import { curveBasis, curveBasisClosed, curveBasisOpen, curveLinear, curveLinearClosed, curveMonotoneX, curveMonotoneY, curveNatural, curveStep, curveStepAfter, curveStepBefore } from 'd3'; import { logger } from './logger'; import { sanitizeUrl } from '@braintree/sanitize-url'; // Effectively an enum of the supported curve types, accessible by name const d3CurveTypes = { curveBasis: curveBasis, curveBasisClosed: curveBasisClosed, curveBasisOpen: curveBasisOpen, curveLinear: curveLinear, curveLinearClosed: curveLinearClosed, curveMonotoneX: curveMonotoneX, curveMonotoneY: curveMonotoneY, curveNatural: curveNatural, curveStep: curveStep, curveStepAfter: curveStepAfter, curveStepBefore: curveStepBefore }; const initPart = /^\s*init(?:ialize)?:\s*(\{.*})$/m; /** * @function detectInit * Detects the init config object from the text * ```mermaid * init: {"startOnLoad": true, "logLevel": 1 } * graph LR * a-->b * b-->c * c-->d * d-->e * e-->f * f-->g * g-->h * ``` * or * ```mermaid * initialize: {"startOnLoad": true, logLevel: "fatal" } * graph LR * a-->b * b-->c * c-->d * d-->e * e-->f * f-->g * g-->h * ``` * * @param {string} text The text defining the graph * @returns {object} An object representing the initialization to pass to mermaidAPI.initialize() */ export const detectInit = function(text) { text = text.replace(/^\s*%%.*\n/g, '\n'); logger.debug('Detecting diagram init based on the text ' + text); if (text.match(initPart)) { return JSON.parse( text .match(initPart)[1] .trim() .replace(/\\n/g, '\n') .replace(/'/g, '"') ); } }; /** * @function detectType * Detects the type of the graph text. * ```mermaid * graph LR * a-->b * b-->c * c-->d * d-->e * e-->f * f-->g * g-->h * ``` * * @param {string} text The text defining the graph * @returns {string} A graph definition key */ export const detectType = function(text) { text = text.replace(/^\s*%%.*\n/g, '\n').replace(initPart, ''); logger.debug('Detecting diagram type based on the text ' + text); if (text.match(/^\s*sequenceDiagram/)) { return 'sequence'; } if (text.match(/^\s*gantt/)) { return 'gantt'; } if (text.match(/^\s*classDiagram/)) { return 'class'; } if (text.match(/^\s*stateDiagram-v2/)) { return 'stateDiagram'; } if (text.match(/^\s*stateDiagram/)) { return 'state'; } if (text.match(/^\s*gitGraph/)) { return 'git'; } if (text.match(/^\s*flowchart/)) { return 'flowchart-v2'; } if (text.match(/^\s*info/)) { return 'info'; } if (text.match(/^\s*pie/)) { return 'pie'; } if (text.match(/^\s*erDiagram/)) { return 'er'; } if (text.match(/^\s*journey/)) { return 'journey'; } return 'flowchart'; }; /** * @function isSubstringInArray * Detects whether a substring in present in a given array * @param {string} str The substring to detect * @param {array} arr The array to search * @returns {number} the array index containing the substring or -1 if not present **/ export const isSubstringInArray = function(str, arr) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].match(str)) return i; } return -1; }; export const interpolateToCurve = (interpolate, defaultCurve) => { if (!interpolate) { return defaultCurve; } const curveName = `curve${interpolate.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + interpolate.slice(1)}`; return d3CurveTypes[curveName] || defaultCurve; }; export const formatUrl = (linkStr, config) => { let url = linkStr.trim(); if (url) { if (config.securityLevel !== 'loose') { return sanitizeUrl(url); } return url; } }; const distance = (p1, p2) => p1 && p2 ? Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2)) : 0; const traverseEdge = points => { let prevPoint; let totalDistance = 0; points.forEach(point => { totalDistance += distance(point, prevPoint); prevPoint = point; }); // Traverse half of total distance along points const distanceToLabel = totalDistance / 2; let remainingDistance = distanceToLabel; let center; prevPoint = undefined; points.forEach(point => { if (prevPoint && !center) { const vectorDistance = distance(point, prevPoint); if (vectorDistance < remainingDistance) { remainingDistance -= vectorDistance; } else { // The point is remainingDistance from prevPoint in the vector between prevPoint and point // Calculate the coordinates const distanceRatio = remainingDistance / vectorDistance; if (distanceRatio <= 0) center = prevPoint; if (distanceRatio >= 1) center = { x: point.x, y: point.y }; if (distanceRatio > 0 && distanceRatio < 1) { center = { x: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.x + distanceRatio * point.x, y: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.y + distanceRatio * point.y }; } } } prevPoint = point; }); return center; }; const calcLabelPosition = points => { const p = traverseEdge(points); return p; }; const calcCardinalityPosition = (isRelationTypePresent, points, initialPosition) => { let prevPoint; let totalDistance = 0; // eslint-disable-line if (points[0] !== initialPosition) { points = points.reverse(); } points.forEach(point => { totalDistance += distance(point, prevPoint); prevPoint = point; }); // Traverse only 25 total distance along points to find cardinality point const distanceToCardinalityPoint = 25; let remainingDistance = distanceToCardinalityPoint; let center; prevPoint = undefined; points.forEach(point => { if (prevPoint && !center) { const vectorDistance = distance(point, prevPoint); if (vectorDistance < remainingDistance) { remainingDistance -= vectorDistance; } else { // The point is remainingDistance from prevPoint in the vector between prevPoint and point // Calculate the coordinates const distanceRatio = remainingDistance / vectorDistance; if (distanceRatio <= 0) center = prevPoint; if (distanceRatio >= 1) center = { x: point.x, y: point.y }; if (distanceRatio > 0 && distanceRatio < 1) { center = { x: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.x + distanceRatio * point.x, y: (1 - distanceRatio) * prevPoint.y + distanceRatio * point.y }; } } } prevPoint = point; }); // if relation is present (Arrows will be added), change cardinality point off-set distance (d) let d = isRelationTypePresent ? 10 : 5; //Calculate Angle for x and y axis let angle = Math.atan2(points[0].y - center.y, points[0].x - center.x); let cardinalityPosition = { x: 0, y: 0 }; //Calculation cardinality position using angle, center point on the line/curve but pendicular and with offset-distance cardinalityPosition.x = Math.sin(angle) * d + (points[0].x + center.x) / 2; cardinalityPosition.y = -Math.cos(angle) * d + (points[0].y + center.y) / 2; return cardinalityPosition; }; export const getStylesFromArray = arr => { let style = ''; let labelStyle = ''; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (typeof arr[i] !== 'undefined') { // add text properties to label style definition if (arr[i].startsWith('color:') || arr[i].startsWith('text-align:')) { labelStyle = labelStyle + arr[i] + ';'; } else { style = style + arr[i] + ';'; } } } return { style: style, labelStyle: labelStyle }; }; let cnt = 0; export const generateId = () => { cnt++; return ( 'id-' + Math.random() .toString(36) .substr(2, 12) + '-' + cnt ); }; export default { detectInit, detectType, isSubstringInArray, interpolateToCurve, calcLabelPosition, calcCardinalityPosition, formatUrl, getStylesFromArray, generateId };