      title: This is a title
        theme: forest
        %% title This is a title
        %% accDescription Test a description

        "Person . CUSTOMER"||--o{ ORDER : places

        ORDER ||--|{ "€£LINE_ITEM ¥" : contains

        "Person . CUSTOMER" }|..|{ "Address//StreetAddress::[DELIVERY ADDRESS]" : uses

        "Address//StreetAddress::[DELIVERY ADDRESS]" {
          int customerID FK
          string line1 "this is the first address line comment"
          string line2
          string city
          string region
          string state
          string(5) postal_code
          string country

        "a_~`!@#$^&*()-_=+[]{}|/;:'.?¡⁄™€£‹¢›∞fi§‡•°ª·º‚≠±œŒ∑„®†ˇ¥Á¨ˆˆØπ∏“«»åÅßÍ∂΃ϩ˙Ó∆Ô˚¬Ò…ÚæÆΩ¸≈π˛çÇ√◊∫ı˜µÂ≤¯≥˘÷¿" {
          string name "this is an entity with an absurd name just to show characters that are now acceptable as long as the name is in double quotes"

        "€£LINE_ITEM ¥" {
          int orderID FK
          int currencyId FK
          number price
          number quantity
          number adjustment
          number final_price

      "HOSPITAL" {
        int id PK
        int doctor_id FK
        string address UK
        string name
        string phone_number
        string fax_number

        "HOSPITAL" {
          int id PK
          int doctor_id PK, FK
          string address UK
          string name
          string phone_number
          string fax_number

        CAR ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : allows
        CAR {
          string registrationNumber PK
          string make
          string model
          string[] parts
        PERSON ||--o{ NAMED-DRIVER : is
        PERSON {
          string driversLicense PK "The license #"
          string(99) firstName "Only 99 characters are allowed"
          string lastName
          string phone UK
          int age
        NAMED-DRIVER {
          string carRegistrationNumber PK, FK
          string driverLicence PK,FK
        MANUFACTURER only one to zero or more CAR : makes

      p[Person] {
          string firstName
          string lastName
      a["Customer Account"] {
          string email
      p ||--o| a : has