Sidharth Vinod 000b432bb2
Merge branch 'develop' into next
* develop: (70 commits)
  build(deps-dev): bump vite from 4.4.9 to 4.4.12
  Changes to .prettierignore 1. Added 'demos/dev/**' to be ignored by Prettier. 2. Added '!/demos/dev/example.html' so that Prettier ensures no one changes the example.html in a way that doesn't obey the Prettier code formatting rules.
  build: use `tsx` instead of `ts-node-esm`
  chore: Downgrade node to 18.18.2
  fix: #5100 Add viewbox to sankey
  chore(deps): update all minor dependencies
  chore: Rename test
  test: Add unit test for generic classname and namespace
  fix: Check if parentCommit is provided
  Split type from generic class name
  Condition of Parent Id Without Merge Commit Added
  Referenced the PmWiki's Cookbook recipe enabling MermaidJs schematics in wiki pages
  test(e2e): fix pie chart E2E tests for PR #4288
  Add dummy commit to trigger GH checks
  chore: Revert unnecessary export
  refactor: Remove unnecessary calculations
  chore: Fix computeWidth function
  chore: Cleanup setupGraphViewbox
  Update docs
  update mermaidAPI to cleanup the text before passing to getDiagramFromText
2023-12-06 20:50:04 +05:30

136 lines
4.3 KiB

import { build, InlineConfig, type PluginOption } from 'vite';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import jisonPlugin from './jisonPlugin.js';
import jsonSchemaPlugin from './jsonSchemaPlugin.js';
import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript';
import { visualizer } from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer';
import type { TemplateType } from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer/dist/plugin/template-types.js';
import istanbul from 'vite-plugin-istanbul';
import { packageOptions } from '../.build/common.js';
import { generateLangium } from '../.build/generateLangium.js';
const visualize = process.argv.includes('--visualize');
const watch = process.argv.includes('--watch');
const mermaidOnly = process.argv.includes('--mermaid');
const coverage = process.env.VITE_COVERAGE === 'true';
const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url));
const sourcemap = false;
type OutputOptions = Exclude<
Exclude<InlineConfig['build'], undefined>['rollupOptions'],
const visualizerOptions = (packageName: string, core = false): PluginOption[] => {
if (packageName !== 'mermaid' || !visualize) {
return [];
return ['network', 'treemap', 'sunburst'].map(
(chartType) =>
filename: `./stats/${chartType}${core ? '.core' : ''}.html`,
template: chartType as TemplateType,
gzipSize: true,
brotliSize: true,
}) as PluginOption
interface BuildOptions {
minify: boolean | 'esbuild';
core?: boolean;
watch?: boolean;
entryName: keyof typeof packageOptions;
export const getBuildConfig = ({ minify, core, watch, entryName }: BuildOptions): InlineConfig => {
const external: (string | RegExp)[] = ['require', 'fs', 'path'];
console.log(entryName, packageOptions[entryName]);
const { name, file, packageName } = packageOptions[entryName];
let output: OutputOptions = [
format: 'esm',
entryFileNames: `${name}.esm${minify ? '.min' : ''}.mjs`,
const config: InlineConfig = {
configFile: false,
build: {
emptyOutDir: false,
outDir: resolve(__dirname, `../packages/${packageName}/dist`),
lib: {
entry: resolve(__dirname, `../packages/${packageName}/src/${file}`),
// the proper extensions will be added
fileName: name,
rollupOptions: {
define: {
'import.meta.vitest': 'undefined',
resolve: {
extensions: [],
plugins: [
jsonSchemaPlugin(), // handles `.schema.yaml` files
// @ts-expect-error According to the type definitions, rollup plugins are incompatible with vite
typescript({ compilerOptions: { declaration: false } }),
exclude: ['node_modules', 'test/', '__mocks__', 'generated'],
extension: ['.js', '.ts'],
requireEnv: true,
forceBuildInstrument: coverage,
...visualizerOptions(packageName, core),
if (watch && { = {
include: ['packages/mermaid-example-diagram/src/**', 'packages/mermaid/src/**'],
return config;
const buildPackage = async (entryName: keyof typeof packageOptions) => {
await build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, entryName }));
const main = async () => {
const packageNames = Object.keys(packageOptions) as (keyof typeof packageOptions)[];
for (const pkg of packageNames.filter(
(pkg) => !mermaidOnly || pkg === 'mermaid' || pkg === 'parser'
)) {
await buildPackage(pkg);
await generateLangium();
if (watch) {
await build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, watch, core: false, entryName: 'parser' }));
build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, watch, core: false, entryName: 'mermaid' }));
if (!mermaidOnly) {
build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, watch, entryName: 'mermaid-example-diagram' }));
build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, watch, entryName: 'mermaid-zenuml' }));
} else if (visualize) {
await build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, watch, core: false, entryName: 'parser' }));
await build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, core: true, entryName: 'mermaid' }));
await build(getBuildConfig({ minify: false, core: false, entryName: 'mermaid' }));
} else {
void main();