import { imgSnapshotTest, renderGraph } from '../../helpers/util.js';

describe('Requirement diagram', () => {
  it('sample', () => {

    requirement test_req {
    id: 1
    text: the test text.
    risk: high
    verifymethod: test

    functionalRequirement test_req2 {
    id: 1.1
    text: the second test text.
    risk: low
    verifymethod: inspection

    performanceRequirement test_req3 {
    id: 1.2
    text: the third test text.
    risk: medium
    verifymethod: demonstration

    element test_entity {
    type: simulation

    element test_entity2 {
    type: word doc
    docRef: reqs/test_entity

    test_entity - satisfies -> test_req2
    test_req - traces -> test_req2
    test_req - contains -> test_req3
    test_req <- copies - test_entity2