2017-04-11 22:14:25 +08:00

3 lines
19 KiB

!(function (e) { typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? e(exports) : (window.hljs = e({}), typeof define === 'function' && define.amd && define([], function () { return window.hljs })) }(function (e) { function n (e) { return e.replace(/&/gm, '&amp;').replace(/</gm, '&lt;').replace(/>/gm, '&gt;') } function t (e) { return e.nodeName.toLowerCase() } function r (e, n) { var t = e && e.exec(n); return t && t.index == 0 } function a (e) { var n = (e.className + ' ' + (e.parentNode ? e.parentNode.className : '')).split(/\s+/); return n = (e) { return e.replace(/^lang(uage)?-/, '') }), n.filter(function (e) { return N(e) || /no(-?)highlight/.test(e) })[0] } function o (e, n) { var t = {}; for (var r in e)t[r] = e[r]; if (n) for (var r in n)t[r] = n[r]; return t } function i (e) { var n = []; return (function r (e, a) { for (var o = e.firstChild; o; o = o.nextSibling)o.nodeType == 3 ? a += o.nodeValue.length : o.nodeType == 1 && (n.push({event: 'start', offset: a, node: o}), a = r(o, a), t(o).match(/br|hr|img|input/) || n.push({event: 'stop', offset: a, node: o})); return a }(e, 0)), n } function c (e, r, a) { function o () { return e.length && r.length ? e[0].offset != r[0].offset ? e[0].offset < r[0].offset ? e : r : r[0].event == 'start' ? e : r : e.length ? e : r } function i (e) { function r (e) { return ' ' + e.nodeName + '="' + n(e.value) + '"' }l += '<' + t(e) +, r).join('') + '>' } function c (e) { l += '</' + t(e) + '>' } function u (e) { (e.event == 'start' ? i : c)(e.node) } for (var s = 0, l = '', f = []; e.length || r.length;) { var g = o(); if (l += n(a.substr(s, g[0].offset - s)), s = g[0].offset, g == e) { f.reverse().forEach(c); do u(g.splice(0, 1)[0]), g = o(); while (g == e && g.length && g[0].offset == s);f.reverse().forEach(i) } else g[0].event == 'start' ? f.push(g[0].node) : f.pop(), u(g.splice(0, 1)[0]) } return l + n(a.substr(s)) } function u (e) { function n (e) { return e && e.source || e } function t (t, r) { return RegExp(n(t), 'm' + (e.cI ? 'i' : '') + (r ? 'g' : '')) } function r (a, i) { if (!a.compiled) { if (a.compiled = !0, a.k = a.k || a.bK, a.k) { var c = {}, u = function (n, t) { e.cI && (t = t.toLowerCase()), t.split(' ').forEach(function (e) { var t = e.split('|'); c[t[0]] = [n, t[1] ? Number(t[1]) : 1] }) }; typeof a.k === 'string' ? u('keyword', a.k) : Object.keys(a.k).forEach(function (e) { u(e, a.k[e]) }), a.k = c }a.lR = t(a.l || /\b[A-Za-z0-9_]+\b/, !0), i && (a.bK && (a.b = '\\b(' + a.bK.split(' ').join('|') + ')\\b'), a.b || (a.b = /\B|\b/), a.bR = t(a.b), a.e || a.eW || (a.e = /\B|\b/), a.e && (a.eR = t(a.e)), a.tE = n(a.e) || '', a.eW && i.tE && (a.tE += (a.e ? '|' : '') + i.tE)), a.i && (a.iR = t(a.i)), void 0 === a.r && (a.r = 1), a.c || (a.c = []); var s = []; a.c.forEach(function (e) { e.v ? e.v.forEach(function (n) { s.push(o(e, n)) }) : s.push(e == 'self' ? a : e) }), a.c = s, a.c.forEach(function (e) { r(e, a) }), a.starts && r(a.starts, i); var l = (e) { return e.bK ? '\\.?(' + e.b + ')\\.?' : e.b }).concat([a.tE, a.i]).map(n).filter(Boolean); a.t = l.length ? t(l.join('|'), !0) : {exec: function () { return null }} } }r(e) } function s (e, t, a, o) { function i (e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.c.length; t++) if (r(n.c[t].bR, e)) return n.c[t] } function c (e, n) { return r(e.eR, n) ? e : e.eW ? c(e.parent, n) : void 0 } function f (e, n) { return !a && r(n.iR, e) } function g (e, n) { var t = x.cI ? n[0].toLowerCase() : n[0]; return e.k.hasOwnProperty(t) && e.k[t] } function p (e, n, t, r) { var a = r ? '' : E.classPrefix, o = '<span class="' + a, i = t ? '' : '</span>'; return o += e + '">', o + n + i } function d () { if (!w.k) return n(y); var e = '', t = 0; w.lR.lastIndex = 0; for (var r = w.lR.exec(y); r;) { e += n(y.substr(t, r.index - t)); var a = g(w, r); a ? (B += a[1], e += p(a[0], n(r[0]))) : e += n(r[0]), t = w.lR.lastIndex, r = w.lR.exec(y) } return e + n(y.substr(t)) } function h () { if (w.sL && !R[w.sL]) return n(y); var e = w.sL ? s(w.sL, y, !0, L[w.sL]) : l(y); return w.r > 0 && (B += e.r), w.subLanguageMode == 'continuous' && (L[w.sL] =, p(e.language, e.value, !1, !0) } function v () { return void 0 !== w.sL ? h() : d() } function b (e, t) { var r = e.cN ? p(e.cN, '', !0) : ''; e.rB ? (M += r, y = '') : e.eB ? (M += n(t) + r, y = '') : (M += r, y = t), w = Object.create(e, {parent: {value: w}}) } function m (e, t) { if (y += e, void 0 === t) return M += v(), 0; var r = i(t, w); if (r) return M += v(), b(r, t), r.rB ? 0 : t.length; var a = c(w, t); if (a) { var o = w; o.rE || o.eE || (y += t), M += v(); do w.cN && (M += '</span>'), B += w.r, w = w.parent; while (w != a.parent);return o.eE && (M += n(t)), y = '', a.starts && b(a.starts, ''), o.rE ? 0 : t.length } if (f(t, w)) throw new Error('Illegal lexeme "' + t + '" for mode "' + (w.cN || '<unnamed>') + '"'); return y += t, t.length || 1 } var x = N(e); if (!x) throw new Error('Unknown language: "' + e + '"'); u(x); for (var w = o || x, L = {}, M = '', k = w; k != x; k = k.parent)k.cN && (M = p(k.cN, '', !0) + M); var y = '', B = 0; try { for (var C, j, I = 0; ;) { if (w.t.lastIndex = I, C = w.t.exec(t), !C) break; j = m(t.substr(I, C.index - I), C[0]), I = C.index + j }m(t.substr(I)); for (var k = w; k.parent; k = k.parent)k.cN && (M += '</span>'); return {r: B, value: M, language: e, top: w} } catch (A) { if (A.message.indexOf('Illegal') != -1) return {r: 0, value: n(t)}; throw A } } function l (e, t) { t = t || E.languages || Object.keys(R); var r = {r: 0, value: n(e)}, a = r; return t.forEach(function (n) { if (N(n)) { var t = s(n, e, !1); t.language = n, t.r > a.r && (a = t), t.r > r.r && (a = r, r = t) } }), a.language && (r.second_best = a), r } function f (e) { return E.tabReplace && (e = e.replace(/^((<[^>]+>|\t)+)/gm, function (e, n) { return n.replace(/\t/g, E.tabReplace) })), E.useBR && (e = e.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')), e } function g (e, n, t) { var r = n ? x[n] : t, a = [e.trim()]; return e.match(/(\s|^)hljs(\s|$)/) || a.push('hljs'), r && a.push(r), a.join(' ').trim() } function p (e) { var n = a(e); if (!/no(-?)highlight/.test(n)) { var t; E.useBR ? (t = document.createElementNS('', 'div'), t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/<br[ \/]*>/g, '\n')) : t = e; var r = t.textContent, o = n ? s(n, r, !0) : l(r), u = i(t); if (u.length) { var p = document.createElementNS('', 'div'); p.innerHTML = o.value, o.value = c(u, i(p), r) }o.value = f(o.value), e.innerHTML = o.value, e.className = g(e.className, n, o.language), e.result = {language: o.language, re: o.r}, o.second_best && (e.second_best = {language: o.second_best.language, re: o.second_best.r}) } } function d (e) { E = o(E, e) } function h () { if (!h.called) { h.called = !0; var e = document.querySelectorAll('pre code');, p) } } function v () { addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', h, !1), addEventListener('load', h, !1) } function b (n, t) { var r = R[n] = t(e); r.aliases && r.aliases.forEach(function (e) { x[e] = n }) } function m () { return Object.keys(R) } function N (e) { return R[e] || R[x[e]] } var E = {classPrefix: 'hljs-', tabReplace: null, useBR: !1, languages: void 0}, R = {}, x = {}; return e.highlight = s, e.highlightAuto = l, e.fixMarkup = f, e.highlightBlock = p, e.configure = d, e.initHighlighting = h, e.initHighlightingOnLoad = v, e.registerLanguage = b, e.listLanguages = m, e.getLanguage = N, e.inherit = o, e.IR = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', e.UIR = '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', e.NR = '\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?', e.CNR = '(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)', e.BNR = '\\b(0b[01]+)', e.RSR = '!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~', e.BE = {b: '\\\\[\\s\\S]', r: 0}, e.ASM = {cN: 'string', b: "'", e: "'", i: '\\n', c: [e.BE]}, e.QSM = {cN: 'string', b: '"', e: '"', i: '\\n', c: [e.BE]}, e.PWM = {b: /\b(a|an|the|are|I|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such)\b/}, e.CLCM = {cN: 'comment', b: '//', e: '$', c: [e.PWM]}, e.CBCM = {cN: 'comment', b: '/\\*', e: '\\*/', c: [e.PWM]}, e.HCM = {cN: 'comment', b: '#', e: '$', c: [e.PWM]}, e.NM = {cN: 'number', b: e.NR, r: 0}, e.CNM = {cN: 'number', b: e.CNR, r: 0}, e.BNM = {cN: 'number', b: e.BNR, r: 0}, e.CSSNM = {cN: 'number', b: e.NR + '(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?', r: 0}, e.RM = {cN: 'regexp', b: /\//, e: /\/[gimuy]*/, i: /\n/, c: [e.BE, {b: /\[/, e: /\]/, r: 0, c: [e.BE]}]}, e.TM = {cN: 'title', b: e.IR, r: 0}, e.UTM = {cN: 'title', b: e.UIR, r: 0}, e })); hljs.registerLanguage('coffeescript', function (e) { var c = {keyword: 'in if for while finally new do return else break catch instanceof throw try this switch continue typeof delete debugger super then unless until loop of by when and or is isnt not', literal: 'true false null undefined yes no on off', reserved: 'case default function var void with const let enum export import native __hasProp __extends __slice __bind __indexOf', built_in: 'npm require console print module global window document'}, n = '[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*', t = {cN: 'subst', b: /#\{/, e: /}/, k: c}, r = [e.BNM, e.inherit(e.CNM, {starts: {e: '(\\s*/)?', r: 0}}), {cN: 'string', v: [{b: /'''/, e: /'''/, c: [e.BE]}, {b: /'/, e: /'/, c: [e.BE]}, {b: /"""/, e: /"""/, c: [e.BE, t]}, {b: /"/, e: /"/, c: [e.BE, t]}]}, {cN: 'regexp', v: [{b: '///', e: '///', c: [t, e.HCM]}, {b: '//[gim]*', r: 0}, {b: /\/(?![ *])(\\\/|.)*?\/[gim]*(?=\W|$)/}]}, {cN: 'property', b: '@' + n}, {b: '`', e: '`', eB: !0, eE: !0, sL: 'javascript'}]; t.c = r; var i = e.inherit(e.TM, {b: n}), s = '(\\(.*\\))?\\s*\\B[-=]>', o = {cN: 'params', b: '\\([^\\(]', rB: !0, c: [{b: /\(/, e: /\)/, k: c, c: ['self'].concat(r)}]}; return {aliases: ['coffee', 'cson', 'iced'], k: c, i: /\/\*/, c: r.concat([{cN: 'comment', b: '###', e: '###', c: [e.PWM]}, e.HCM, {cN: 'function', b: '^\\s*' + n + '\\s*=\\s*' + s, e: '[-=]>', rB: !0, c: [i, o]}, {b: /[:\(,=]\s*/, r: 0, c: [{cN: 'function', b: s, e: '[-=]>', rB: !0, c: [o]}]}, {cN: 'class', bK: 'class', e: '$', i: /[:="\[\]]/, c: [{bK: 'extends', eW: !0, i: /[:="\[\]]/, c: [i]}, i]}, {cN: 'attribute', b: n + ':', e: ':', rB: !0, rE: !0, r: 0}])} }); hljs.registerLanguage('xml', function () { var t = '[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+', e = {b: /<\?(php)?(?!\w)/, e: /\?>/, sL: 'php', subLanguageMode: 'continuous'}, c = {eW: !0, i: /</, r: 0, c: [e, {cN: 'attribute', b: t, r: 0}, {b: '=', r: 0, c: [{cN: 'value', c: [e], v: [{b: /"/, e: /"/}, {b: /'/, e: /'/}, {b: /[^\s\/>]+/}]}]}]}; return {aliases: ['html', 'xhtml', 'rss', 'atom', 'xsl', 'plist'], cI: !0, c: [{cN: 'doctype', b: '<!DOCTYPE', e: '>', r: 10, c: [{b: '\\[', e: '\\]'}]}, {cN: 'comment', b: '<!--', e: '-->', r: 10}, {cN: 'cdata', b: '<\\!\\[CDATA\\[', e: '\\]\\]>', r: 10}, {cN: 'tag', b: '<style(?=\\s|>|$)', e: '>', k: {title: 'style'}, c: [c], starts: {e: '</style>', rE: !0, sL: 'css'}}, {cN: 'tag', b: '<script(?=\\s|>|$)', e: '>', k: {title: 'script'}, c: [c], starts: {e: '</script>', rE: !0, sL: 'javascript'}}, e, {cN: 'pi', b: /<\?\w+/, e: /\?>/, r: 10}, {cN: 'tag', b: '</?', e: '/?>', c: [{cN: 'title', b: /[^ \/><\n\t]+/, r: 0}, c]}]} }); hljs.registerLanguage('markdown', function () { return {aliases: ['md', 'mkdown', 'mkd'], c: [{cN: 'header', v: [{b: '^#{1,6}', e: '$'}, {b: '^.+?\\n[=-]{2,}$'}]}, {b: '<', e: '>', sL: 'xml', r: 0}, {cN: 'bullet', b: '^([*+-]|(\\d+\\.))\\s+'}, {cN: 'strong', b: '[*_]{2}.+?[*_]{2}'}, {cN: 'emphasis', v: [{b: '\\*.+?\\*'}, {b: '_.+?_', r: 0}]}, {cN: 'blockquote', b: '^>\\s+', e: '$'}, {cN: 'code', v: [{b: '`.+?`'}, {b: '^( {4}| )', e: '$', r: 0}]}, {cN: 'horizontal_rule', b: '^[-\\*]{3,}', e: '$'}, {b: '\\[.+?\\][\\(\\[].*?[\\)\\]]', rB: !0, c: [{cN: 'link_label', b: '\\[', e: '\\]', eB: !0, rE: !0, r: 0}, {cN: 'link_url', b: '\\]\\(', e: '\\)', eB: !0, eE: !0}, {cN: 'link_reference', b: '\\]\\[', e: '\\]', eB: !0, eE: !0}], r: 10}, {b: '^\\[.+\\]:', rB: !0, c: [{cN: 'link_reference', b: '\\[', e: '\\]:', eB: !0, eE: !0, starts: {cN: 'link_url', e: '$'}}]}]} }); hljs.registerLanguage('bash', function (e) { var t = {cN: 'variable', v: [{b: /\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/}, {b: /\$\{(.*?)\}/}]}, s = {cN: 'string', b: /"/, e: /"/, c: [e.BE, t, {cN: 'variable', b: /\$\(/, e: /\)/, c: [e.BE]}]}, a = {cN: 'string', b: /'/, e: /'/}; return {aliases: ['sh', 'zsh'], l: /-?[a-z\.]+/, k: {keyword: 'if then else elif fi for while in do done case esac function', literal: 'true false', built_in: 'break cd continue eval exec exit export getopts hash pwd readonly return shift test times trap umask unset alias bind builtin caller command declare echo enable help let local logout mapfile printf read readarray source type typeset ulimit unalias set shopt autoload bg bindkey bye cap chdir clone comparguments compcall compctl compdescribe compfiles compgroups compquote comptags comptry compvalues dirs disable disown echotc echoti emulate fc fg float functions getcap getln history integer jobs kill limit log noglob popd print pushd pushln rehash sched setcap setopt stat suspend ttyctl unfunction unhash unlimit unsetopt vared wait whence where which zcompile zformat zftp zle zmodload zparseopts zprof zpty zregexparse zsocket zstyle ztcp', operator: '-ne -eq -lt -gt -f -d -e -s -l -a'}, c: [{cN: 'shebang', b: /^#![^\n]+sh\s*$/, r: 10}, {cN: 'function', b: /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/, rB: !0, c: [e.inherit(e.TM, {b: /\w[\w\d_]*/})], r: 0}, e.HCM, e.NM, s, a, t]} }); hljs.registerLanguage('ruby', function (e) { var b = '[a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]\\@|<<|>>|=~|===?|<=>|[<>]=?|\\*\\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\\[\\]=?', r = 'and false then defined module in return redo if BEGIN retry end for true self when next until do begin unless END rescue nil else break undef not super class case require yield alias while ensure elsif or include attr_reader attr_writer attr_accessor', c = {cN: 'yardoctag', b: '@[A-Za-z]+'}, a = {cN: 'value', b: '#<', e: '>'}, s = {cN: 'comment', v: [{b: '#', e: '$', c: [c]}, {b: '^\\=begin', e: '^\\=end', c: [c], r: 10}, {b: '^__END__', e: '\\n$'}]}, n = {cN: 'subst', b: '#\\{', e: '}', k: r}, t = {cN: 'string', c: [e.BE, n], v: [{b: /'/, e: /'/}, {b: /"/, e: /"/}, {b: /`/, e: /`/}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?\\(', e: '\\)'}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?\\[', e: '\\]'}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?{', e: '}'}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?<', e: '>'}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?/', e: '/'}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?%', e: '%'}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?-', e: '-'}, {b: '%[qQwWx]?\\|', e: '\\|'}, {b: /\B\?(\\\d{1,3}|\\x[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,2}|\\u[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}|\\?\S)\b/}]}, i = {cN: 'params', b: '\\(', e: '\\)', k: r}, d = [t, a, s, {cN: 'class', bK: 'class module', e: '$|;', i: /=/, c: [e.inherit(e.TM, {b: '[A-Za-z_]\\w*(::\\w+)*(\\?|\\!)?'}), {cN: 'inheritance', b: '<\\s*', c: [{cN: 'parent', b: '(' + e.IR + '::)?' + e.IR}]}, s]}, {cN: 'function', bK: 'def', e: ' |$|;', r: 0, c: [e.inherit(e.TM, {b: b}), i, s]}, {cN: 'constant', b: '(::)?(\\b[A-Z]\\w*(::)?)+', r: 0}, {cN: 'symbol', b: e.UIR + '(\\!|\\?)?:', r: 0}, {cN: 'symbol', b: ':', c: [t, {b: b}], r: 0}, {cN: 'number', b: '(\\b0[0-7_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(\\b[1-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?)|[0_]\\b', r: 0}, {cN: 'variable', b: '(\\$\\W)|((\\$|\\@\\@?)(\\w+))'}, {b: '(' + e.RSR + ')\\s*', c: [a, s, {cN: 'regexp', c: [e.BE, n], i: /\n/, v: [{b: '/', e: '/[a-z]*'}, {b: '%r{', e: '}[a-z]*'}, {b: '%r\\(', e: '\\)[a-z]*'}, {b: '%r!', e: '![a-z]*'}, {b: '%r\\[', e: '\\][a-z]*'}]}], r: 0}]; n.c = d, i.c = d; var l = '[>?]>', u = '[\\w#]+\\(\\w+\\):\\d+:\\d+>', N = '(\\w+-)?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d(p\\d+)?[^>]+>', o = [{b: /^\s*=>/, cN: 'status', starts: {e: '$', c: d}}, {cN: 'prompt', b: '^(' + l + '|' + u + '|' + N + ')', starts: {e: '$', c: d}}]; return {aliases: ['rb', 'gemspec', 'podspec', 'thor', 'irb'], k: r, c: [s].concat(o).concat(d)} }); hljs.registerLanguage('javascript', function (r) { return {aliases: ['js'], k: {keyword: 'in if for while finally var new function do return void else break catch instanceof with throw case default try this switch continue typeof delete let yield const class', literal: 'true false null undefined NaN Infinity', built_in: 'eval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent escape unescape Object Function Boolean Error EvalError InternalError RangeError ReferenceError StopIteration SyntaxError TypeError URIError Number Math Date String RegExp Array Float32Array Float64Array Int16Array Int32Array Int8Array Uint16Array Uint32Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray ArrayBuffer DataView JSON Intl arguments require module console window document'}, c: [{cN: 'pi', r: 10, v: [{b: /^\s*('|")use strict('|")/}, {b: /^\s*('|")use asm('|")/}]}, r.ASM, r.QSM, r.CLCM, r.CBCM, r.CNM, {b: '(' + r.RSR + '|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*', k: 'return throw case', c: [r.CLCM, r.CBCM, r.RM, {b: /</, e: />;/, r: 0, sL: 'xml'}], r: 0}, {cN: 'function', bK: 'function', e: /\{/, eE: !0, c: [r.inherit(r.TM, {b: /[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*/}), {cN: 'params', b: /\(/, e: /\)/, c: [r.CLCM, r.CBCM], i: /["'\(]/}], i: /\[|%/}, {b: /\$[(.]/}, {b: '\\.' + r.IR, r: 0}]} }); hljs.registerLanguage('json', function (e) { var t = {literal: 'true false null'}, i = [e.QSM, e.CNM], l = {cN: 'value', e: ',', eW: !0, eE: !0, c: i, k: t}, c = {b: '{', e: '}', c: [{cN: 'attribute', b: '\\s*"', e: '"\\s*:\\s*', eB: !0, eE: !0, c: [e.BE], i: '\\n', starts: l}], i: '\\S'}, n = {b: '\\[', e: '\\]', c: [e.inherit(l, {cN: null})], i: '\\S'}; return i.splice(i.length, 0, c, n), {c: i, k: t, i: '\\S'} }); hljs.registerLanguage('http', function () { return {i: '\\S', c: [{cN: 'status', b: '^HTTP/[0-9\\.]+', e: '$', c: [{cN: 'number', b: '\\b\\d{3}\\b'}]}, {cN: 'request', b: '^[A-Z]+ (.*?) HTTP/[0-9\\.]+$', rB: !0, e: '$', c: [{cN: 'string', b: ' ', e: ' ', eB: !0, eE: !0}]}, {cN: 'attribute', b: '^\\w', e: ': ', eE: !0, i: '\\n|\\s|=', starts: {cN: 'string', e: '$'}}, {b: '\\n\\n', starts: {sL: '', eW: !0}}]} }); hljs.registerLanguage('css', function (e) { var c = '[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*', a = {cN: 'function', b: c + '\\(', rB: !0, eE: !0, e: '\\('}; return {cI: !0, i: "[=/|']", c: [e.CBCM, {cN: 'id', b: '\\#[A-Za-z0-9_-]+'}, {cN: 'class', b: '\\.[A-Za-z0-9_-]+', r: 0}, {cN: 'attr_selector', b: '\\[', e: '\\]', i: '$'}, {cN: 'pseudo', b: ":(:)?[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\+\\(\\)\\\"\\']+"}, {cN: 'at_rule', b: '@(font-face|page)', l: '[a-z-]+', k: 'font-face page'}, {cN: 'at_rule', b: '@', e: '[{;]', c: [{cN: 'keyword', b: /\S+/}, {b: /\s/, eW: !0, eE: !0, r: 0, c: [a, e.ASM, e.QSM, e.CSSNM]}]}, {cN: 'tag', b: c, r: 0}, {cN: 'rules', b: '{', e: '}', i: '[^\\s]', r: 0, c: [e.CBCM, {cN: 'rule', b: '[^\\s]', rB: !0, e: ';', eW: !0, c: [{cN: 'attribute', b: '[A-Z\\_\\.\\-]+', e: ':', eE: !0, i: '[^\\s]', starts: {cN: 'value', eW: !0, eE: !0, c: [a, e.CSSNM, e.QSM, e.ASM, e.CBCM, {cN: 'hexcolor', b: '#[0-9A-Fa-f]+'}, {cN: 'important', b: '!important'}]}}]}]}]} })