import { imgSnapshotTest, renderGraph } from '../../helpers/util.js'; describe('Flowchart v2', () => { it('1: should render a simple flowchart', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, {} ); }); it('2: should render a simple flowchart with diagramPadding set to 0', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} %% this is a comment C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { diagramPadding: 0 } } ); }); it('3: a link with correct arrowhead to a subgraph', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD P1 P1 -->P1.5 subgraph P1.5 P2 P2.5(( A )) P3 end P2 --> P4 P3 --> P6 P1.5 --> P5 `, {} ); }); it('4: Length of edges', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD L1 --- L2 L2 --- C M1 ---> C R1 .-> R2 R2 <.-> C C -->|Label 1| E1 C <-- Label 2 ---> E2 C ----> E3 C <-...-> E4 C ======> E5 `, {} ); }); it('5: should render escaped without html labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD a["<strong>Haiya</strong>"]---->b `, { htmlLabels: false, flowchart: { htmlLabels: false } } ); }); it('6: should render non-escaped with html labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD a["<strong>Haiya</strong>"]===>b `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('7: should render a flowchart when useMaxWidth is true (default)', () => { renderGraph( `flowchart TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { useMaxWidth: true } } ); cy.get('svg').should((svg) => { expect(svg).to.have.attr('width', '100%'); // expect(svg).to.have.attr('height'); // use within because the absolute value can be slightly different depending on the environment ±5% // const height = parseFloat(svg.attr('height')); // expect(height) * 0.95, 446 * 1.05); const style = svg.attr('style'); expect(style).to.match(/^max-width: [\d.]+px;$/); const maxWidthValue = parseFloat(style.match(/[\d.]+/g).join('')); expect(maxWidthValue) * 0.95 - 1, 290 * 1.05); }); }); it('8: should render a flowchart when useMaxWidth is false', () => { renderGraph( `flowchart TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { useMaxWidth: false } } ); cy.get('svg').should((svg) => { // const height = parseFloat(svg.attr('height')); const width = parseFloat(svg.attr('width')); // use within because the absolute value can be slightly different depending on the environment ±5% // expect(height) * 0.95, 446 * 1.05); expect(width) * 0.95 - 1, 290 * 1.05); expect(svg).to.not.have.attr('style'); }); }); it('V2 - 16: Render Stadium shape', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart TD A([stadium shape test]) A -->|Get money| B([Go shopping]) B --> C([Let me think...<br />Do I want something for work,<br />something to spend every free second with,<br />or something to get around?]) C -->|One| D([Laptop]) C -->|Two| E([iPhone]) C -->|Three| F([Car<br/>wroom wroom]) click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass; class C someclass; `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('50: handle nested subgraphs in reverse order', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart LR a -->b subgraph A B end subgraph B b end `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('51: handle nested subgraphs in reverse order', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart LR a -->b subgraph A B end subgraph B b end `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('52: handle nested subgraphs in several levels.', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TB b-->B a-->c subgraph O A end subgraph B c end subgraph A a b B end `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('53: handle nested subgraphs with edges in and out', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TB internet nat routeur lb1 lb2 compute1 compute2 subgraph project routeur nat subgraph subnet1 compute1 lb1 end subgraph subnet2 compute2 lb2 end end internet --> routeur routeur --> subnet1 & subnet2 subnet1 & subnet2 --> nat --> internet `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('54: handle nested subgraphs with outgoing links', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD subgraph main subgraph subcontainer subcontainer-child end subcontainer-child--> subcontainer-sibling end `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('55: handle nested subgraphs with outgoing links 2', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD subgraph one[One] subgraph sub_one[Sub One] _sub_one end subgraph sub_two[Sub Two] _sub_two end _one end %% here, either the first or the second one sub_one --> sub_two _one --> b `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('56: handle nested subgraphs with outgoing links 3', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TB subgraph container_Beta process_C-->Process_D end subgraph container_Alpha process_A-->process_B process_A-->|messages|process_C end process_B-->|via_AWSBatch|container_Beta `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('57: handle nested subgraphs with outgoing links 4', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart LR subgraph A a -->b end subgraph B b end `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('57: handle nested subgraphs with outgoing links 2', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TB c1-->a2 subgraph one a1-->a2 end subgraph two b1-->b2 end subgraph three c1-->c2 end one --> two three --> two two --> c2 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('57.x: handle nested subgraphs with outgoing links 5', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%% this does not produce the desired result flowchart TB subgraph container_Beta process_C-->Process_D end subgraph container_Alpha process_A-->process_B process_B-->|via_AWSBatch|container_Beta process_A-->|messages|process_C end `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('58: handle styling with style expressions', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart LR id1(Start)-->id2(Stop) style id1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('59: handle styling of subgraphs and links', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart TD A[Christmas] ==> D A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) A[Christmas] ==> C subgraph T ["Test"] A B C end classDef Test fill:#F84E68,stroke:#333,color:white; class A,T Test classDef TestSub fill:green; class T TestSub linkStyle 0,1 color:orange, stroke: orange; `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('60: handle styling for all node shapes - v2', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart LR A[red text] -->|default style| B(blue text) C([red text]) -->|default style| D[[blue text]] E[(red text)] -->|default style| F((blue text)) G>red text] -->|default style| H{blue text} I{{red text}} -->|default style| J[/blue text/] K[\\ red text\\] -->|default style| L[/blue text\\] M[\\ red text/] -->|default style| N[blue text]; O(((red text))) -->|default style| P(((blue text))); linkStyle default color:Sienna; style A stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style B stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; style C stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style D stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; style E stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style F stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; style G stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style H stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; style I stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style J stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; style K stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style L stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; style M stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style N stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; style O stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000; style P stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff; `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose', logLevel: 2 } ); }); it('61: fontawesome icons in edge labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart TD C -->|fa:fa-car Car| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('62: should render styled subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart TB A B subgraph foo[Foo SubGraph] C D end subgraph bar[Bar SubGraph] E F end G A-->B B-->C C-->D B-->D D-->E E-->A E-->F F-->D F-->G B-->G G-->D style foo fill:#F99,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#F0F,color:darkred style bar fill:#999,stroke-width:10px,stroke:#0F0,color:blue `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('63: title on subgraphs should be themable', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` %%{init:{"theme":"base", "themeVariables": {"primaryColor":"#411d4e", "titleColor":"white", "darkMode":true}}}%% flowchart LR subgraph A a --> b end subgraph B i -->f end A --> B `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('65: text-color from classes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart LR classDef dark fill:#000,stroke:#000,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff Lorem --> Ipsum --> Dolor class Lorem,Dolor dark `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('66: More nested subgraph cases (TB)', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart TB subgraph two b1 end subgraph three c2 end three --> two two --> c2 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('67: More nested subgraph cases (RL)', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart RL subgraph two b1 end subgraph three c2 end three --> two two --> c2 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('68: More nested subgraph cases (BT)', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart BT subgraph two b1 end subgraph three c2 end three --> two two --> c2 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('69: More nested subgraph cases (LR)', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart LR subgraph two b1 end subgraph three c2 end three --> two two --> c2 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('70: Handle nested subgraph cases (TB) link out and link between subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart TB subgraph S1 sub1 -->sub2 end subgraph S2 sub4 end S1 --> S2 sub1 --> sub4 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('71: Handle nested subgraph cases (RL) link out and link between subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart RL subgraph S1 sub1 -->sub2 end subgraph S2 sub4 end S1 --> S2 sub1 --> sub4 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('72: Handle nested subgraph cases (BT) link out and link between subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart BT subgraph S1 sub1 -->sub2 end subgraph S2 sub4 end S1 --> S2 sub1 --> sub4 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('74: Handle nested subgraph cases (RL) link out and link between subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart RL subgraph S1 sub1 -->sub2 end subgraph S2 sub4 end S1 --> S2 sub1 --> sub4 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('74: Handle labels for multiple edges from and to the same couple of nodes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart RL subgraph one a1 -- l1 --> a2 a1 -- l2 --> a2 end `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('76: handle unicode encoded character with HTML labels true', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TB a{{"Lorem 'ipsum' dolor 'sit' amet, 'consectetur' adipiscing 'elit'."}} --> b{{"Lorem #quot;ipsum#quot; dolor #quot;sit#quot; amet,#quot;consectetur#quot; adipiscing #quot;elit#quot;."}} `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('2050: handling of different rendering direction in subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart LR subgraph TOP direction TB subgraph B1 direction RL i1 -->f1 end subgraph B2 direction BT i2 -->f2 end end A --> TOP --> B B1 --> B2 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('2388: handling default in the node name', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart LR default-index.js --> dot.template.js index.js --> module-utl.js `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('2824: Clipping of edges', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart TD A --> B A --> C B --> C `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('1433: should render a titled flowchart with titleTopMargin set to 0', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `--- title: Simple flowchart --- flowchart TD A --> B `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('3192: It should be possieble to render flowcharts with invisible edges', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `--- title: Simple flowchart with invisible edges --- flowchart TD A ~~~ B `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('4023: Should render html labels with images and-or text correctly', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `flowchart TD B[<img src=''>] B-->C[<img src=""> more text <img src=''>] B-->D(<img src=''> some text) B-->E(plain)`, {} ); }); describe('Markdown strings flowchart (#4220)', () => { describe('html labels', () => { it('With styling and classes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%% flowchart LR A:::someclass --> B["\`The **cat** in the hat\`"]:::someclass id1(Start)-->id2(Stop) style id1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 classDef someclass fill:#f96 `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('With formatting in a node', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%% flowchart LR a{"\`The **cat** in the hat\`"} -- 1o --> b a -- 2o --> c a -- 3o --> d g --2i--> a d --1i--> a h --3i -->a b --> d(The dog in the hog) c --> d `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('New line in node and formatted edge label', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%% flowchart LR b("\`The dog in **the** hog.(1) NL\`") --"\`1o **bold**\`"--> c `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('Wrapping long text with a new line', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%% flowchart LR b("\`The dog in **the** hog.(1).. a a a a *very long text* about it Word! Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. \`") --> c `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('Sub graphs and markdown strings', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": true}} }%% flowchart LR subgraph "One" a("\`The **cat** in the hat\`") -- "1o" --> b{{"\`The **dog** in the hog\`"}} end subgraph "\`**Two**\`" c("\`The **cat** in the hat\`") -- "\`1o **ipa**\`" --> d("The dog in the hog") end `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); }); describe('svg text labels', () => { it('With styling and classes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart LR A:::someclass --> B["\`The **cat** in the hat\`"]:::someclass id1(Start)-->id2(Stop) style id1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 classDef someclass fill:#f96 `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('With formatting in a node', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart LR a{"\`The **cat** in the hat\`"} -- 1o --> b a -- 2o --> c a -- 3o --> d g --2i--> a d --1i--> a h --3i -->a b --> d(The dog in the hog) c --> d `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('New line in node and formatted edge label', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart LR b("\`The dog in **the** hog.(1) NL\`") --"\`1o **bold**\`"--> c `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('Wrapping long text with a new line', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart LR b("\`The dog in **the** hog.(1).. a a a a *very long text* about it Word! Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. Another line with many, many words. \`") --> c `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); it('Sub graphs and markdown strings', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart LR subgraph "One" a("\`The **cat** in the hat\`") -- "1o" --> b{{"\`The **dog** in the hog\`"}} end subgraph "\`**Two**\`" c("\`The **cat** in the hat\`") -- "\`1o **ipa**\`" --> d("The dog in the hog") end `, { titleTopMargin: 0 } ); }); }); }); });