
C4Context title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "BankBoundary0") { Person(customerA, "Banking Customer A", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") Person(customerB, "Banking Customer B") Person_Ext(customerC, "Banking Customer C", "desc") Person(customerD, "Banking Customer D", "A customer of the bank,
with personal bank accounts.") System(SystemAA, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.") Enterprise_Boundary(b1, "BankBoundary") { SystemDb_Ext(SystemE, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.") System_Boundary(b2, "BankBoundary2") { System(SystemA, "Banking System A") System(SystemB, "Banking System B", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.") } System_Ext(SystemC, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.") SystemDb(SystemD, "Banking System D Database", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") Boundary(b3, "BankBoundary3", "boundary") { SystemQueue(SystemF, "Banking System F Queue", "A system of the bank.") SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, "Banking System G Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.") } } } BiRel(customerA, SystemAA, "Uses") BiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, "Uses") Rel(SystemAA, SystemC, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP") Rel(SystemC, customerA, "Sends e-mails to") UpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor="red", $bgColor="grey", $borderColor="red") UpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetX="5") UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-10") UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-40", $offsetX="-50") UpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $offsetX="-50", $offsetY="20") UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")
C4Container title Container diagram for Internet Banking System System_Ext(email_system, "E-Mail System", "The internal Microsoft Exchange system", $tags="v1.0") Person(customer, Customer, "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts", $tags="v1.0") Container_Boundary(c1, "Internet Banking") { Container(spa, "Single-Page App", "JavaScript, Angular", "Provides all the Internet banking functionality to cutomers via their web browser") Container_Ext(mobile_app, "Mobile App", "C#, Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset of the Internet banking functionality to customers via their mobile device") Container(web_app, "Web Application", "Java, Spring MVC", "Delivers the static content and the Internet banking SPA") ContainerDb(database, "Database", "SQL Database", "Stores user registration information, hashed auth credentials, access logs, etc.") ContainerDb_Ext(backend_api, "API Application", "Java, Docker Container", "Provides Internet banking functionality via API") } System_Ext(banking_system, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.") Rel(customer, web_app, "Uses", "HTTPS") UpdateRelStyle(customer, web_app, $offsetY="60", $offsetX="90") Rel(customer, spa, "Uses", "HTTPS") UpdateRelStyle(customer, spa, $offsetY="-40") Rel(customer, mobile_app, "Uses") UpdateRelStyle(customer, mobile_app, $offsetY="-30") Rel(web_app, spa, "Delivers") UpdateRelStyle(web_app, spa, $offsetX="130") Rel(spa, backend_api, "Uses", "async, JSON/HTTPS") Rel(mobile_app, backend_api, "Uses", "async, JSON/HTTPS") Rel_Back(database, backend_api, "Reads from and writes to", "sync, JDBC") Rel(email_system, customer, "Sends e-mails to") UpdateRelStyle(email_system, customer, $offsetX="-45") Rel(backend_api, email_system, "Sends e-mails using", "sync, SMTP") UpdateRelStyle(backend_api, email_system, $offsetY="-60") Rel(backend_api, banking_system, "Uses", "sync/async, XML/HTTPS") UpdateRelStyle(backend_api, banking_system, $offsetY="-50", $offsetX="-140")
C4Component title Component diagram for Internet Banking System - API Application Container(spa, "Single Page Application", "javascript and angular", "Provides all the internet banking functionality to customers via their web browser.") Container(ma, "Mobile App", "Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset ot the internet banking functionality to customers via their mobile mobile device.") ContainerDb(db, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.") System_Ext(mbs, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.") Container_Boundary(api, "API Application") { Component(sign, "Sign In Controller", "MVC Rest Controlle", "Allows users to sign in to the internet banking system") Component(accounts, "Accounts Summary Controller", "MVC Rest Controller", "Provides customers with a summary of their bank accounts") Component(security, "Security Component", "Spring Bean", "Provides functionality related to singing in, changing passwords, etc.") Component(mbsfacade, "Mainframe Banking System Facade", "Spring Bean", "A facade onto the mainframe banking system.") Rel(sign, security, "Uses") Rel(accounts, mbsfacade, "Uses") Rel(security, db, "Read & write to", "JDBC") Rel(mbsfacade, mbs, "Uses", "XML/HTTPS") } Rel_Back(spa, sign, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS") Rel(spa, accounts, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS") Rel(ma, sign, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS") Rel(ma, accounts, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
C4Dynamic title Dynamic diagram for Internet Banking System - API Application ContainerDb(c4, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.") Container(c1, "Single-Page Application", "JavaScript and Angular", "Provides all of the Internet banking functionality to customers via their web browser.") Container_Boundary(b, "API Application") { Component(c3, "Security Component", "Spring Bean", "Provides functionality Related to signing in, changing passwords, etc.") Component(c2, "Sign In Controller", "Spring MVC Rest Controller", "Allows users to sign in to the Internet Banking System.") } Rel(c1, c2, "Submits credentials to", "JSON/HTTPS") Rel(c2, c3, "Calls isAuthenticated() on") Rel(c3, c4, "select * from users where username = ?", "JDBC") UpdateRelStyle(c1, c2, $textColor="red", $offsetY="-40") UpdateRelStyle(c2, c3, $textColor="red", $offsetX="-40", $offsetY="60") UpdateRelStyle(c3, c4, $textColor="red", $offsetY="-40", $offsetX="10")
C4Deployment title Deployment Diagram for Internet Banking System - Live Deployment_Node(mob, "Customer's mobile device", "Apple IOS or Android"){ Container(mobile, "Mobile App", "Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their mobile device.") } Deployment_Node(comp, "Customer's computer", "Mircosoft Windows or Apple macOS"){ Deployment_Node(browser, "Web Browser", "Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge"){ Container(spa, "Single Page Application", "JavaScript and Angular", "Provides all of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their web browser.") } } Deployment_Node(plc, "Big Bank plc", "Big Bank plc data center"){ Deployment_Node(dn, "bigbank-api*** x8", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){ Deployment_Node(apache, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){ Container(api, "API Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Provides Internet Banking functionality via a JSON/HTTPS API.") } } Deployment_Node(bb2, "bigbank-web*** x4", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){ Deployment_Node(apache2, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){ Container(web, "Web Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Delivers the static content and the Internet Banking single page application.") } } Deployment_Node(bigbankdb01, "bigbank-db01", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){ Deployment_Node(oracle, "Oracle - Primary", "Oracle 12c"){ ContainerDb(db, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.") } } Deployment_Node(bigbankdb02, "bigbank-db02", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS") { Deployment_Node(oracle2, "Oracle - Secondary", "Oracle 12c") { ContainerDb(db2, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.") } } } Rel(mobile, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS") Rel(spa, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS") Rel_U(web, spa, "Delivers to the customer's web browser") Rel(api, db, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC") Rel(api, db2, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC") Rel_R(db, db2, "Replicates data to")

pie title Key elements in Product X accDescription This is a pie chart showing the key elements in Product X. "Calcium" : 42.96 "Potassium" : 50.05 "Magnesium" : 10.01 "Iron" : 5
gantt title Airworks roadmap dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %m-%d %a excludes weekends, 2021-10-01,2021-10-04,2021-10-05,2021-10-06,2021-10-07 includes 2021-10-09 section Airworks 3.4.1 开发 :b, 2021-10-07, 5d 测试 :after b, 4d OK :milestore section Airworks 3.4.2 开发 :a, 2021-10-09, 4d 测试 :after a, 4d
gantt title Exclusive end dates (Manual date should end on 3d) dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %d section Section1 2 Days: 1, 2019-01-01,2d Manual Date: 2, 2019-01-01,2019-01-03
gantt title Inclusive end dates (Manual date should end on 4th) dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %d inclusiveEndDates section Section1 2 Days: 1, 2019-01-01,2d Manual Date: 2, 2019-01-01,2019-01-03
gantt title Hide today marker (vertical line should not be visible) dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %d todayMarker off section Section1 Today: 1, -1h
gantt title Style today marker (vertical line should be 5px wide and half-transparent blue) dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %d todayMarker stroke-width:5px,stroke:#00f,opacity:0.5 section Section1 Today: 1, -1h

graph LR sid-B3655226-6C29-4D00-B685-3D5C734DC7E1[" 提交申请 熊大 "]; class sid-B3655226-6C29-4D00-B685-3D5C734DC7E1 node-executed; sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A[" 负责人审批 强子 "]; class sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A node-executed; sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221[" DBA审批 强子 "]; class sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221 node-executed; sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD[" SA审批 阿美 "]; class sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD node-executed; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7[" 主管审批 光头强 "]; class sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7 node-executed; sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89[" DBA确认 强子 "]; class sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89 node-executed; sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937[" SA确认 阿美 "]; class sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937 node-executed; sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22[" 结束 "]; class sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22 node-executed; sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E[" SA执行1 强子 "]; class sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E node-executed; sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4[" SA执行2 强子 "]; class sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4 node-executed; sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338[" DBA执行1 强子 "]; class sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338 node-executed; sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD[" DBA执行3 强子 "]; class sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD node-executed; sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756[" DBA执行2 强子 "]; class sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756 node-executed; sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93[" DBA执行4 强子 "]; class sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93 node-executed; sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070[" 负责人确认 梁静茹 "]; class sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070 node-executed; sid-B3655226-6C29-4D00-B685-3D5C734DC7E1-->sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7; sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A-->sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070; sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221-->sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89; sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD-->sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937; sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E-->sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4; sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338-->sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756; sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD-->sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93; sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070-->sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22; sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937-->sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E; sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89-->sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338; sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89-->sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD; sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221; sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937-->sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22;
graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me thinksssssx
tttsssssssssssssssssssssss} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[Car]
graph TD A[/Christmas\] A -->|Get money| B[\Go shopping/] B --> C{Let me thinksssss
sssssssssssssssssssssssssss} C -->|One| D[/Laptop/] C -->|Two| E[\iPhone\] C -->|Three| F[Car]
graph LR 47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary)-->48(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceBudget) 37(SAM.CommonFA.BudgetSubserviceLineVolume)-->48(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceBudget) 35(SAM.CommonFA.PopulationFME)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 44(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOutliers)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 46(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOpportunity)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 40(SAM.CommonFA.OPVisits)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 38(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceRefund)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 43(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinancePicuDays)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 42(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceNurseryDays)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 45(SAM.CommonFA.MetricPreOpportunity)-->46(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOpportunity) 35(SAM.CommonFA.PopulationFME)-->45(SAM.CommonFA.MetricPreOpportunity) 41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost)-->45(SAM.CommonFA.MetricPreOpportunity) 41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost)-->44(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOutliers) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->43(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinancePicuDays) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->42(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceNurseryDays) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->40(SAM.CommonFA.OPVisits) 35(SAM.CommonFA.PopulationFME)-->39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails) 36(SAM.CommonFA.PremetricCost)-->39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)
graph TD 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-creative-commons My System | Test Environment") 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Business Logic Server:Service 1") db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Business Logic Server:Service 2") 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Report Server:Service 1") 30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Report Server:Service 2") 5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Dedicated Test Business Logic Server:Service 1") c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Dedicated Test Business Logic Server:Service 2") b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\SharedDbInstance].[SupportDb]") 8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\SharedDbInstance].[DevelopmentDb]") 0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\SharedDbInstance].[TestDb]") 07132290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\SharedDbInstance].[SharedReportingDb]") c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server Shared Business Logic Server") ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server Shared Report Server") 68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server Dedicated Test Business Logic Server") f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-database [DBServer\SharedDbInstance]") d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server DBServer") 71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs DBServer\:MSSQLSERVER") c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs DBServer\:SQLAgent") 9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs DBServer\:SQLBrowser") 1d0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server VmHost1") 200a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server VmHost2") 1c0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server VmHost3") 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->07132290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 07132290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->1d0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->200a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->1c0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->1c0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002
graph TB subgraph One a1-->a2 end
graph TB A B subgraph foo[Foo SubGraph] C D end subgraph bar[Bar SubGraph] E F end G A-->B B-->C C-->D B-->D D-->E E-->A E-->F F-->D F-->G B-->G G-->D style foo fill:#F99,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#F0F,color:darkred style bar fill:#999,stroke-width:10px,stroke:#0F0,color:blue
graph LR 456ac9b0d15a8b7f1e71073221059886[1051 AAA fa:fa-check] f7f580e11d00a75814d2ded41fe8e8fe[1141 BBB fa:fa-check] 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055[1234 CCC fa:fa-check] 456ac9b0d15a8b7f1e71073221059886 -->|Node| f7f580e11d00a75814d2ded41fe8e8fe f7f580e11d00a75814d2ded41fe8e8fe -->|Node| 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 click 456ac9b0d15a8b7f1e71073221059886 "/admin/user/view?id=1051" "AAA 6000" click f7f580e11d00a75814d2ded41fe8e8fe "/admin/user/view?id=1141" "BBB 600" click 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 "/admin/user/view?id=1234" "CCC 3000" style 456ac9b0d15a8b7f1e71073221059886 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{{Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?}} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[Car] click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass; class C someclass;
graph TD A([stadium shape test]) A -->|Get money| B([Go shopping]) B --> C([Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?]) C -->|One| D([Laptop]) C -->|Two| E([iPhone]) C -->|Three| F([Car
wroom wroom]) click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass; class C someclass;
graph LR A[[subroutine shape test]] A -->|Get money| B[[Go shopping]] B --> C[[Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?]] C -->|One| D[[Laptop]] C -->|Two| E[[iPhone]] C -->|Three| F[[Car
wroom wroom]] click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass; class C someclass;
graph LR A[(cylindrical
test)] A -->|Get money| B1[(Go shopping 1)] A -->|Get money| B2[(Go shopping 2)] A -->|Get money| B3[(Go shopping 3)] C[(Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?)] B1 --> C B2 --> C B3 --> C C -->|One| D[(Laptop)] C -->|Two| E[(iPhone)] C -->|Three| F[(Car)] click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass;
graph LR A1[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| B1(Multi
Line) C1[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| D1(Multi
Line) E1[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| F1(Multi
Line) A2[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| B2(Multi
Line) C2[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| D2(Multi
Line) E2[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| F2(Multi
Line) linkStyle 0 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px linkStyle 1 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px linkStyle 2 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px
graph LR A(( )) -->|step 1| B(( )) B(( )) -->|step 2| C(( )) C(( )) -->|step 3| D(( )) linkStyle 1 stroke:greenyellow,stroke-width:2px style C fill:greenyellow,stroke:green,stroke-width:4px
graph TB TITLE["Link Click Events
(click the nodes below)"] A["link test (open in same tab)"] B["link test (open in new tab)"] C[anchor test] D[mailto test] E[other protocol test] F[script test] TITLE --> A & B & C & D & E & F click A "" "link test (open in same tab)" click B "" "link test (open in new tab)" _blank click C "#link-clicked" click D "mailto:user@user.user" "mailto test" click E "notes://do-your-thing/id" "other protocol test" click F "javascript:alert('test')" "script test"

graph LR A[red
text] -->|red
text| B(blue
text) C[/red
text/] -->|blue
text| D{blue
text} E{{default
style}} -->|default
style| F([default
style]) linkStyle default color:Sienna; linkStyle 0 color:red; linkStyle 1 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px,color:#0000ff style A color:red; style B color:blue; style C stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style D stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff click B "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click D testClick "click test"
graph TD A[myClass1] --> B[default] & C[default] B[default] & C[default] --> D[myClass2] classDef default stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:silver classDef node color:red classDef myClass1 color:#0000ff classDef myClass2 stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff class A myClass1 class D myClass2

sequenceDiagram accDescription Hello friends participant Alice participant Bob participant John as John
Second Line rect rgb(200, 220, 100) rect rgb(200, 255, 200) Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>John: How about you John? end Bob--x Alice: I am good thanks! Bob-x John: I am good thanks! Note right of John: John thinks a long
long time, so long
that the text does
not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Note over John:wrap: John looks like he's still thinking, so Bob prods him a bit. Bob-x John: Hey John - we're still waiting to know
how you're doing Note over John:nowrap: John's trying hard not to break his train of thought. Bob-x John:wrap: John! Are you still debating about how you're doing? How long does it take?? Note over John: After a few more moments, John
finally snaps out of it. end alt either this Alice->>John: Yes else or this Alice->>John: No else or this will happen Alice->John: Maybe end par this happens in parallel Alice -->> Bob: Parallel message 1 and Alice -->> John: Parallel message 2 end
sequenceDiagram participant 1 as multiline
using #lt;br#gt; participant 2 as multiline
using #lt;br/#gt; participant 3 as multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; participant 4 as multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; 1->>2: multiline
using #lt;br#gt; note right of 2: multiline
using #lt;br#gt; 2->>3: multiline
using #lt;br/#gt; note right of 3: multiline
using #lt;br/#gt; 3->>4: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; note right of 4: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; 4->>1: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt; note right of 1: multiline
using #lt;br /#gt;
sequenceDiagram autonumber Alice->>John: Hello John,
how are you? autonumber 50 10 Alice->>John: John,
can you hear me? John-->>Alice: Hi Alice,
I can hear you! autonumber off John-->>Alice: I feel great!

gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %d/%m title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid excludes weekdays 2014-01-10 section A section Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d section Critical tasks Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d Future task in critical line :crit, 5d Create tests for renderer :2d Add to mermaid :1d section Documentation Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h section Clickable Visit mermaidjs :active, cl1, 2014-01-07,2014-01-10 Calling a Callback (look at the console log) :cl2, after cl1, 3d click cl1 href "" click cl2 call ganttTestClick("test", test, test) section Last section Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h Add another diagram to demo page : 48h
gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %d/%m title GANTT diagram with multiline section titles excludes weekdays 2014-01-10 section A section
multiline Completed task : done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active task : active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d Future task : des3, after des2, 5d Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d section Critical tasks
multiline Completed task in the critical line : crit, done, 2014-01-06, 24h Implement parser and jison : crit, done, after des1, 2d Create tests for parser : crit, active, 3d Future task in critical line : crit, 5d Create tests for renderer : 2d Add to mermaid : 1d section Documentation
multiline Describe gantt syntax : active, a1, after des1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page : after a1, 20h Add another diagram to demo page : doc1, after a1, 48h section Last section
multiline Describe gantt syntax : after doc1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h Add another diagram to demo page : 48h

gitGraph: options { "nodeSpacing": 50, "nodeRadius": 5 } end branch master commit branch newbranch checkout newbranch commit commit checkout master commit commit merge newbranch

classDiagram Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool <<interface>> Class01 Class03 "0" *-- "0..n" Class04 Class05 "1" o-- "many" Class06 Class07 .. Class08 Class09 "many" --> "1" C2 : Where am i? Class09 "0" --* "1..n" C3 Class09 --|> Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : #size() Class01 : -int chimp Class01 : +int gorilla Class08 <--> C2: Cool label class Class10 { <<service>> int id size() }
classDiagram class Class01~T~ Class01 : #size() Class01 : -int chimp Class01 : +int gorilla class Class10~T~ { <<service>> int id size() }
classDiagram Class01~T~ <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool <<interface>> Class01 Class03~T~ "0" *-- "0..n" Class04 Class05 "1" o-- "many" Class06 Class07~T~ .. Class08 Class09 "many" --> "1" C2 : Where am i? Class09 "0" --* "1..n" C3 Class09 --|> Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : #size() Class01 : -int chimp Class01 : +int gorilla Class08 <--> C2: Cool label class Class10 { <<service>> int id size() }
stateDiagram accDescription This is a state diagram showing one state State1

stateDiagram [*] --> First state First { [*] --> second second --> [*] }
stateDiagram State1: The state with a note note right of State1 Important information! You can write notes. end note State1 --> State2 note left of State2 : This is the note to the left.
stateDiagram State1 note right of State1 Line1
Line5 end note

requirementDiagram requirement An Example { id: 1 text: the test text. risk: high verifymethod: test } functionalRequirement Random Name { id: 1.1 text: the second test text. risk: low verifymethod: inspection } performanceRequirement Something Else { id: 1.2 text: the third test text. risk: medium verifymethod: demonstration } interfaceRequirement test_req4 { id: 1.2.1 text: the fourth test text. risk: medium verifymethod: analysis } physicalRequirement test_req5 { id: 1.2.2 text: the fifth test text. risk: medium verifymethod: analysis } designConstraint test_req6 { id: 1.2.3 text: really long text to test overflow. really long text to test overflow. really long text to test overflow. risk: medium verifymethod: analysis } element test_entity { type: simulation } element test_entity2 { type: word doc docRef: reqs/test_entity } element test_entity3 { type: "test suite" docRef: } test_entity - satisfies -> Random Name An Example - traces -> Random Name An Example - contains -> Something Else Something Else - contains -> test_req4 test_req4 - derives -> test_req5 test_req5 - refines -> test_req6 test_entity3 - verifies -> test_req5 An Example <- copies - test_entity2

Anchor for "link-clicked" test