import * as d3 from 'd3'; import idCache from './id-cache.js'; import stateDb from './stateDb'; console.warn('ID cache', idCache); // TODO Move conf object to main conf in mermaidAPI const conf = { dividerMargin: 10, padding: 5, textHeight: 10 }; /** * Draws a start state as a black circle */ export const drawStartState = g => g .append('circle') .style('stroke', 'black') .style('fill', 'black') .attr('r', 5) .attr('cx', conf.padding + 5) .attr('cy', conf.padding + 5); /** * Draws a an end state as a black circle */ export const drawSimpleState = (g, stateDef) => { const state = g .append('text') .attr('x', 2 * conf.padding) .attr('y', conf.textHeight + 2 * conf.padding) .attr('font-size', 24) .text(; const classBox = state.node().getBBox(); g.insert('rect', ':first-child') .attr('x', conf.padding) .attr('y', conf.padding) .attr('width', classBox.width + 2 * conf.padding) .attr('height', classBox.height + 2 * conf.padding) .attr('rx', '5'); return state; }; /** * Draws a state with descriptions * @param {*} g * @param {*} stateDef */ export const drawDescrState = (g, stateDef) => { const addTspan = function(textEl, txt, isFirst) { const tSpan = textEl .append('tspan') .attr('x', 2 * conf.padding) .text(txt); if (!isFirst) { tSpan.attr('dy', conf.textHeight); } }; const title = g .append('text') .attr('x', 2 * conf.padding) .attr('y', conf.textHeight + 1.5 * conf.padding) .attr('font-size', 24) .attr('class', 'state-title') .text(; const titleHeight = title.node().getBBox().height; const description = g .append('text') // text label for the x axis .attr('x', conf.padding) .attr('y', titleHeight + conf.padding * 0.2 + conf.dividerMargin + conf.textHeight) .attr('fill', 'white') .attr('class', 'state-description'); let isFirst = true; stateDef.descriptions.forEach(function(descr) { addTspan(description, descr, isFirst); isFirst = false; }); const descrLine = g .append('line') // text label for the x axis .attr('x1', conf.padding) .attr('y1', conf.padding + titleHeight + conf.dividerMargin / 2) .attr('y2', conf.padding + titleHeight + conf.dividerMargin / 2) .attr('class', 'descr-divider'); const descrBox = description.node().getBBox(); descrLine.attr('x2', descrBox.width + 3 * conf.padding); // const classBox = title.node().getBBox(); g.insert('rect', ':first-child') .attr('x', conf.padding) .attr('y', conf.padding) .attr('width', descrBox.width + 2 * conf.padding) .attr('height', descrBox.height + titleHeight + 2 * conf.padding) .attr('rx', '5'); return g; }; /** * Adds the creates a box around the existing content and adds a * panel for the id on top of the content. */ export const addIdAndBox = (g, stateDef) => { // TODO Move hardcodings to conf const addTspan = function(textEl, txt, isFirst) { const tSpan = textEl .append('tspan') .attr('x', 2 * conf.padding) .text(txt); if (!isFirst) { tSpan.attr('dy', conf.textHeight); } }; const title = g .append('text') .attr('x', 2 * conf.padding) .attr('y', -15) .attr('font-size', 24) .attr('class', 'state-title') .text(; const titleHeight = title.node().getBBox().height; const lineY = -9; const descrLine = g .append('line') // text label for the x axis .attr('x1', 0) .attr('y1', lineY) .attr('y2', lineY) .attr('class', 'descr-divider'); const graphBox = g.node().getBBox(); title.attr('x', graphBox.width / 2 - title.node().getBBox().width / 2); descrLine.attr('x2', graphBox.width + conf.padding); g.insert('rect', ':first-child') .attr('x', graphBox.x) .attr('y', -15 - conf.textHeight - conf.padding) .attr('width', graphBox.width + conf.padding) .attr('height', graphBox.height + 3 + conf.textHeight) .attr('rx', '5'); return g; }; const drawEndState = g => { g.append('circle') .style('stroke', 'black') .style('fill', 'white') .attr('r', 7) .attr('cx', conf.padding + 7) .attr('cy', conf.padding + 7); return g .append('circle') .style('stroke', 'black') .style('fill', 'black') .attr('r', 5) .attr('cx', conf.padding + 7) .attr('cy', conf.padding + 7); }; /** * Starting point for drawing a state. The function finds out the specifics * about the state and renders with approprtiate function. * @param {*} elem * @param {*} stateDef */ export const drawState = function(elem, stateDef, graph, doc) { console.warn('Rendering class ', stateDef); const id =; const stateInfo = { id: id, label:, width: 0, height: 0 }; const g = elem .append('g') .attr('id', id) .attr('class', 'classGroup'); if (stateDef.type === 'start') drawStartState(g); if (stateDef.type === 'end') drawEndState(g); if (stateDef.type === 'default' && stateDef.descriptions.length === 0) drawSimpleState(g, stateDef); if (stateDef.type === 'default' && stateDef.descriptions.length > 0) drawDescrState(g, stateDef); const stateBox = g.node().getBBox(); stateInfo.width = stateBox.width + 2 * conf.padding; stateInfo.height = stateBox.height + 2 * conf.padding; idCache.set(id, stateInfo); // stateCnt++; return stateInfo; }; let edgeCount = 0; export const drawEdge = function(elem, path, relation) { const getRelationType = function(type) { switch (type) { case stateDb.relationType.AGGREGATION: return 'aggregation'; case stateDb.relationType.EXTENSION: return 'extension'; case stateDb.relationType.COMPOSITION: return 'composition'; case stateDb.relationType.DEPENDENCY: return 'dependency'; } }; path.points = path.points.filter(p => !Number.isNaN(p.y)); // The data for our line const lineData = path.points; // This is the accessor function we talked about above const lineFunction = d3 .line() .x(function(d) { return d.x; }) .y(function(d) { return d.y; }) .curve(d3.curveBasis); const svgPath = elem .append('path') .attr('d', lineFunction(lineData)) .attr('id', 'edge' + edgeCount) .attr('class', 'relation'); let url = ''; if (conf.arrowMarkerAbsolute) { url = window.location.protocol + '//' + + window.location.pathname +; url = url.replace(/\(/g, '\\('); url = url.replace(/\)/g, '\\)'); } svgPath.attr( 'marker-end', 'url(' + url + '#' + getRelationType(stateDb.relationType.DEPENDENCY) + 'End' + ')' ); if (typeof relation.title !== 'undefined') { const g = elem.append('g').attr('class', 'classLabel'); const label = g .append('text') .attr('class', 'label') .attr('fill', 'red') .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .text(relation.title); const { x, y } = utils.calcLabelPosition(path.points); label.attr('x', x).attr('y', y); const bounds = label.node().getBBox(); g.insert('rect', ':first-child') .attr('class', 'box') .attr('x', bounds.x - conf.padding / 2) .attr('y', bounds.y - conf.padding / 2) .attr('width', bounds.width + conf.padding) .attr('height', bounds.height + conf.padding); // Debug points // path.points.forEach(point => { // g.append('circle') // .style('stroke', 'red') // .style('fill', 'red') // .attr('r', 1) // .attr('cx', point.x) // .attr('cy', point.y); // }); // g.append('circle') // .style('stroke', 'blue') // .style('fill', 'blue') // .attr('r', 1) // .attr('cx', x) // .attr('cy', y); } edgeCount++; };