import { imgSnapshotTest, renderGraph } from '../../helpers/util.ts'; describe('Graph', () => { it('1: should render a simple flowchart no htmlLabels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('2: should render a simple flowchart with htmlLabels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('3: should render a simple flowchart with line breaks', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me thinksssss
sssssssssssssssssssssssssss} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[Car] `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('4: should render a simple flowchart with trapezoid and inverse trapezoid vertex options.', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD A[/Christmas\\] A -->|Get money| B[\\Go shopping/] B --> C{Let me thinksssss
sssssssssssssssssssssssssss} C -->|One| D[/Laptop/] C -->|Two| E[\\iPhone\\] C -->|Three| F[Car] `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('5: should style nodes via a class.', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD 1A --> 1B 1B --> 1C 1C --> D 1C --> E classDef processHead fill:#888888,color:white,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:3px,stroke:#001f3f class 1A,1B,D,E processHead `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('6: should render a flowchart full of circles', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph LR 47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary)-->48(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceBudget) 37(SAM.CommonFA.BudgetSubserviceLineVolume)-->48(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceBudget) 35(SAM.CommonFA.PopulationFME)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 44(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOutliers)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 46(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOpportunity)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 40(SAM.CommonFA.OPVisits)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 38(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceRefund)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 43(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinancePicuDays)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 42(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceNurseryDays)-->47(SAM.CommonFA.FMESummary) 45(SAM.CommonFA.MetricPreOpportunity)-->46(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOpportunity) 35(SAM.CommonFA.PopulationFME)-->45(SAM.CommonFA.MetricPreOpportunity) 41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost)-->45(SAM.CommonFA.MetricPreOpportunity) 41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost)-->44(SAM.CommonFA.MetricOutliers) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->43(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinancePicuDays) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->42(SAM.CommonFA.CommonFAFinanceNurseryDays) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->41(SAM.CommonFA.MetricCost) 39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails)-->40(SAM.CommonFA.OPVisits) 35(SAM.CommonFA.PopulationFME)-->39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails) 36(SAM.CommonFA.PremetricCost)-->39(SAM.CommonFA.ChargeDetails) `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('7: should render a flowchart full of icons', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-creative-commons My System | Test Environment") 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Business Logic Server:Service 1") db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Business Logic Server:Service 2") 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Report Server:Service 1") 30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Shared Report Server:Service 2") 5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Dedicated Test Business Logic Server:Service 1") c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs Dedicated Test Business Logic Server:Service 2") b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\\SharedDbInstance].[SupportDb]") 8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\\SharedDbInstance].[DevelopmentDb]") 0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\\SharedDbInstance].[TestDb]") 07132290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-circle [DBServer\\SharedDbInstance].[SharedReportingDb]") c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server Shared Business Logic Server") ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server Shared Report Server") 68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server Dedicated Test Business Logic Server") f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-database [DBServer\\SharedDbInstance]") d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server DBServer") 71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs DBServer\\:MSSQLSERVER") c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs DBServer\\:SQLAgent") 9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-cogs DBServer\\:SQLBrowser") 1d0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server VmHost1") 200a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server VmHost2") 1c0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002("fa:fa-server VmHost3") 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9e122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 db052290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->82072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->07132290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 30122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->4e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c1112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->5e112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 b7042290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 8f102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 0e102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 07132290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c7072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->1d0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 ca122290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->200a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 68102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->1c0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 f4112290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->1c0a2290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 c0102290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->d6072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 9a072290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002-->71082290_1ec3_e711_8c5a_005056ad0002 `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('8: should render labels with numbers at the start', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TB;subgraph "number as labels";1;end; `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('9: should render subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TB subgraph One a1-->a2 end `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('10: should render subgraphs with a title starting with a digit', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TB subgraph 2Two a1-->a2 end `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('11: should render styled subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TB A B subgraph foo[Foo SubGraph] C D end subgraph bar[Bar SubGraph] E F end G A-->B B-->C C-->D B-->D D-->E E-->A E-->F F-->D F-->G B-->G G-->D style foo fill:#F99,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#F0F,color:darkred style bar fill:#999,stroke-width:10px,stroke:#0F0,color:blue `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('12: should render a flowchart with long names and class definitions', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR sid-B3655226-6C29-4D00-B685-3D5C734DC7E1[" 提交申请 熊大 "]; class sid-B3655226-6C29-4D00-B685-3D5C734DC7E1 node-executed; sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A[" 负责人审批 强子 "]; class sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A node-executed; sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221[" DBA审批 强子 "]; class sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221 node-executed; sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD[" SA审批 阿美 "]; class sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD node-executed; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7[" 主管审批 光头强 "]; class sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7 node-executed; sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89[" DBA确认 强子 "]; class sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89 node-executed; sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937[" SA确认 阿美 "]; class sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937 node-executed; sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22[" 结束 "]; class sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22 node-executed; sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E[" SA执行1 强子 "]; class sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E node-executed; sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4[" SA执行2 强子 "]; class sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4 node-executed; sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338[" DBA执行1 强子 "]; class sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338 node-executed; sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD[" DBA执行3 强子 "]; class sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD node-executed; sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756[" DBA执行2 强子 "]; class sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756 node-executed; sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93[" DBA执行4 强子 "]; class sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93 node-executed; sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070[" 负责人确认 梁静茹 "]; class sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070 node-executed; sid-B3655226-6C29-4D00-B685-3D5C734DC7E1-->sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7; sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A-->sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070; sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221-->sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89; sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD-->sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937; sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E-->sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4; sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338-->sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756; sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD-->sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93; sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-1897B30A-9C5C-4D5B-B80B-76A038785070-->sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22; sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937-->sid-19DD9E9F-98C1-44EE-B604-842AFEE76F1E; sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89-->sid-9180E2A0-5C4B-435F-B42F-0D152470A338; sid-A1B3CD96-7697-4D7C-BEAA-73D187B1BE89-->sid-03A2C3AC-5337-48A5-B154-BB3FD0EC8DAD; sid-D5E1F2F4-306C-47A2-BF74-F66E3D769756-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-8C3F2F1D-F014-4F99-B966-095DC1A2BD93-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-BED98281-9585-4D1B-934E-BD1AC6AC0EFD; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-E27C0367-E6D6-497F-9736-3CDC21FDE221; sid-3E35A7FF-A2F4-4E07-9247-DBF884C81937-->sid-6C2120F3-D940-4958-A067-0903DCE879C4; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-4DA958A0-26D9-4D47-93A7-70F39FD7D51A; sid-7CE72B24-E0C1-46D3-8132-8BA66BE05AA7-->sid-4FC27B48-A6F9-460A-A675-021F5854FE22; `, { fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('13: should render color of styled nodes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph LR foo-->bar classDef foo fill:lightblue,color:green,stroke:#FF9E2C,font-weight:bold style foo fill:#F99,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#F0F style bar fill:#999,color: #00ff00, stroke-width:10px,stroke:#0F0 `, { listUrl: false, listId: 'color styling', fontFamily: 'courier', logLevel: 0, } ); }); it('14: should render hexagons', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{{Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?}} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[Car] click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass; class C someclass; `, { listUrl: false, listId: 'color styling', fontFamily: 'courier', logLevel: 0, } ); }); it('15: should render a simple flowchart with comments', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} %% this is a comment C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('16: Render Stadium shape', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD A([stadium shape test]) A -->|Get money| B([Go shopping]) B --> C([Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?]) C -->|One| D([Laptop]) C -->|Two| E([iPhone]) C -->|Three| F([Car
wroom wroom]) click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass; class C someclass; `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('17: Render multiline texts', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR A1[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| B1(Multi
Line) C1[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| D1(Multi
Line) E1[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| F1(Multi
Line) A2[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| B2(Multi
Line) C2[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| D2(Multi
Line) E2[Multi
Line] -->|Multi
Line| F2(Multi
Line) linkStyle 0 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px linkStyle 1 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px linkStyle 2 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('18: Chaining of nodes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR a --> b --> c `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('19: Multiple nodes and chaining in one statement', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR a --> b & c--> d `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('20: Multiple nodes and chaining in one statement', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[ h ] -- hello --> B[" test "]:::exClass & C --> D; classDef exClass background:#bbb,border:1px solid red; `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('21: Render cylindrical shape', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR A[(cylindrical
test)] A -->|Get money| B1[(Go shopping 1)] A -->|Get money| B2[(Go shopping 2)] A -->|Get money| B3[(Go shopping 3)] C[(Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?)] B1 --> C B2 --> C B3 --> C C -->|One| D[(Laptop)] C -->|Two| E[(iPhone)] C -->|Three| F[(Car)] click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass;`, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('22: Render a simple flowchart with nodeSpacing set to 100', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} %% this is a comment C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { nodeSpacing: 50 }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('23: Render a simple flowchart with rankSpacing set to 100', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} %% this is a comment C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { rankSpacing: '100' }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('24: Keep node label text (if already defined) when a style is applied', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR A(( )) -->|step 1| B(( )) B(( )) -->|step 2| C(( )) C(( )) -->|step 3| D(( )) linkStyle 1 stroke:greenyellow,stroke-width:2px style C fill:greenyellow,stroke:green,stroke-width:4px `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('25: Handle link click events (link, anchor, mailto, other protocol, script)', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TB TITLE["Link Click Events
(click the nodes below)"] A["link test (open in same tab)"] B["link test (open in new tab)"] C[anchor test] D[mailto test] E[other protocol test] F[script test] TITLE --> A & B & C & D & E & F click A "" "link test (open in same tab)" click B "" "link test (open in new tab)" _blank click C "#link-clicked" click D "mailto:user@user.user" "mailto test" click E "notes://do-your-thing/id" "other protocol test" click F "javascript:alert('test')" "script test" `, { securityLevel: 'loose', fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('26: Set text color of nodes and links according to styles when html labels are enabled', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR A[red
text] -->|red
text| B(blue
text) C[/red
text/] -->|blue
text| D{blue
text} E{{default
style}} -->|default
style| F([default
style]) linkStyle default color:Sienna; linkStyle 0 color:red; linkStyle 1 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px,color:#0000ff style A color:red; style B color:blue; style C stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style D stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff click B "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click D testClick "click test" `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: true } } ); }); it('27: Set text color of nodes and links according to styles when html labels are disabled', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR A[red
text] -->|red
text| B(blue
text) C[/red
text/] -->|blue
text| D{blue
text} E{{default
style}} -->|default
style| F([default
style]) linkStyle default color:Sienna; linkStyle 0 color:red; linkStyle 1 stroke:DarkGray,stroke-width:2px,color:#0000ff style A color:red; style B color:blue; style C stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style D stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff click B "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click D testClick "click test" `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('28: Apply default class to all nodes which do not have another class assigned (htmlLabels enabled)', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[myClass1] --> B[default] & C[default] B[default] & C[default] --> D[myClass2] classDef default stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:silver classDef node color:red classDef myClass1 color:#0000ff classDef myClass2 stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff class A myClass1 class D myClass2 `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: true } } ); }); it('29: Apply default class to all nodes which do not have another class assigned (htmlLabels disabled)', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[myClass1] --> B[default] & C[default] B[default] & C[default] --> D[myClass2] classDef default stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:silver classDef node color:red classDef myClass1 color:#0000ff classDef myClass2 stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff class A myClass1 class D myClass2 `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('30: Possibility to style text color of nodes and subgraphs as well as apply classes to subgraphs', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR subgraph id1 [title is set] A-->B end subgraph id2 [title] E end B-->C subgraph id3 C-->D end class id3,id2,A redBg; class id3,A whiteTxt; classDef redBg fill:#622; classDef whiteTxt color: white; `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('31: should not slice off edges that are to the left of the left-most vertex', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD work --> sleep sleep --> work eat --> sleep work --> eat `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('32: Render Subroutine shape', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph LR A[[subroutine shape test]] A -->|Get money| B[[Go shopping]] B --> C[[Let me think...
Do I want something for work,
something to spend every free second with,
or something to get around?]] C -->|One| D[[Laptop]] C -->|Two| E[[iPhone]] C -->|Three| F[[Car
wroom wroom]] click A "index.html#link-clicked" "link test" click B testClick "click test" classDef someclass fill:#f96; class A someclass; class C someclass; `, { flowchart: { htmlLabels: false }, fontFamily: 'courier' } ); }); it('33: should render a simple flowchart with diagramPadding set to 0', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} %% this is a comment C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { diagramPadding: 0 } } ); }); it('34: testing the label width in percy', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD A[Christmas] `, {} ); }); it('35: should honor minimum edge length as specified by the user', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD L1 --- L2 L2 --- C M1 ---> C R1 .-> R2 R2 <.-> C C -->|Label 1| E1 C -- Label 2 ---> E2 C ----> E3 C -----> E4 C ======> E5 `, {} ); }); it('36: should render escaped without html labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD a["Haiya"]-->b `, { htmlLabels: false, flowchart: { htmlLabels: false } } ); }); it('37: should render non-escaped with html labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( `graph TD a["Haiya"]-->b `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('38: should render a flowchart when useMaxWidth is true (default)', () => { renderGraph( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { useMaxWidth: true } } ); cy.get('svg').should((svg) => { expect(svg).to.have.attr('width', '100%'); // expect(svg).to.have.attr('height'); // use within because the absolute value can be slightly different depending on the environment ±10% // const height = parseFloat(svg.attr('height')); // expect(height) * 0.95, 446 * 1.05); const style = svg.attr('style'); expect(style).to.match(/^max-width: [\d.]+px;$/); const maxWidthValue = parseFloat(style.match(/[\d.]+/g).join('')); expect(maxWidthValue) * 0.9, 300 * 1.1); }); }); it('39: should render a flowchart when useMaxWidth is false', () => { renderGraph( `graph TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { flowchart: { useMaxWidth: false } } ); cy.get('svg').should((svg) => { // const height = parseFloat(svg.attr('height')); const width = parseFloat(svg.attr('width')); // use within because the absolute value can be slightly different depending on the environment ±10% // expect(height) * 0.95, 446 * 1.05); expect(width) * 0.9, 300 * 1.1); expect(svg).to.not.have.attr('style'); }); }); it('58: handle styling with style expressions', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph LR id1(Start)-->id2(Stop) style id1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('60: handle styling for all node shapes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph LR A[red text] -->|default style| B(blue text) C([red text]) -->|default style| D[[blue text]] E[(red text)] -->|default style| F((blue text)) G>red text] -->|default style| H{blue text} I{{red text}} -->|default style| J[/blue text/] linkStyle default color:Sienna; style A stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style B stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff style C stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style D stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff style E stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style F stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff style G stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style H stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff style I stroke:#ff0000,fill:#ffcccc,color:#ff0000 style J stroke:#0000ff,fill:#ccccff,color:#0000ff `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('61: fontawesome icons in edge labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD C -->|fa:fa-car Car| F[fa:fa-car Car] `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('62: fontawesome icons in edge labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TB subgraph bar[Bar] F end style bar fill:#999,stroke-width:10px,stroke:#0F0,color:blue `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('63: fontawesome icons in edge labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TB A B subgraph foo[Foo SubGraph] C D end subgraph bar[Bar SubGraph] E F end G A-->B B-->C C-->D B-->D D-->E E-->A E-->F F-->D F-->G B-->G G-->D style foo fill:#F99,stroke-width:2px,stroke:#F0F,color:darkred style bar fill:#999,stroke-width:10px,stroke:#0F0,color:blue `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('64: fontawesome icons in edge labels', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` %%{init:{"theme":"base", "themeVariables": {"primaryColor":"#411d4e", "titleColor":"white", "darkMode":true}}}%% flowchart LR subgraph A a --> b end subgraph B i -->f end A --> B `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('65: text-color from classes', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` flowchart LR classDef dark fill:#000,stroke:#000,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff Lorem --> Ipsum --> Dolor class Lorem,Dolor dark `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('66: apply class called default on node called default', () => { imgSnapshotTest( ` graph TD classDef default fill:#000,stroke:#000,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff default --> default2 `, { htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { htmlLabels: true }, securityLevel: 'loose' } ); }); it('67: allow escaping quotes with backslash', () => { imgSnapshotTest(` graph TD a_node("This has an escaped \\" in it") -- "edge string can escape too \\"" --> b_node `); }); });