mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 07:03:17 +08:00
Both render and parse are async now. Return type of render contains svg and bindFunctions. Parse will not throw error if parseOptions.silent is passed.
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> **Warning**
> ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/mermaidAPI.md](../../../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/mermaidAPI.md).
# Module: mermaidAPI
## Interfaces
- [RenderResult](../interfaces/mermaidAPI.RenderResult.md)
## References
### default
Renames and re-exports [mermaidAPI](mermaidAPI.md#mermaidapi)
## Type Aliases
### D3Element
Ƭ **D3Element**: `any`
#### Defined in
## Variables
### mermaidAPI
• `Const` **mermaidAPI**: `Readonly`<{ `defaultConfig`: `MermaidConfig` = configApi.defaultConfig; `getConfig`: () => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.getConfig; `getSiteConfig`: () => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.getSiteConfig; `globalReset`: () => `void` ; `initialize`: (`options`: `MermaidConfig`) => `void` ; `parse`: (`text`: `string`, `parseOptions?`: { `silent?`: `boolean` }) => `Promise`<`boolean` | `void`> ; `parseDirective`: (`p`: `any`, `statement`: `string`, `context`: `string`, `type`: `string`) => `void` ; `render`: (`id`: `string`, `text`: `string`, `svgContainingElement?`: `Element`) => `Promise`<[`RenderResult`](../interfaces/mermaidAPI.RenderResult.md)> ; `reset`: () => `void` ; `setConfig`: (`conf`: `MermaidConfig`) => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.setConfig; `updateSiteConfig`: (`conf`: `MermaidConfig`) => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.updateSiteConfig }>
## mermaidAPI configuration defaults
const config = {
theme: 'default',
logLevel: 'fatal',
securityLevel: 'strict',
startOnLoad: true,
arrowMarkerAbsolute: false,
er: {
diagramPadding: 20,
layoutDirection: 'TB',
minEntityWidth: 100,
minEntityHeight: 75,
entityPadding: 15,
stroke: 'gray',
fill: 'honeydew',
fontSize: 12,
useMaxWidth: true,
flowchart: {
diagramPadding: 8,
htmlLabels: true,
curve: 'basis',
sequence: {
diagramMarginX: 50,
diagramMarginY: 10,
actorMargin: 50,
width: 150,
height: 65,
boxMargin: 10,
boxTextMargin: 5,
noteMargin: 10,
messageMargin: 35,
messageAlign: 'center',
mirrorActors: true,
bottomMarginAdj: 1,
useMaxWidth: true,
rightAngles: false,
showSequenceNumbers: false,
gantt: {
titleTopMargin: 25,
barHeight: 20,
barGap: 4,
topPadding: 50,
leftPadding: 75,
gridLineStartPadding: 35,
fontSize: 11,
fontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
numberSectionStyles: 4,
axisFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
topAxis: false,
#### Defined in
## Functions
### appendDivSvgG
▸ **appendDivSvgG**(`parentRoot`, `id`, `enclosingDivId`, `divStyle?`, `svgXlink?`): `any`
Append an enclosing div, then svg, then g (group) to the d3 parentRoot. Set attributes.
Only set the style attribute on the enclosing div if divStyle is given.
Only set the xmlns:xlink attribute on svg if svgXlink is given.
Return the last node appended
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :--------------- | :------- | :----------------------------------------------- |
| `parentRoot` | `any` | the d3 node to append things to |
| `id` | `string` | the value to set the id attr to |
| `enclosingDivId` | `string` | the id to set the enclosing div to |
| `divStyle?` | `string` | if given, the style to set the enclosing div to |
| `svgXlink?` | `string` | if given, the link to set the new svg element to |
#### Returns
- returns the parentRoot that had nodes appended
#### Defined in
### cleanUpSvgCode
▸ **cleanUpSvgCode**(`svgCode?`, `inSandboxMode`, `useArrowMarkerUrls`): `string`
Clean up svgCode. Do replacements needed
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------------------- | :-------- | :------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `svgCode` | `string` | `''` | the code to clean up |
| `inSandboxMode` | `boolean` | `undefined` | security level |
| `useArrowMarkerUrls` | `boolean` | `undefined` | should arrow marker's use full urls? (vs. just the anchors) |
#### Returns
the cleaned up svgCode
#### Defined in
### createCssStyles
▸ **createCssStyles**(`config`, `graphType`, `classDefs?`): `string`
Create the user styles
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :---------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `config` | `MermaidConfig` | configuration that has style and theme settings to use |
| `graphType` | `string` | used for checking if classDefs should be applied |
| `classDefs` | `undefined` \| `null` \| `Record`<`string`, `DiagramStyleClassDef`> | the classDefs in the diagram text. Might be null if none were defined. Usually is the result of a call to getClasses(...) |
#### Returns
the string with all the user styles
#### Defined in
### createUserStyles
▸ **createUserStyles**(`config`, `graphType`, `classDefs`, `svgId`): `string`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :---------- | :----------------------------------------- |
| `config` | `MermaidConfig` |
| `graphType` | `string` |
| `classDefs` | `Record`<`string`, `DiagramStyleClassDef`> |
| `svgId` | `string` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### cssImportantStyles
▸ **cssImportantStyles**(`cssClass`, `element`, `cssClasses?`): `string`
Create a CSS style that starts with the given class name, then the element,
with an enclosing block that has each of the cssClasses followed by !important;
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :----------- | :---------- | :------------ | :--------------------------------------------- |
| `cssClass` | `string` | `undefined` | CSS class name |
| `element` | `string` | `undefined` | CSS element |
| `cssClasses` | `string`\[] | `[]` | list of CSS styles to append after the element |
#### Returns
- the constructed string
#### Defined in
### decodeEntities
▸ **decodeEntities**(`text`): `string`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :----- | :------- | :----------------- |
| `text` | `string` | text to be decoded |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### encodeEntities
▸ **encodeEntities**(`text`): `string`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :----- | :------- | :----------------- |
| `text` | `string` | text to be encoded |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### putIntoIFrame
▸ **putIntoIFrame**(`svgCode?`, `svgElement?`): `string`
Put the svgCode into an iFrame. Return the iFrame code
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------------ | :------- | :------------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `svgCode` | `string` | `''` | the svg code to put inside the iFrame |
| `svgElement?` | `any` | `undefined` | the d3 node that has the current svgElement so we can get the height from it |
#### Returns
- the code with the iFrame that now contains the svgCode
TODO replace btoa(). Replace with buf.toString('base64')?
#### Defined in
### removeExistingElements
▸ **removeExistingElements**(`doc`, `id`, `divId`, `iFrameId`): `void`
Remove any existing elements from the given document
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :--------- | :--------- | :------------------------------------ |
| `doc` | `Document` | the document to removed elements from |
| `id` | `string` | id for any existing SVG element |
| `divId` | `string` | - |
| `iFrameId` | `string` | - |
#### Returns
#### Defined in