--- config: look: handDrawn theme: default --- flowchart LR n00@{ shape: triangle, label: 'This is a label for triangle shape' } n11@{ shape: sloped-rectangle, label: 'This is a label for sloped-rectangle shape' } n22@{ shape: horizontal-cylinder, label: 'This is a label for horizontal-cylinder shape' } n33@{ shape: flipped-triangle, label: 'This is a label for flipped-triangle shape' } n44@{ shape: hourglass, label: 'This is a label for hourglass shape' } n00 --> n11 n00 --> n22 n00 --> n33 n00 --> n44 n11 --> n22 n11 --> n33 n11 --> n44 n22 --> n33 n22 --> n44 n33 --> n44
--- config: look: handDrawn theme: default --- flowchart LR n22@{ shape: h-cyl } n00 --> n11 n00 --> n22 n11 --> n22
flowchart LR nA[Default] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'rounded' }
flowchart LR nA[Style] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'rounded' } style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR nA[Class] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'rounded' } A:::AClass classDef AClass fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR nA[Class] --> A@{ icon: 'logos:aws', form: 'rounded' }
flowchart LR nA[Default] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'square' }
flowchart LR nA[Style] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'square' } style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR nA[Class] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'square' } A:::AClass classDef AClass fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR nA[Class] --> A@{ icon: 'logos:aws', form: 'square' }
flowchart LR nA[Default] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'circle' }
flowchart LR nA[Style] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'circle' } style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR nA[Class] --> A@{ icon: 'fa:bell', form: 'circle' } A:::AClass classDef AClass fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR nA[Class] --> A@{ icon: 'logos:aws', form: 'circle' } A:::AClass classDef AClass fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
flowchart LR nA[Style] --> A@{ icon: 'logos:aws', form: 'circle' } style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
kanban id2[In progress] docs[Create Blog about the new diagram]@{ priority: 'Very Low', ticket: MC-2037, assigned: 'knsv' }
--- config: kanban: ticketBaseUrl: 'https://mermaidchart.atlassian.net/browse/#TICKET#' # sectionWidth: 300 --- kanban Todo [Create Documentation] docs[Create Blog about the new diagram] id7[In progress] id6[Create renderer so that it works in all cases. We also add som extra text here for testing purposes. And some more just for the extra flare.] id9[Ready for deploy] id8[Design grammar]@{ assigned: 'knsv' } id10[Ready for test] id4[Create parsing tests]@{ ticket: MC-2038, assigned: 'K.Sveidqvist', priority: 'High' } id66[last item]@{ priority: 'Very Low', assigned: 'knsv' } id11[Done] id5[define getData] id2[Title of diagram is more than 100 chars when user duplicates diagram with 100 char]@{ ticket: MC-2036, priority: 'Very High'} id3[Update DB function]@{ ticket: MC-2037, assigned: knsv, priority: 'High' } id12[Can't reproduce] id3[Weird flickering in Firefox]