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<title>mermaid - Generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown.</title>
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<h1 id="gant-diagrams">Gant diagrams</h1>
<p>A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart, first developed by Karol Adamiecki in 1896, and independently by Henry Gantt in the 1910s, that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project.</p>
<p>Mermaid can render Gantt diagrams. The code snippet below:</p>
<pre class="css"><code>%% Example of sequence diagram
title A Gantt Diagram
section Section
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
anther task : 24d</code></pre><p>Renders the following diagram:</p>
<div class="mermaid">gantt
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
anther task : 24d</div><h2 id="syntax">Syntax</h2>
<pre class="css"><code>%% Example with slection of syntaxes
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks
Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line :crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer :2d
Add to mermaid :1d
section Documentation
Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h
Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h
section Last section
Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : 48h</code></pre><p>Renders like below:</p>
<div class="mermaid">gantt
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks
Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line :crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer :2d
Add to mermaid :1d
section Documentation
Describe gantt syntax :active, a1, after des1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page :after a1 , 20h
Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h
section Last section
Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d
Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h
Add another diagram to demo page : 48h</div><h3 id="title">title</h3>
<h2 id="sections-statements">Sections statements</h2>
<h2 id="setting-dates">Setting dates</h2>
<h3 id="date-format">Date format</h3>
<h4 id="diagram-definition">Diagram definition</h4>
<p>Input Example Description:</p>
<pre class="css"><code>YYYY 2014 4 digit year
YY 14 2 digit year
Q 1..4 Quarter of year. Sets month to first month in quarter.
M MM 1..12 Month number
MMM MMMM January..Dec Month name in locale set by moment.locale()
D DD 1..31 Day of month
Do 1st..31st Day of month with ordinal
DDD DDDD 1..365 Day of year
X 1410715640.579 Unix timestamp
x 1410715640579 Unix ms timestamp
Input Example Description
H HH 0..23 24 hour time
h hh 1..12 12 hour time used with a A.
a A am pm Post or ante meridiem
m mm 0..59 Minutes
s ss 0..59 Seconds
S 0..9 Tenths of a second
SS 0..99 Hundreds of a second
SSS 0..999 Thousandths of a second
Z ZZ +12:00 Offset from UTC as +-HH:mm, +-HHmm, or Z</code></pre><p>More info in: <a href="http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/">http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/</a></p>
<h4 id="scale">Scale</h4>
<pre class="css"><code>%a - abbreviated weekday name.
%A - full weekday name.
%b - abbreviated month name.
%B - full month name.
%c - date and time, as "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y".
%d - zero-padded day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
%e - space-padded day of the month as a decimal number [ 1,31]; equivalent to %_d.
%H - hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
%I - hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].
%j - day of the year as a decimal number [001,366].
%m - month as a decimal number [01,12].
%M - minute as a decimal number [00,59].
%L - milliseconds as a decimal number [000, 999].
%p - either AM or PM.
%S - second as a decimal number [00,61].
%U - week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].
%w - weekday as a decimal number [0(Sunday),6].
%W - week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].
%x - date, as "%m/%d/%Y".
%X - time, as "%H:%M:%S".
%y - year without century as a decimal number [00,99].
%Y - year with century as a decimal number.
%Z - time zone offset, such as "-0700".
%% - a literal "%" character.</code></pre><p>More info in: <a href="https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Time-Formatting">https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Time-Formatting</a></p>
<h2 id="styling">Styling</h2>
<p>Styling of the a sequence diagram is done by defining a number of css classes. During rendering these classes are extracted from the</p>
<h3 id="classes-used">Classes used</h3>
<td>Style for the actor box at the top of the diagram.</td>
<td>Styles for text in the actor box at the top of the diagram.</td>
<td>The vertical line for an actor.</td>
<td>Styles for the solid message line.</td>
<td>Styles for the dotted message line.</td>
<td>Defines styles for the text on the message arrows.</td>
<td>Defines styles label to left in a loop.</td>
<td>Styles for the text in label for loops.</td>
<td>Styles for the text in the loop box.</td>
<td>Defines styles for the lines in the loop box.</td>
<td>Styles for the note box.</td>
<td>Styles for the text on in the note boxes.</td>
<h3 id="sample-stylesheet">Sample stylesheet</h3>
<pre class="css"><code>
.grid .tick {
stroke: lightgrey;
opacity: 0.3;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.grid path {
stroke-width: 0;
#tag {
color: white;
background: #FA283D;
width: 150px;
position: absolute;
display: none;
padding:3px 6px;
margin-left: -80px;
font-size: 11px;
#tag:before {
border: solid transparent;
content: ' ';
height: 0;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -5px;
position: absolute;
width: 0;
border-width: 10px;
border-bottom-color: #FA283D;
top: -20px;
.taskText {
.taskTextOutsideRight {
.taskTextOutsideLeft {
}</code></pre><h2 id="configuration">Configuration</h2>
<p>Is it possible to adjust the margins for rendering the sequence diagram.</p>
<p>This is done by defining the <strong>sequenceConfig</strong> part of the configuration object. Read more about it <a href="http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/index.html#configuration28">here</a>. How to use<br>the CLI is described in the <a href="(http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/index.html#mermaidCLI">mermaidCLI</a> page.</p>
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