import { imgSnapshotTest, renderGraph } from '../../helpers/util.js'; describe('User journey diagram', () => { it('Simple test', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `journey title Adding journey diagram functionality to mermaid section Order from website `, {} ); }); it('should render a user journey chart', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` journey title My working day section Go to work Make tea: 5: Me Go upstairs: 3: Me Do work: 1: Me, Cat section Go home Go downstairs: 5: Me Sit down: 3: Me `, {} ); }); it('should render a user journey diagram when useMaxWidth is true (default)', () => { renderGraph( `journey title E-Commerce section Order from website Add to cart: 5: Me section Checkout from website Add payment details: 5: Me `, { journey: { useMaxWidth: true } } ); cy.get('svg').should((svg) => { expect(svg).to.have.attr('width', '100%'); expect(svg).to.have.attr('height'); // const height = parseFloat(svg.attr('height')); // expect(height).to.eq(565); const style = svg.attr('style'); expect(style).to.match(/^max-width: [\d.]+px;$/); const maxWidthValue = parseFloat(style.match(/[\d.]+/g).join('')); expect(maxWidthValue).to.eq(700); }); }); it('should render a user journey diagram when useMaxWidth is false', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `journey title E-Commerce section Order from website Add to cart: 5: Me section Checkout from website Add payment details: 5: Me `, { journey: { useMaxWidth: false } } ); }); });