/** * Created by knut on 14-11-18. */ var proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); //var log = require('../../logger').create(); var sq = require('./parser/sequenceDiagram').parser; var newD3; var d3 = { select:function(){ return new newD3(); }, selectAll:function(){ return new newD3(); } }; //var sd = proxyquire('./sequenceRenderer', { './d3': d3 }); var sd = proxyquire('./sequenceRenderer', { '../../d3': d3 }); var str; describe('when parsing a sequenceDiagram',function() { beforeEach(function () { sq.yy = require('./sequenceDb'); sq.yy.clear(); //parseError = function(err, hash) { // log.debug('Syntax error:' + err); // log.debug(hash); //}; //sq.yy.parseError = parseError; }); it('it should handle a sequenceDiagram defintion', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob:Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(3); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[2].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should space in actor names', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob:Hello Bob, how are - you?\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(2); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[1].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle in async messages', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice-xBob:Hello Bob, how are you?\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); expect(actors.Bob.description).toBe('Bob'); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(1); expect(messages[0].type).toBe(sq.yy.LINETYPE.SOLID_CROSS); }); it('it should handle in async dotted messages', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice--xBob:Hello Bob, how are you?\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); expect(actors.Bob.description).toBe('Bob'); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(1); expect(messages[0].type).toBe(sq.yy.LINETYPE.DOTTED_CROSS); }); it('it should handle in arrow messages', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->>Bob:Hello Bob, how are you?\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); expect(actors.Bob.description).toBe('Bob'); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(1); expect(messages[0].type).toBe(sq.yy.LINETYPE.SOLID); }); it('it should handle in arrow messages', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice-->>Bob:Hello Bob, how are you?\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); expect(actors.Bob.description).toBe('Bob'); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(1); expect(messages[0].type).toBe(sq.yy.LINETYPE.DOTTED); }); it('it should handle comments in a sequenceDiagram', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n'+ '%% Comment\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(3); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[2].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle new lines in a sequenceDiagram', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n\n' + '%% Comment\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(3); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[2].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle semicolons', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram;' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?;' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks;' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!;'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(3); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[2].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle one leading space in lines in a sequenceDiagram', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + ' Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n\n' + '%% Comment\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(3); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[2].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle several leading spaces in lines in a sequenceDiagram', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + ' Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n\n' + '%% Comment\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(3); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[2].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle several leading spaces in lines in a sequenceDiagram', function () { str = 'sequenceDiagram\n'+ 'participant Alice\n'+ 'participant Bob\n'+ 'Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?\n'+ ' loop Healthcheck\n'+ 'John->John: Fight against hypochondria\n'+ ' end\n'+ 'Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail...\n'+ ' John-->Alice: Great!\n'+ ' John->Bob: How about you?\n'+ 'Bob-->John: Jolly good!\n'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(8); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[2].from).toBe('John'); }); it('it should handle loop statements a sequenceDiagram', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n\n' + '%% Comment\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'loop Multiple happy responses\n\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(5); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[1].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle opt statements a sequenceDiagram', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n\n' + '%% Comment\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'opt Perhaps a happy response\n\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(5); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[1].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle alt statements a sequenceDiagram', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n\n' + '%% Comment\n' + 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'alt isWell\n\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'else isSick\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: Feel sick...\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var actors = sq.yy.getActors(); expect(actors.Alice.description).toBe('Alice'); actors.Bob.description = 'Bob'; var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages.length).toBe(7); expect(messages[0].from).toBe('Alice'); expect(messages[1].from).toBe('Bob'); }); it('it should handle special characters in signals', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: -:<>,;# comment'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[0].message).toBe('-:<>,'); }); it('it should handle special characters in notes', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'Note right of Bob: -:<>,;# comment'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[1].message).toBe('-:<>,'); }); it('it should handle special characters in loop', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'loop -:<>,;# comment\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[1].message).toBe('-:<>,'); }); it('it should handle special characters in opt', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'opt -:<>,;# comment\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[1].message).toBe('-:<>,'); }); it('it should handle special characters in alt', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'alt -:<>,;# comment\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'else ,<>:-#; comment\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[1].message).toBe('-:<>,'); expect(messages[3].message).toBe(',<>:-'); }); it('it should handle no-label loop', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'loop\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[1].message).toBe(''); expect(messages[2].message).toBe('I am good thanks!'); }); it('it should handle no-label opt', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'opt # comment\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[1].message).toBe(''); expect(messages[2].message).toBe('I am good thanks!'); }); it('it should handle no-label alt', function () { var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n' + 'alt;' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'else # comment\n' + 'Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!\n' + 'end'; sq.parse(str); var messages = sq.yy.getMessages(); expect(messages[1].message).toBe(''); expect(messages[2].message).toBe('I am good thanks!'); expect(messages[3].message).toBe(''); expect(messages[4].message).toBe('I am good thanks!'); }); }); describe('when checking the bounds in a sequenceDiagram',function() { var conf; beforeEach(function () { sq.yy = require('./sequenceDb'); sq.yy.clear(); //parseError = function(err, hash) { // log.debug('Syntax error:' + err); // log.debug(hash); //}; //sq.yy.parseError = parseError; conf = { diagramMarginX:50, diagramMarginY:10, actorMargin:50, width:150, // Height of actor boxes height:65, boxMargin:10, messageMargin:40, boxTextMargin:15, noteMargin:25 }; sd.setConf(conf); }); it('it should handle a simple bound call', function () { sd.bounds.init(); sd.bounds.insert(100,100,200,200); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(100); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(100); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(200); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(200); }); it('it should handle an expanding bound', function () { sd.bounds.init(); sd.bounds.insert(100,100,200,200); sd.bounds.insert(25,50,300,400); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(25); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(50); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(300); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(400); }); it('it should handle inserts within the bound without changing the outer bounds', function () { sd.bounds.init(); sd.bounds.insert(100,100,200,200); sd.bounds.insert(25,50,300,400); sd.bounds.insert(125,150,150,200); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(25); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(50); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(300); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(400); }); it('it should handle a loop without expanding the area', function () { sd.bounds.init(); sd.bounds.insert(25,50,300,400); sd.bounds.verticalPos = 150; sd.bounds.newLoop(); sd.bounds.insert(125,150,150,200); var loop = sd.bounds.endLoop(); expect(loop.startx).toBe(125-conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.starty).toBe(150-conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopx ).toBe(150+conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopy ).toBe(200+conf.boxMargin); // Check bounds of first loop var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(25); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(50); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(300); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(400); }); it('it should handle multiple loops withtout expanding the bounds', function () { sd.bounds.init(); sd.bounds.insert(100,100,1000,1000); sd.bounds.verticalPos = 200; sd.bounds.newLoop(); sd.bounds.newLoop(); sd.bounds.insert(200,200,300,300); // Check bounds of first loop var loop = sd.bounds.endLoop(); expect(loop.startx).toBe(200-conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.starty).toBe(200-conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopx ).toBe(300+conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopy ).toBe(300+conf.boxMargin); // Check bounds of second loop loop = sd.bounds.endLoop(); expect(loop.startx).toBe(200-2*conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.starty).toBe(200-2*conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopx ).toBe(300+2*conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopy ).toBe(300+2*conf.boxMargin); // Check bounds of first loop var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(100); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(100); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(1000); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(1000); }); it('it should handle a loop that expands the area', function () { sd.bounds.init(); sd.bounds.insert(100,100,200,200); sd.bounds.verticalPos = 200; sd.bounds.newLoop(); sd.bounds.insert(50,50,300,300); var loop = sd.bounds.endLoop(); expect(loop.startx).toBe(50 - conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.starty).toBe(50 - conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopx ).toBe(300 + conf.boxMargin); expect(loop.stopy ).toBe(300 + conf.boxMargin); // Check bounds after the loop var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(loop.startx); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(loop.starty); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(loop.stopx); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(loop.stopy); }); }); describe('when rendering a sequenceDiagram',function() { var conf; beforeEach(function () { sq.yy = require('./sequenceDb'); sq.yy.clear(); var MockBrowser = require('mock-browser').mocks.MockBrowser; var mock = new MockBrowser(); delete global.mermaid_config; // and in the run-code inside some object global.document = mock.getDocument(); global.window = mock.getWindow(); //parseError = function(err, hash) { // log.debug('Syntax error:' + err); // log.debug(hash); //}; //sq.yy.parseError = parseError; newD3 = function() { var o = { append: function () { return newD3(); }, attr: function () { return this; }, style: function () { return this; }, text: function () { return this; }, 0:{ 0: { getBBox: function () { return { height: 10, width: 20 }; } } } }; return o; }; conf = { diagramMarginX:50, diagramMarginY:10, actorMargin:50, width:150, // Height of actor boxes height:65, boxMargin:10, messageMargin:40, boxTextMargin:15, noteMargin:25 }; sd.setConf(conf); }); it('it should handle one actor', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'participant Alice\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(0); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe( conf.width); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(conf.height); }); it('it should handle one actor and a note', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'participant Alice\n' + 'Note left of Alice: Alice thinks\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(-(conf.width/2)-(conf.actorMargin/2)); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe( conf.width ); // 10 comes from mock of text height expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe( conf.height + conf.boxMargin + 2*conf.noteMargin +10); }); it('it should handle one actor and a note to the right', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'participant Alice\n' + 'Note right of Alice: Alice thinks\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(0); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe( (conf.width/2) + (conf.actorMargin/2) + conf.width); // 10 comes from mock of text height expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe( conf.height + conf.boxMargin + 2*conf.noteMargin +10); }); it('it should handle two actors', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(0); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(conf.width*2 + conf.actorMargin); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(0 + conf.messageMargin + conf.height); }); it('it should draw two actors and two messages', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n'+ 'Bob->Alice: Fine!\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(0); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(0 + conf.width*2 + conf.actorMargin); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(0 + 2*conf.messageMargin + conf.height); }); it('it should draw two actors notes to the right', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n'+ 'Note right of Bob: Bob thinks\n' + 'Bob->Alice: Fine!\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(0); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); var expStopX = conf.actorMargin +conf.width+ (conf.width/2) + conf.noteMargin + conf.width; expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(expStopX); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(2*conf.messageMargin + conf.height + conf.boxMargin + 10+ 2*conf.noteMargin); }); it('it should draw two actors notes to the left', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n'+ 'Note left of Alice: Bob thinks\n' + 'Bob->Alice: Fine!\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe( -(conf.width/2)-(conf.actorMargin/2)); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe( conf.width*2 + conf.actorMargin); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe( 2*conf.messageMargin + conf.height + conf.boxMargin +10+ 2*conf.noteMargin); }); it('it should draw two loops', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?\n'+ 'loop Cheers\n' + 'Bob->Alice: Fine!\n' + 'end\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(0); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe(0 + conf.width*2 + conf.actorMargin); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(0 + 2*conf.messageMargin + conf.height + 3*conf.boxMargin + conf.boxTextMargin); }); }); describe('when rendering a sequenceDiagram with actor mirror activated',function() { var conf; beforeEach(function () { sq.yy = require('./sequenceDb'); sq.yy.clear(); //parseError = function(err, hash) { // log.debug('Syntax error:' + err); // log.debug(hash); //}; //sq.yy.parseError = parseError; newD3 = function() { var o = { append: function () { return newD3(); }, attr: function () { return this; }, style: function () { return this; }, text: function () { return this; }, 0:{ 0: { getBBox: function () { return { height: 10, width: 20 }; } } } }; return o; }; conf = { diagramMarginX:50, diagramMarginY:10, actorMargin:50, width:150, // Height of actor boxes height:65, boxMargin:10, messageMargin:40, boxTextMargin:15, noteMargin:25, mirrorActors:true, // Depending on css styling this might need adjustment // Prolongs the edge of the diagram downwards bottomMarginAdj:1 }; sd.setConf(conf); }); it('it should handle one actor', function () { sd.bounds.init(); var str = 'sequenceDiagram\n' + 'participant Alice\n'; sq.parse(str); sd.draw(str,'tst'); var bounds = sd.bounds.getBounds(); expect(bounds.startx).toBe(0); expect(bounds.starty).toBe(0); expect(bounds.stopx ).toBe( conf.width); expect(bounds.stopy ).toBe(2*conf.height+2*conf.boxMargin); }); });