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synced 2025-01-28 07:03:17 +08:00
1. Added a Gantt diagram that demonstrates to users that hashtages and semicolons can be added to titles, sections, and task data. Changes to gantt.spec.js 1. Added unit tests to ensure that semicolons and hashtags didn't break the functionality of the gantt diagram when used in titles, sections or task data. Changes to /parser/gantt.spec.js 1. Added rendering tests to ensure that semicolons and hashtags in titles, sections, and task data didn't break the rendering of Gantt diagrams.
689 lines
19 KiB
689 lines
19 KiB
import { imgSnapshotTest, renderGraph } from '../../helpers/util.ts';
describe('Gantt diagram', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.clock(new Date('1010-10-10').getTime());
it('should render a gantt chart', () => {
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d/%m
title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid
excludes weekdays 2014-01-10
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks
Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line :crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer :2d
Add to mermaid :1d
section Documentation
Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h
Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h
section Last section
Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : 48h
it('Handle multiline section titles with different line breaks', () => {
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d/%m
title GANTT diagram with multiline section titles
excludes weekdays 2014-01-10
section A section<br>multiline
Completed task : done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task : active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks<br/>multiline
Completed task in the critical line : crit, done, 2014-01-06, 24h
Implement parser and jison : crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser : crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line : crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer : 2d
Add to mermaid : 1d
section Documentation<br />multiline
Describe gantt syntax : active, a1, after des1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : after a1, 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : doc1, after a1, 48h
section Last section<br />multiline
Describe gantt syntax : after doc1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : 48h
it('Multiple dependencies syntax', () => {
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d/%m
title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid
excludes weekdays 2014-01-10
apple :a, 2017-07-20, 1w
banana :crit, b, 2017-07-23, 1d
cherry :active, c, after b a, 1d
it('should FAIL redering a gantt chart for issue #1060 with invalid date', () => {
excludes weekdays 2017-01-10
title Projects Timeline
section asdf
specs :done, :ps, 2019-05-10, 50d
Plasma :pc, 2019-06-20, 60d
Rollup :or, 2019-08-20, 50d
section CEL
plasma-chamber :done, :pc, 2019-05-20, 60d
Plasma Implementation (Rust) :por, 2019-06-20, 120d
Predicates (Atomic Swap) :pred, 2019-07-20, 60d
section DEX
History zkSNARK :hs, 2019-08-10, 40d
Exit :vs, after hs, 60d
PredicateSpec :ps, 2019-09-1, 20d
PlasmaIntegration :pi, after ps,40d
section Events
ETHBoston :done, :eb, 2019-09-08, 3d
DevCon :active, :dc, 2019-10-08, 3d
section Plasma Calls & updates
OVM :ovm, 2019-07-12, 120d
Plasma call 26 :pc26, 2019-08-21, 1d
Plasma call 27 :pc27, 2019-09-03, 1d
Plasma call 28 :pc28, 2019-09-17, 1d
it('should default to showing today marker', () => {
// This test only works if the environment thinks today is 1010-10-10
title Show today marker (vertical line should be visible)
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d
%% Should default to being on
%% todayMarker on
section Section1
Yesterday: 1010-10-09, 1d
Today: 1010-10-10, 1d
it('should hide today marker', () => {
title Hide today marker (vertical line should not be visible)
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d
todayMarker off
section Section1
Yesterday: 1010-10-09, 1d
Today: 1010-10-10, 1d
it('should style today marker', () => {
title Style today marker (vertical line should be 5px wide and half-transparent blue)
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d
todayMarker stroke-width:5px,stroke:#00f,opacity:0.5
section Section1
Yesterday: 1010-10-09, 1d
Today: 1010-10-10, 1d
it('should handle milliseconds', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat x
axisFormat %L
section Section
A task :a1, 0, 30ms
Another task :after a1, 20ms
section Another
Another another task :b1, 20, 12ms
Another another another task :after b1, 0.024s
it('should render a gantt diagram when useMaxWidth is true (default)', () => {
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d/%m
title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid
excludes weekdays 2014-01-10
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks
Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line :crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer :2d
Add to mermaid :1d
section Documentation
Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h
Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h
section Last section
Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : 48h
{ gantt: { useMaxWidth: true } }
cy.get('svg').should((svg) => {
expect(svg).to.have.attr('width', '100%');
// expect(svg).to.have.attr('height');
// use within because the absolute value can be slightly different depending on the environment ±5%
// const height = parseFloat(svg.attr('height'));
// expect(height).to.be.within(484 * 0.95, 484 * 1.05);
const style = svg.attr('style');
expect(style).to.match(/^max-width: [\d.]+px;$/);
const maxWidthValue = parseFloat(style.match(/[\d.]+/g).join(''));
Cypress.config().viewportWidth * 0.95,
Cypress.config().viewportWidth * 1.05
it('should render a gantt diagram when useMaxWidth is false', () => {
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d/%m
title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid
excludes weekdays 2014-01-10
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks
Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line :crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer :2d
Add to mermaid :1d
section Documentation
Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h
Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h
section Last section
Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : 48h
{ gantt: { useMaxWidth: false } }
cy.get('svg').should((svg) => {
const width = parseFloat(svg.attr('width'));
Cypress.config().viewportWidth * 0.95,
Cypress.config().viewportWidth * 1.05
it('should render a gantt diagram with data labels at the top when topAxis is true', () => {
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d/%m
title Adding GANTT diagram to mermaid
excludes weekdays 2014-01-10
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks
Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line :crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer :2d
Add to mermaid :1d
section Documentation
Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h
Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h
section Last section
Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : 48h
{ gantt: { topAxis: true } }
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 2 milliseconds', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat SSS
axisFormat %Lms
tickInterval 2millisecond
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 000, 6ms
Another task : after a1, 6ms
section Another
Task in sec : a2, 006, 3ms
another task : 3ms
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 2 seconds', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat ss
axisFormat %Ss
tickInterval 2second
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 00, 6s
Another task : after a1, 6s
section Another
Task in sec : 06, 3s
another task : 3s
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 15 minutes', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %H:%M
tickInterval 15minute
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 2022-10-03, 6h
Another task : after a1, 6h
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-03, 3h
another task : 3h
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 6 hours', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d %H:%M
tickInterval 6hour
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 2022-10-03, 1d
Another task : after a1, 2d
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-04, 2d
another task : 2d
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 1 day', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %m-%d
tickInterval 1day
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 2022-10-01, 30d
Another task : after a1, 20d
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-20, 12d
another task : 24d
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 1 week', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %m-%d
tickInterval 1week
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 2022-10-01, 30d
Another task : after a1, 20d
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-20, 12d
another task : 24d
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 1 week, with the day starting on monday', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %m-%d
tickInterval 1week
weekday monday
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 2022-10-01, 30d
Another task : after a1, 20d
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-20, 12d
another task : 24d
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 1 month', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %m-%d
tickInterval 1month
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 2022-10-01, 30d
Another task : after a1, 20d
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-20, 12d
another task : 24d
it('should render a gantt diagram with tick is 1 day and topAxis is true', () => {
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %m-%d
tickInterval 1day
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 2022-10-01, 30d
Another task : after a1, 20d
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-20, 12d
another task : 24d
{ gantt: { topAxis: true } }
// TODO: fix it
// This test is skipped deliberately
// because it fails and blocks our development pipeline
// It was added as an attempt to fix gantt performance issues
// https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/3274
it.skip('should render a gantt diagram with very large intervals, skipping excludes if interval > 5 years', () => {
title A long Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %m-%d
tickInterval 1day
excludes weekends
section Section
A task : a1, 9999-10-01, 30d
Another task : after a1, 20d
section Another
Task in sec : 2022-10-20, 12d
another task : 24d
it('should render when compact is true', () => {
displayMode: compact
title GANTT compact
dateFormat HH:mm:ss
axisFormat %Hh%M
section DB Clean
Clean: 12:00:00, 10m
Clean: 12:30:00, 12m
Clean: 13:00:00, 8m
Clean: 13:30:00, 9m
Clean: 14:00:00, 13m
Clean: 14:30:00, 10m
Clean: 15:00:00, 11m
section Sessions
A: 12:00:00, 63m
B: 12:30:00, 12m
C: 13:05:00, 12m
D: 13:06:00, 33m
E: 13:15:00, 55m
F: 13:20:00, 12m
G: 13:32:00, 18m
H: 13:50:00, 20m
I: 14:10:00, 10m
it("should render when there's a semicolon in the title", () => {
title ;Gantt With a Semicolon in the Title
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d
it("should render when there's a semicolon in a section is true", () => {
title Gantt Digram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section ;Section With a Semicolon
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d
it("should render when there's a semicolon in the task data", () => {
title Gantt Digram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
;A task with a semiclon :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d
it("should render when there's a hashtag in the title", () => {
title #Gantt With a Hashtag in the Title
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d
it("should render when there's a hashtag in a section is true", () => {
title Gantt Digram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section #Section With a Hashtag
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d
it("should render when there's a hashtag in the task data", () => {
title Gantt Digram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
#A task with a hashtag :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d