Line Interpolation Linear (default)
graph TB
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
D --> A
Line Interpolation Basis
graph TB
linkStyle default interpolate basis fill:none;
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
D --> A
Line Interpolation Step-After
graph TB
linkStyle default interpolate step-after fill:none;
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
D --> A
Hierarchy Using Defaults
graph TB
A --> B
A --> C
A --> D
A --> E
B --> B1
B --> B2
Hierarchy Using step-after
graph TB
linkStyle default interpolate step-after fill:none;
A --> B
A --> C
A --> D
A --> E
B --> B1
B --> B2
LR Hierarchy Using step-before
step-after works here too
graph LR
linkStyle default interpolate step-before fill:none;
A --> B
A --> C
A --> D
A --> E
B --> B1
B --> B2
Line Interpolation Cardinal
graph TB
linkStyle default interpolate cardinal fill:none;
A --> B
A --> C
A --> D
D --> A
Line Interpolation Monotone
Monotone is monotonic in y, so it only looks good LR
graph LR
linkStyle default interpolate monotone fill:none;
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
D --> A
Mixing Line Interpolation Types
Specify the link number; the link must be defined first
graph TB
A -- basis --> B
A -- linear --> C
C -- step-after --> D
D -- cardinal --> A
linkStyle 0 interpolate basis fill:none;
linkStyle 1 interpolate linear fill:none;
linkStyle 2 interpolate step-after fill:none;
linkStyle 3 interpolate cardinal fill:none;