mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 07:03:17 +08:00
Split chunks into individual dirs
99 lines
2.9 KiB
99 lines
2.9 KiB
import { resolve } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import type { BuildOptions } from 'esbuild';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import jsonSchemaPlugin from './jsonSchemaPlugin.js';
import { packageOptions } from '../.build/common.js';
import { jisonPlugin } from './jisonPlugin.js';
const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url));
export interface MermaidBuildOptions {
minify: boolean;
core: boolean;
metafile: boolean;
format: 'esm' | 'iife';
entryName: keyof typeof packageOptions;
export const defaultOptions: Omit<MermaidBuildOptions, 'entryName'> = {
minify: false,
metafile: false,
core: false,
format: 'esm',
} as const;
const buildOptions = (override: BuildOptions): BuildOptions => {
return {
bundle: true,
minify: true,
keepNames: true,
platform: 'browser',
tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json',
resolveExtensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.json', '.jison', '.yaml'],
external: ['require', 'fs', 'path'],
outdir: 'dist',
plugins: [jisonPlugin, jsonSchemaPlugin],
sourcemap: 'external',
const getFileName = (fileName: string, { core, format, minify }: MermaidBuildOptions) => {
if (core) {
fileName += '.core';
} else if (format === 'esm') {
fileName += '.esm';
if (minify) {
fileName += '.min';
return fileName;
export const getBuildConfig = (options: MermaidBuildOptions): BuildOptions => {
const { core, entryName, metafile, format } = options;
const external: string[] = ['require', 'fs', 'path'];
const { name, file, packageName } = packageOptions[entryName];
const outFileName = getFileName(name, options);
let output: BuildOptions = buildOptions({
absWorkingDir: resolve(__dirname, `../packages/${packageName}`),
entryPoints: {
[outFileName]: `src/${file}`,
logLevel: 'info',
chunkNames: `chunks/${outFileName}/[name]-[hash]`,
if (core) {
const { dependencies } = JSON.parse(
readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, `../packages/${packageName}/package.json`), 'utf-8')
// Core build is used to generate file without bundled dependencies.
// This is used by downstream projects to bundle dependencies themselves.
// Ignore dependencies and any dependencies of dependencies
output.external = external;
if (format === 'iife') {
output.format = 'iife';
output.splitting = false;
output.globalName = '__esbuild_esm_mermaid';
// Workaround for removing the .default access in esbuild IIFE.
// https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/pull/4109#discussion_r1292317396
output.footer = {
js: 'globalThis.mermaid = globalThis.__esbuild_esm_mermaid.default;',
output.outExtension = { '.js': '.js' };
} else {
output.format = 'esm';
output.splitting = true;
output.outExtension = { '.js': '.mjs' };
return output;