Sequence diagram demos

      accTitle: test the accTitle
      accDescr: Test a description

			participant Alice
			participant Bob
			participant John as John
Second Line link Alice: Dashboard @ link Alice: Wiki @ link John: Dashboard @ link John: Wiki @ autonumber 10 10 rect rgb(200, 220, 100) rect rgb(200, 255, 200) Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>John: How about you John? end Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks! Bob-x John: I am good thanks! Note right of John: John thinks a long
long time, so long
that the text does
not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Note over John:wrap: John looks like he's still thinking, so Bob prods him a bit. Bob-x John: Hey John - we're still waiting to know
how you're doing Note over John:nowrap: John's trying hard not to break his train of thought. Bob-x John:wrap: John! Are you still debating about how you're doing? How long does it take?? Note over John: After a few more moments, John
finally snaps out of it. end autonumber off alt either this Alice->>+John: Yes John-->>-Alice: OK else or this autonumber Alice->>John: No else or this will happen Alice->John: Maybe end autonumber 200 par this happens in parallel Alice -->> Bob: Parallel message 1 and Alice -->> John: Parallel message 2 end

    title: With forced menus
        forceMenus: true
      participant Alice
      participant John
      link Alice: Dashboard @
      link Alice: Wiki @
      link John: Dashboard @
      link John: Wiki @
      Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
      John-->>Alice: Great!
      Alice-)John: See you later!

      accTitle: Sequence diagram title is here
      accDescr: Hello friends

    participant Alice
    participant Bob
    participant John as John
Second Line rect rgb(200, 220, 100) rect rgb(200, 255, 200) Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>John: How about you John? end Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks! Bob-x John: I am good thanks! Note right of John: John thinks a long
long time, so long
that the text does
not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Note over John:wrap: John looks like he's still thinking, so Bob prods him a bit. Bob-x John: Hey John - we're still waiting to know
how you're doing Note over John:nowrap: John's trying hard not to break his train of thought. Bob-x John:wrap: John! Are you still debating about how you're doing? How long does it take?? Note over John: After a few more moments, John
finally snaps out of it. end alt either this Alice->>John: Yes else or this Alice->>John: No else or this will happen Alice->John: Maybe end par this happens in parallel Alice -->> Bob: Parallel message 1 and Alice -->> John: Parallel message 2 end

    participant 1 as multiline
using #lt;br#gt; participant 2 as multiline
using #lt;br/#gt; participant 3 as multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; participant 4 as multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; 1->>2: multiline
using #lt;br#gt; note right of 2: multiline
using #lt;br#gt; 2->>3: multiline
using #lt;br/#gt; note right of 3: multiline
using #lt;br/#gt; 3->>4: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; note right of 4: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; 4->>1: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; note right of 1: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt;

    Alice->>John: Hello John,
how are you? autonumber 50 10 Alice->>John: John,
can you hear me? John-->>Alice: Hi Alice,
I can hear you! autonumber off John-->>Alice: I feel great!

        box lightgreen Alice & John
        participant A
        participant J
        box Another Group very very long description not wrapped
        participant B
        A->>J: Hello John, how are you?
        J->>A: Great!
        A->>B: Hello Bob, how are you ?

      participant Alice
      participant Bob
      participant John
      par_over Section title
        Alice ->> Bob: Message 1
Second line Bob ->> John: Message 2 end par_over Two line
section title Note over Alice: Alice note Note over Bob: Bob note
Second line Note over John: John note end par_over Mixed section Alice ->> Bob: Message 1 Note left of Bob: Alice/Bob Note end

    participant 1 as $$\frac{\lim_{x\rightarrow0}{\frac{1}{x}}}{\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}}$$
    participant 2 as $$\beta$$
    participant 3 as $$\delta$$
    participant 4 as $$\frac{\frac{\lim_{x\rightarrow0}{\frac{1}{x}}}{\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}}}{\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}x}{x^2}}$$
    1->>2: $$\sqrt{2}$$
    note right of 2: $$\frac{1+\frac{1+\frac{1+\frac{1}{2}}{2}}{2}}{2}+\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$$
    2->>3: $$\frac{\lim_{x\rightarrow0}{\frac{1}{x}}}{\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}}$$
    note right of 3: $$\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$$
    3->>4: $$\lim_{x\rightarrow0}{\frac{1}{x}}$$;
    note right of 4: multiline
    4->>1: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; note right of 1: multiline
3rd line

      participant 1 as $$\alpha$$lex
      participant 2 as $$\beta$$ob
      participant 3 as $$\theta$$iffany
      1->>2: Hello John, does  $$\frac{1}{2}+1=2$$?
      loop $$\frac{1}{2}+1=2$$
          2->>2: $$\frac{1}{2}+1=\frac{3}{2}$$
      Note right of 2: $$x = \begin{cases} 1 &\text{if } \frac{1}{2}+1=2 \\ 0 &\text{if } \frac{1}{2}+1\ne2 \end{cases}$$
      2-->>1: $$\frac{1}{2}+1\ne2\implies 1$$
      2->>3: $$\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}x}{3x^2+2x+1}$$
      3-->>2: $$6x+2$$

      actor Alice
      actor John
      Alice-xJohn: Hello John, how are you?
      John--xAlice: Great!