, undefined, param.signalType); break; case 'optStart': addSignal(undefined, undefined, param.optText, param.signalType); break; case 'optEnd': addSignal(undefined, undefined, undefined, param.signalType); break; case 'altStart': addSignal(undefined, undefined, param.altText, param.signalType); break; case 'else': addSignal(undefined, undefined, param.altText, param.signalType); break; case 'altEnd': addSignal(undefined, undefined, undefined, param.signalType); break; case 'setTitle': setTitle(param.text); break; case 'parStart': addSignal(undefined, undefined, param.parText, param.signalType); break; case 'and': addSignal(undefined, undefined, param.parText, param.signalType); break; case 'parEnd': addSignal(undefined, undefined, undefined, param.signalType); break; } } }; export default { addActor, addMessage, addSignal, autoWrap, setWrap, enableSequenceNumbers, showSequenceNumbers, getMessages, getActors, getActor, getActorKeys, getTitle, parseDirective, getTitleWrapped, clear, parseMessage, LINETYPE, ARROWTYPE, PLACEMENT, addNote, setTitle, apply };