/** *Edit this Page[![N|Solid](img/GitHub-Mark-32px.png)](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/blob/develop/src/mermaidAPI.js) * *This is the API to be used when optionally handling the integration with the web page, instead of using the default integration provided by mermaid.js. * * * The core of this api is the [**render**](Setup.md?id=render) function which, given a graph * definition as text, renders the graph/diagram and returns an svg element for the graph. * * It is is then up to the user of the API to make use of the svg, either insert it somewhere in the page or do something completely different. * * In addition to the render function, a number of behavioral configuration options are available. * * @name mermaidAPI */ import { select } from 'd3'; import Stylis from 'stylis'; import pkg from '../package.json'; import * as configApi from './config'; import classDb from './diagrams/class/classDb'; import classRenderer from './diagrams/class/classRenderer'; import classRendererV2 from './diagrams/class/classRenderer-v2'; import classParser from './diagrams/class/parser/classDiagram'; import erDb from './diagrams/er/erDb'; import erRenderer from './diagrams/er/erRenderer'; import erParser from './diagrams/er/parser/erDiagram'; import flowDb from './diagrams/flowchart/flowDb'; import flowRenderer from './diagrams/flowchart/flowRenderer'; import flowRendererV2 from './diagrams/flowchart/flowRenderer-v2'; import flowParser from './diagrams/flowchart/parser/flow'; import ganttDb from './diagrams/gantt/ganttDb'; import ganttRenderer from './diagrams/gantt/ganttRenderer'; import ganttParser from './diagrams/gantt/parser/gantt'; import gitGraphAst from './diagrams/git/gitGraphAst'; import gitGraphRenderer from './diagrams/git/gitGraphRenderer'; import gitGraphParser from './diagrams/git/parser/gitGraph'; import infoDb from './diagrams/info/infoDb'; import infoRenderer from './diagrams/info/infoRenderer'; import infoParser from './diagrams/info/parser/info'; import pieParser from './diagrams/pie/parser/pie'; import pieDb from './diagrams/pie/pieDb'; import pieRenderer from './diagrams/pie/pieRenderer'; import requirementParser from './diagrams/requirement/parser/requirementDiagram'; import requirementDb from './diagrams/requirement/requirementDb'; import requirementRenderer from './diagrams/requirement/requirementRenderer'; import sequenceParser from './diagrams/sequence/parser/sequenceDiagram'; import sequenceDb from './diagrams/sequence/sequenceDb'; import sequenceRenderer from './diagrams/sequence/sequenceRenderer'; import stateParser from './diagrams/state/parser/stateDiagram'; import stateDb from './diagrams/state/stateDb'; import stateRenderer from './diagrams/state/stateRenderer'; import stateRendererV2 from './diagrams/state/stateRenderer-v2'; import journeyDb from './diagrams/user-journey/journeyDb'; import journeyRenderer from './diagrams/user-journey/journeyRenderer'; import journeyParser from './diagrams/user-journey/parser/journey'; import errorRenderer from './errorRenderer'; // import * as configApi from './config'; // // , { // // setConfig, // // configApi.getConfig, // // configApi.updateSiteConfig, // // configApi.setSiteConfig, // // configApi.getSiteConfig, // // configApi.defaultConfig // // } import { log, setLogLevel } from './logger'; import getStyles from './styles'; import theme from './themes'; import utils, { assignWithDepth } from './utils'; function parse(text) { const cnf = configApi.getConfig(); const graphInit = utils.detectInit(text, cnf); if (graphInit) { reinitialize(graphInit); log.debug('reinit ', graphInit); } const graphType = utils.detectType(text, cnf); let parser; log.debug('Type ' + graphType); switch (graphType) { case 'git': parser = gitGraphParser; parser.parser.yy = gitGraphAst; break; case 'flowchart': flowDb.clear(); parser = flowParser; parser.parser.yy = flowDb; break; case 'flowchart-v2': flowDb.clear(); parser = flowParser; parser.parser.yy = flowDb; break; case 'sequence': parser = sequenceParser; parser.parser.yy = sequenceDb; break; case 'gantt': parser = ganttParser; parser.parser.yy = ganttDb; break; case 'class': parser = classParser; parser.parser.yy = classDb; break; case 'classDiagram': parser = classParser; parser.parser.yy = classDb; break; case 'state': parser = stateParser; parser.parser.yy = stateDb; break; case 'stateDiagram': parser = stateParser; parser.parser.yy = stateDb; break; case 'info': log.debug('info info info'); parser = infoParser; parser.parser.yy = infoDb; break; case 'pie': log.debug('pie'); parser = pieParser; parser.parser.yy = pieDb; break; case 'er': log.debug('er'); parser = erParser; parser.parser.yy = erDb; break; case 'journey': log.debug('Journey'); parser = journeyParser; parser.parser.yy = journeyDb; break; case 'requirement': case 'requirementDiagram': log.debug('RequirementDiagram'); parser = requirementParser; parser.parser.yy = requirementDb; break; } parser.parser.yy.graphType = graphType; parser.parser.yy.parseError = (str, hash) => { const error = { str, hash }; throw error; }; parser.parse(text); return parser; } export const encodeEntities = function(text) { let txt = text; txt = txt.replace(/style.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(s) { const innerTxt = s.substring(0, s.length - 1); return innerTxt; }); txt = txt.replace(/classDef.*:\S*#.*;/g, function(s) { const innerTxt = s.substring(0, s.length - 1); return innerTxt; }); txt = txt.replace(/#\w+;/g, function(s) { const innerTxt = s.substring(1, s.length - 1); const isInt = /^\+?\d+$/.test(innerTxt); if (isInt) { return 'fl°°' + innerTxt + '¶ß'; } else { return 'fl°' + innerTxt + '¶ß'; } }); return txt; }; export const decodeEntities = function(text) { let txt = text; txt = txt.replace(/fl°°/g, function() { return '&#'; }); txt = txt.replace(/fl°/g, function() { return '&'; }); txt = txt.replace(/¶ß/g, function() { return ';'; }); return txt; }; /** * Function that renders an svg with a graph from a chart definition. Usage example below. * * ```js * mermaidAPI.initialize({ * startOnLoad:true * }); * $(function(){ * const graphDefinition = 'graph TB\na-->b'; * const cb = function(svgGraph){ * console.log(svgGraph); * }; * mermaidAPI.render('id1',graphDefinition,cb); * }); *``` * @param id the id of the element to be rendered * @param _txt the graph definition * @param cb callback which is called after rendering is finished with the svg code as inparam. * @param container selector to element in which a div with the graph temporarily will be inserted. In one is * provided a hidden div will be inserted in the body of the page instead. The element will be removed when rendering is * completed. */ const render = function(id, _txt, cb, container) { configApi.reset(); let txt = _txt; const graphInit = utils.detectInit(txt); if (graphInit) { configApi.addDirective(graphInit); } // else { // configApi.reset(); // const siteConfig = configApi.getSiteConfig(); // configApi.addDirective(siteConfig); // } // console.warn('Render fetching config'); let cnf = configApi.getConfig(); // Check the maximum allowed text size if (_txt.length > cnf.maxTextSize) { txt = 'graph TB;a[Maximum text size in diagram exceeded];style a fill:#faa'; } if (typeof container !== 'undefined') { container.innerHTML = ''; select(container) .append('div') .attr('id', 'd' + id) .attr('style', 'font-family: ' + cnf.fontFamily) .append('svg') .attr('id', id) .attr('width', '100%') .attr('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') .append('g'); } else { const existingSvg = document.getElementById(id); if (existingSvg) { existingSvg.remove(); } const element = document.querySelector('#' + 'd' + id); if (element) { element.remove(); } select('body') .append('div') .attr('id', 'd' + id) .append('svg') .attr('id', id) .attr('width', '100%') .attr('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') .append('g'); } window.txt = txt; txt = encodeEntities(txt); const element = select('#d' + id).node(); const graphType = utils.detectType(txt, cnf); // insert inline style into svg const svg = element.firstChild; const firstChild = svg.firstChild; let userStyles = ''; // user provided theme CSS if (cnf.themeCSS !== undefined) { userStyles += `\n${cnf.themeCSS}`; } // user provided theme CSS if (cnf.fontFamily !== undefined) { userStyles += `\n:root { --mermaid-font-family: ${cnf.fontFamily}}`; } // user provided theme CSS if (cnf.altFontFamily !== undefined) { userStyles += `\n:root { --mermaid-alt-font-family: ${cnf.altFontFamily}}`; } // classDef if (graphType === 'flowchart' || graphType === 'flowchart-v2' || graphType === 'graph') { const classes = flowRenderer.getClasses(txt); for (const className in classes) { if (cnf.htmlLabels || cnf.flowchart.htmlLabels) { userStyles += `\n.${className} > * { ${classes[className].styles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; userStyles += `\n.${className} span { ${classes[className].styles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; } else { // console.log('classes[className].styles', classes[className].styles, cnf.htmlLabels); userStyles += `\n.${className} path { ${classes[className].styles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; userStyles += `\n.${className} rect { ${classes[className].styles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; userStyles += `\n.${className} polygon { ${classes[className].styles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; userStyles += `\n.${className} ellipse { ${classes[className].styles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; userStyles += `\n.${className} circle { ${classes[className].styles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; if (classes[className].textStyles) { userStyles += `\n.${className} tspan { ${classes[className].textStyles.join( ' !important; ' )} !important; }`; } } } } // log.warn(cnf.themeVariables); const stylis = new Stylis(); const rules = stylis(`#${id}`, getStyles(graphType, userStyles, cnf.themeVariables)); const style1 = document.createElement('style'); style1.innerHTML = rules; svg.insertBefore(style1, firstChild); // Verify that the generated svgs are ok before removing this // const style2 = document.createElement('style'); // const cs = window.getComputedStyle(svg); // style2.innerHTML = `#d${id} * { // color: ${cs.color}; // // font: ${cs.font}; // // font-family: Arial; // // font-size: 24px; // }`; // svg.insertBefore(style2, firstChild); try { switch (graphType) { case 'git': cnf.flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; gitGraphRenderer.setConf(cnf.git); gitGraphRenderer.draw(txt, id, false); break; case 'flowchart': cnf.flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; flowRenderer.setConf(cnf.flowchart); flowRenderer.draw(txt, id, false); break; case 'flowchart-v2': cnf.flowchart.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; flowRendererV2.setConf(cnf.flowchart); flowRendererV2.draw(txt, id, false); break; case 'sequence': cnf.sequence.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; if (cnf.sequenceDiagram) { // backwards compatibility sequenceRenderer.setConf(Object.assign(cnf.sequence, cnf.sequenceDiagram)); console.error( '`mermaid config.sequenceDiagram` has been renamed to `config.sequence`. Please update your mermaid config.' ); } else { sequenceRenderer.setConf(cnf.sequence); } sequenceRenderer.draw(txt, id); break; case 'gantt': cnf.gantt.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; ganttRenderer.setConf(cnf.gantt); ganttRenderer.draw(txt, id); break; case 'class': cnf.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; classRenderer.setConf(cnf.class); classRenderer.draw(txt, id); break; case 'classDiagram': cnf.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; classRendererV2.setConf(cnf.class); classRendererV2.draw(txt, id); break; case 'state': cnf.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; stateRenderer.setConf(cnf.state); stateRenderer.draw(txt, id); break; case 'stateDiagram': cnf.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; stateRendererV2.setConf(cnf.state); stateRendererV2.draw(txt, id); break; case 'info': cnf.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; infoRenderer.setConf(cnf.class); infoRenderer.draw(txt, id, pkg.version); break; case 'pie': //cnf.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute; //pieRenderer.setConf(cnf.pie); pieRenderer.draw(txt, id, pkg.version); break; case 'er': erRenderer.setConf(cnf.er); erRenderer.draw(txt, id, pkg.version); break; case 'journey': journeyRenderer.setConf(cnf.journey); journeyRenderer.draw(txt, id, pkg.version); break; case 'requirement': requirementRenderer.setConf(cnf.requirement); requirementRenderer.draw(txt, id, pkg.version); break; } } catch (e) { // errorRenderer.setConf(cnf.class); errorRenderer.draw(id, pkg.version); throw e; } select(`[id="${id}"]`) .selectAll('foreignobject > *') .attr('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'); // if (cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute) { // url = // window.location.protocol + // '//' + // window.location.host + // window.location.pathname + // window.location.search; // url = url.replace(/\(/g, '\\('); // url = url.replace(/\)/g, '\\)'); // } // Fix for when the base tag is used let svgCode = select('#d' + id).node().innerHTML; log.debug('cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute', cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute); if (!cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute || cnf.arrowMarkerAbsolute === 'false') { svgCode = svgCode.replace(/marker-end="url\(.*?#/g, 'marker-end="url(#', 'g'); } svgCode = decodeEntities(svgCode); // Fix for when the br tag is used svgCode = svgCode.replace(/
/g, '
'); if (typeof cb !== 'undefined') { switch (graphType) { case 'flowchart': case 'flowchart-v2': cb(svgCode, flowDb.bindFunctions); break; case 'gantt': cb(svgCode, ganttDb.bindFunctions); break; case 'class': case 'classDiagram': cb(svgCode, classDb.bindFunctions); break; default: cb(svgCode); } } else { log.debug('CB = undefined!'); } const node = select('#d' + id).node(); if (node !== null && typeof node.remove === 'function') { select('#d' + id) .node() .remove(); } return svgCode; }; let currentDirective = {}; const parseDirective = function(p, statement, context, type) { try { if (statement !== undefined) { statement = statement.trim(); switch (context) { case 'open_directive': currentDirective = {}; break; case 'type_directive': currentDirective.type = statement.toLowerCase(); break; case 'arg_directive': currentDirective.args = JSON.parse(statement); break; case 'close_directive': handleDirective(p, currentDirective, type); currentDirective = null; break; } } } catch (error) { log.error( `Error while rendering sequenceDiagram directive: ${statement} jison context: ${context}` ); log.error(error.message); } }; const handleDirective = function(p, directive, type) { log.debug(`Directive type=${directive.type} with args:`, directive.args); switch (directive.type) { case 'init': case 'initialize': { ['config'].forEach(prop => { if (typeof directive.args[prop] !== 'undefined') { if (type === 'flowchart-v2') { type = 'flowchart'; } directive.args[type] = directive.args[prop]; delete directive.args[prop]; } }); reinitialize(directive.args); configApi.addDirective(directive.args); break; } case 'wrap': case 'nowrap': if (p && p['setWrap']) { p.setWrap(directive.type === 'wrap'); } break; default: log.warn( `Unhandled directive: source: '%%{${directive.type}: ${JSON.stringify( directive.args ? directive.args : {} )}}%%`, directive ); break; } }; function updateRendererConfigs(conf) { // Todo remove, all diagrams should get config on demoand from the config object, no need for this gitGraphRenderer.setConf(conf.git); flowRenderer.setConf(conf.flowchart); flowRendererV2.setConf(conf.flowchart); if (typeof conf['sequenceDiagram'] !== 'undefined') { sequenceRenderer.setConf(assignWithDepth(conf.sequence, conf['sequenceDiagram'])); } sequenceRenderer.setConf(conf.sequence); ganttRenderer.setConf(conf.gantt); classRenderer.setConf(conf.class); stateRenderer.setConf(conf.state); stateRendererV2.setConf(conf.state); infoRenderer.setConf(conf.class); // pieRenderer.setConf(conf.class); erRenderer.setConf(conf.er); journeyRenderer.setConf(conf.journey); requirementRenderer.setConf(conf.requirement); errorRenderer.setConf(conf.class); } function reinitialize() { // `mermaidAPI.reinitialize: v${pkg.version}`, // JSON.stringify(options), // options.themeVariables.primaryColor; // // if (options.theme && theme[options.theme]) { // // options.themeVariables = theme[options.theme].getThemeVariables(options.themeVariables); // // } // // Set default options // const config = // typeof options === 'object' ? configApi.setConfig(options) : configApi.getSiteConfig(); // updateRendererConfigs(config); // setLogLevel(config.logLevel); // log.debug('mermaidAPI.reinitialize: ', config); } function initialize(options) { // console.warn(`mermaidAPI.initialize: v${pkg.version} `, options); // Handle legacy location of font-family configuration if (options && options.fontFamily) { if (!options.themeVariables) { options.themeVariables = { fontFamily: options.fontFamily }; } else { if (!options.themeVariables.fontFamily) { options.themeVariables = { fontFamily: options.fontFamily }; } } } // Set default options configApi.saveConfigFromInitilize(options); if (options && options.theme && theme[options.theme]) { // Todo merge with user options options.themeVariables = theme[options.theme].getThemeVariables(options.themeVariables); } else { if (options) options.themeVariables = theme.default.getThemeVariables(options.themeVariables); } const config = typeof options === 'object' ? configApi.setSiteConfig(options) : configApi.getSiteConfig(); updateRendererConfigs(config); setLogLevel(config.logLevel); // log.debug('mermaidAPI.initialize: ', config); } const mermaidAPI = Object.freeze({ render, parse, parseDirective, initialize, reinitialize, getConfig: configApi.getConfig, setConfig: configApi.setConfig, getSiteConfig: configApi.getSiteConfig, updateSiteConfig: configApi.updateSiteConfig, reset: () => { // console.warn('reset'); configApi.reset(); // const siteConfig = configApi.getSiteConfig(); // updateRendererConfigs(siteConfig); }, globalReset: () => { configApi.reset(configApi.defaultConfig); updateRendererConfigs(configApi.getConfig()); }, defaultConfig: configApi.defaultConfig }); setLogLevel(configApi.getConfig().logLevel); configApi.reset(configApi.getConfig()); export default mermaidAPI; /** * ## mermaidAPI configuration defaults * * ```html * * ``` */