import { select } from 'd3'; import dagre from 'dagre'; import graphlib from 'graphlib'; import { log } from '../../logger'; import stateDb from './stateDb'; import common from '../common/common'; import { parser } from './parser/stateDiagram'; // import idCache from './id-cache'; import { drawState, addTitleAndBox, drawEdge } from './shapes'; import { getConfig } from '../../config'; import { configureSvgSize } from '../../utils'; parser.yy = stateDb; // TODO Move conf object to main conf in mermaidAPI let conf; const transformationLog = {}; export const setConf = function() {}; // Todo optimize /** * Setup arrow head and define the marker. The result is appended to the svg. */ const insertMarkers = function(elem) { elem .append('defs') .append('marker') .attr('id', 'dependencyEnd') .attr('refX', 19) .attr('refY', 7) .attr('markerWidth', 20) .attr('markerHeight', 28) .attr('orient', 'auto') .append('path') .attr('d', 'M 19,7 L9,13 L14,7 L9,1 Z'); }; /** * Draws a flowchart in the tag with id: id based on the graph definition in text. * @param text * @param id */ export const draw = function(text, id) { conf = getConfig().state; parser.yy.clear(); parser.parse(text); log.debug('Rendering diagram ' + text); // Fetch the default direction, use TD if none was found const diagram = select(`[id='${id}']`); insertMarkers(diagram); // Layout graph, Create a new directed graph const graph = new graphlib.Graph({ multigraph: true, compound: true, // acyclicer: 'greedy', rankdir: 'RL' // ranksep: '20' }); // Default to assigning a new object as a label for each new edge. graph.setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() { return {}; }); const rootDoc = stateDb.getRootDoc(); renderDoc(rootDoc, diagram, undefined, false); const padding = conf.padding; const bounds = diagram.node().getBBox(); const width = bounds.width + padding * 2; const height = bounds.height + padding * 2; // zoom in a bit const svgWidth = width * 1.75; configureSvgSize(diagram, height, svgWidth, conf.useMaxWidth); diagram.attr( 'viewBox', `${bounds.x - conf.padding} ${bounds.y - conf.padding} ` + width + ' ' + height ); }; const getLabelWidth = text => { return text ? text.length * conf.fontSizeFactor : 1; }; const renderDoc = (doc, diagram, parentId, altBkg) => { // // Layout graph, Create a new directed graph const graph = new graphlib.Graph({ compound: true, multigraph: true }); let i; let edgeFreeDoc = true; for (i = 0; i < doc.length; i++) { if (doc[i].stmt === 'relation') { edgeFreeDoc = false; break; } } // Set an object for the graph label if (parentId) graph.setGraph({ rankdir: 'LR', multigraph: true, compound: true, // acyclicer: 'greedy', ranker: 'tight-tree', ranksep: edgeFreeDoc ? 1 : conf.edgeLengthFactor, nodeSep: edgeFreeDoc ? 1 : 50, isMultiGraph: true // ranksep: 5, // nodesep: 1 }); else { graph.setGraph({ rankdir: 'TB', multigraph: true, compound: true, // isCompound: true, // acyclicer: 'greedy', // ranker: 'longest-path' ranksep: edgeFreeDoc ? 1 : conf.edgeLengthFactor, nodeSep: edgeFreeDoc ? 1 : 50, ranker: 'tight-tree', // ranker: 'network-simplex' isMultiGraph: true }); } // Default to assigning a new object as a label for each new edge. graph.setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() { return {}; }); stateDb.extract(doc); const states = stateDb.getStates(); const relations = stateDb.getRelations(); const keys = Object.keys(states); let first = true; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const stateDef = states[keys[i]]; if (parentId) { stateDef.parentId = parentId; } let node; if (stateDef.doc) { let sub = diagram .append('g') .attr('id', .attr('class', 'stateGroup'); node = renderDoc(stateDef.doc, sub,, !altBkg); if (first) { // first = false; sub = addTitleAndBox(sub, stateDef, altBkg); let boxBounds = sub.node().getBBox(); node.width = boxBounds.width; node.height = boxBounds.height + conf.padding / 2; transformationLog[] = { y: conf.compositTitleSize }; } else { // sub = addIdAndBox(sub, stateDef); let boxBounds = sub.node().getBBox(); node.width = boxBounds.width; node.height = boxBounds.height; // transformationLog[] = { y: conf.compositTitleSize }; } } else { node = drawState(diagram, stateDef, graph); } if (stateDef.note) { // Draw note note const noteDef = { descriptions: [], id: + '-note', note: stateDef.note, type: 'note' }; const note = drawState(diagram, noteDef, graph); // graph.setNode(, node); if (stateDef.note.position === 'left of') { graph.setNode( + '-note', note); graph.setNode(, node); } else { graph.setNode(, node); graph.setNode( + '-note', note); } // graph.setNode(; graph.setParent(, + '-group'); graph.setParent( + '-note', + '-group'); } else { // Add nodes to the graph. The first argument is the node id. The second is // metadata about the node. In this case we're going to add labels to each of // our nodes. graph.setNode(, node); } } log.debug('Count=', graph.nodeCount(), graph); let cnt = 0; relations.forEach(function(relation) { cnt++; log.debug('Setting edge', relation); graph.setEdge( relation.id1, relation.id2, { relation: relation, width: getLabelWidth(relation.title), height: conf.labelHeight * common.getRows(relation.title).length, labelpos: 'c' }, 'id' + cnt ); }); dagre.layout(graph); log.debug('Graph after layout', graph.nodes()); const svgElem = diagram.node(); graph.nodes().forEach(function(v) { if (typeof v !== 'undefined' && typeof graph.node(v) !== 'undefined') { log.warn('Node ' + v + ': ' + JSON.stringify(graph.node(v))); select('#' + + ' #' + v).attr( 'transform', 'translate(' + (graph.node(v).x - graph.node(v).width / 2) + ',' + (graph.node(v).y + (transformationLog[v] ? transformationLog[v].y : 0) - graph.node(v).height / 2) + ' )' ); select('#' + + ' #' + v).attr( 'data-x-shift', graph.node(v).x - graph.node(v).width / 2 ); const dividers = document.querySelectorAll('#' + + ' #' + v + ' .divider'); dividers.forEach(divider => { const parent = divider.parentElement; let pWidth = 0; let pShift = 0; if (parent) { if (parent.parentElement) pWidth = parent.parentElement.getBBox().width; pShift = parseInt(parent.getAttribute('data-x-shift'), 10); if (Number.isNaN(pShift)) { pShift = 0; } } divider.setAttribute('x1', 0 - pShift + 8); divider.setAttribute('x2', pWidth - pShift - 8); }); } else { log.debug('No Node ' + v + ': ' + JSON.stringify(graph.node(v))); } }); let stateBox = svgElem.getBBox(); graph.edges().forEach(function(e) { if (typeof e !== 'undefined' && typeof graph.edge(e) !== 'undefined') { log.debug('Edge ' + e.v + ' -> ' + e.w + ': ' + JSON.stringify(graph.edge(e))); drawEdge(diagram, graph.edge(e), graph.edge(e).relation); } }); stateBox = svgElem.getBBox(); const stateInfo = { id: parentId ? parentId : 'root', label: parentId ? parentId : 'root', width: 0, height: 0 }; stateInfo.width = stateBox.width + 2 * conf.padding; stateInfo.height = stateBox.height + 2 * conf.padding; log.debug('Doc rendered', stateInfo, graph); return stateInfo; }; export default { setConf, draw };