# A basic mermaid User-Guide for Beginners **Edit this Page** [![N|Solid](./img/GitHub-Mark-32px.png)](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/develop/docs/n00b-gettingStarted.md) Creating diagrams and charts using mermaid code is simple. The code is turned into a diagram in the web page with the use of a mermaid renderer. The mermaid renderer is a piece of javascript that parses mermaid definitions, when called. This then renders a diagram based on that code in SVG, alternatively it Most web browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari, can render mermaid, Internet Explorer however cannot. ## For beginners, there are four relatively easy ways you can use mermaid: 1. Using the mermaid [live editor](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/) For some popular video tutorials on the live editor go to [Overview](./n00b-overview.md). 2. Using one of the many [mermaid plugins](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/integrations). 3. Calling mermaid renderer with HTML,click here for more in depth information on [Usage](./usage.md). 4. Installing mermaid with npm and deploying it using a relative link in the ` ``` ### b. The embedded mermaid diagram definition is similarly placed inside a `
` tag: ``` Here is a mermaid diagram:
graph TD A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer] B --> C[Server01] B --> D[Server02]
``` (take note that every mermaid chart/graph/diagram definition, has to have separate `
` tags.) ### c. When initializing mermaid using `mermaid.initialize()`, mermaid takes all the `
` tags it can find in the html body and starts to render them one by one. This is done like so: ``` ``` ### *Finally* ### If the three steps mentioned are followed you will end up with something like this: ### Note that ``` Here is one mermaid diagram:
graph TD A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer] B --> C[Server1] B --> D[Server2]
And here is another:
graph TD A[Client] -->|tcp_123| B(Load Balancer) B -->|tcp_456| C[Server1] B -->|tcp_456| D[Server2]
``` ### Save this to an html file and open it with a browser. --- ## 4. Calling mermaid from a relative link. This method is similar to 3, if only a little more involved. The difference may be very subtle even, insignificant to a majority of people, but it offers its own advantages. 1. install node v10 or 12, which would have npm 2. download yarn using npm. npm install -g yarn 3. After yarn installs, enter the following command: yarn add mermaid 4. After downloading mermaid, you can then open the mermaid you’ve downloaded and go to the `dist` folder. 5. Find the `mermaid.min.js` file, press the shift key and right click on and select copy as path from the options. 6. Paste it within the `script` tag as the `src`. ``` ``` 7. It should look something like this ``` ``` 8. Add the graph and diagram definitions as you would in number 3, be mindful of the `div` tags. 9. Save, load/edit your HTML file to your liking. **Note** placing the HTML file on the same folder the mermaid filed you've downloaded is a good practice and allows you to shorten the address. **As seen here:** ``` ``` **Three additional comments from Knut Sveidqvist, creator of mermaid:** - In early versions of mermaid, the `