Sidharth Vinod da8112afa5
Merge branch 'develop' into sidv/fixTripleParsing
* develop: (59 commits)
  fix!(deps): fix zenuml style leakage. update @zenuml/core to ^3.0.6 to fix the style leakage.
  Update selectSvgElement.ts
  create `Group` type
  Add specialChars in textNoTagsToken, alphaNumToken
  Return Unicode Text to idStringToken definition
  Add underscore to unit test on special Chars
  Revert to old docs concerning quotations marks in string
  Refactor unit tests and remove repetition
  Correct idStringToken definition to include all individual special tokens
  Add unit tests for node ids with special Chars
  Create lychee.toml
  create `selectSvgElement`
  change `svgElem` to `SVG` in `configureSvgSize`
  add `configureSvgSize` in infoRenderer
  run docs:build
  remove info sandbox test case
  Remove replaceAll method in addLink
  Modify HREF token regex to contain space
  Add unit tests for stange node names
  Remove escaped quotes with backslash feature
2023-08-08 13:37:02 +05:30

324 lines
10 KiB

> **Warning**
> ## Please edit the corresponding file in [/packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/](../../../../packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/setup/modules/
# Module: mermaidAPI
## Interfaces
- [ParseOptions](../interfaces/
- [RenderResult](../interfaces/
## References
### default
Renames and re-exports [mermaidAPI](
## Type Aliases
### D3Element
Ƭ **D3Element**: `any`
#### Defined in
## Variables
### mermaidAPI
`Const` **mermaidAPI**: `Readonly`<{ `defaultConfig`: `MermaidConfig` = configApi.defaultConfig; `getConfig`: () => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.getConfig; `getDiagramFromText`: (`text`: `string`) => `Promise`<`Diagram`> ; `getSiteConfig`: () => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.getSiteConfig; `globalReset`: () => `void` ; `initialize`: (`options`: `MermaidConfig`) => `void` ; `parse`: (`text`: `string`, `parseOptions?`: [`ParseOptions`](../interfaces/ => `Promise`<`boolean`> ; `parseDirective`: (`p`: `any`, `statement`: `string`, `context`: `string`, `type`: `string`) => `void` ; `render`: (`id`: `string`, `text`: `string`, `svgContainingElement?`: `Element`) => `Promise`<[`RenderResult`](../interfaces/> ; `reset`: () => `void` ; `setConfig`: (`conf`: `MermaidConfig`) => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.setConfig; `updateSiteConfig`: (`conf`: `MermaidConfig`) => `MermaidConfig` = configApi.updateSiteConfig }>
## mermaidAPI configuration defaults
const config = {
theme: 'default',
logLevel: 'fatal',
securityLevel: 'strict',
startOnLoad: true,
arrowMarkerAbsolute: false,
er: {
diagramPadding: 20,
layoutDirection: 'TB',
minEntityWidth: 100,
minEntityHeight: 75,
entityPadding: 15,
stroke: 'gray',
fill: 'honeydew',
fontSize: 12,
useMaxWidth: true,
flowchart: {
diagramPadding: 8,
htmlLabels: true,
curve: 'basis',
sequence: {
diagramMarginX: 50,
diagramMarginY: 10,
actorMargin: 50,
width: 150,
height: 65,
boxMargin: 10,
boxTextMargin: 5,
noteMargin: 10,
messageMargin: 35,
messageAlign: 'center',
mirrorActors: true,
bottomMarginAdj: 1,
useMaxWidth: true,
rightAngles: false,
showSequenceNumbers: false,
gantt: {
titleTopMargin: 25,
barHeight: 20,
barGap: 4,
topPadding: 50,
leftPadding: 75,
gridLineStartPadding: 35,
fontSize: 11,
fontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
numberSectionStyles: 4,
axisFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',
topAxis: false,
displayMode: '',
#### Defined in
## Functions
### appendDivSvgG
**appendDivSvgG**(`parentRoot`, `id`, `enclosingDivId`, `divStyle?`, `svgXlink?`): `any`
Append an enclosing div, then svg, then g (group) to the d3 parentRoot. Set attributes.
Only set the style attribute on the enclosing div if divStyle is given.
Only set the xmlns:xlink attribute on svg if svgXlink is given.
Return the last node appended
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :--------------- | :------- | :----------------------------------------------- |
| `parentRoot` | `any` | the d3 node to append things to |
| `id` | `string` | the value to set the id attr to |
| `enclosingDivId` | `string` | the id to set the enclosing div to |
| `divStyle?` | `string` | if given, the style to set the enclosing div to |
| `svgXlink?` | `string` | if given, the link to set the new svg element to |
#### Returns
- returns the parentRoot that had nodes appended
#### Defined in
### cleanUpSvgCode
**cleanUpSvgCode**(`svgCode?`, `inSandboxMode`, `useArrowMarkerUrls`): `string`
Clean up svgCode. Do replacements needed
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------------------- | :-------- | :------------ | :---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `svgCode` | `string` | `''` | the code to clean up |
| `inSandboxMode` | `boolean` | `undefined` | security level |
| `useArrowMarkerUrls` | `boolean` | `undefined` | should arrow marker's use full urls? (vs. just the anchors) |
#### Returns
the cleaned up svgCode
#### Defined in
### createCssStyles
**createCssStyles**(`config`, `graphType`, `classDefs?`): `string`
Create the user styles
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :---------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `config` | `MermaidConfig` | configuration that has style and theme settings to use |
| `graphType` | `string` | used for checking if classDefs should be applied |
| `classDefs` | `undefined` \| `null` \| `Record`<`string`, `DiagramStyleClassDef`> | the classDefs in the diagram text. Might be null if none were defined. Usually is the result of a call to getClasses(...) |
#### Returns
the string with all the user styles
#### Defined in
### createUserStyles
**createUserStyles**(`config`, `graphType`, `classDefs`, `svgId`): `string`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :---------- | :----------------------------------------- |
| `config` | `MermaidConfig` |
| `graphType` | `string` |
| `classDefs` | `Record`<`string`, `DiagramStyleClassDef`> |
| `svgId` | `string` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### cssImportantStyles
**cssImportantStyles**(`cssClass`, `element`, `cssClasses?`): `string`
Create a CSS style that starts with the given class name, then the element,
with an enclosing block that has each of the cssClasses followed by !important;
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :----------- | :---------- | :------------ | :--------------------------------------------- |
| `cssClass` | `string` | `undefined` | CSS class name |
| `element` | `string` | `undefined` | CSS element |
| `cssClasses` | `string`\[] | `[]` | list of CSS styles to append after the element |
#### Returns
- the constructed string
#### Defined in
### decodeEntities
**decodeEntities**(`text`): `string`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :----- | :------- | :----------------- |
| `text` | `string` | text to be decoded |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### encodeEntities
**encodeEntities**(`text`): `string`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :----- | :------- | :----------------- |
| `text` | `string` | text to be encoded |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### putIntoIFrame
**putIntoIFrame**(`svgCode?`, `svgElement?`): `string`
Put the svgCode into an iFrame. Return the iFrame code
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| :------------ | :------- | :------------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `svgCode` | `string` | `''` | the svg code to put inside the iFrame |
| `svgElement?` | `any` | `undefined` | the d3 node that has the current svgElement so we can get the height from it |
#### Returns
- the code with the iFrame that now contains the svgCode
TODO replace btoa(). Replace with buf.toString('base64')?
#### Defined in
### removeExistingElements
**removeExistingElements**(`doc`, `id`, `divId`, `iFrameId`): `void`
Remove any existing elements from the given document
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :--------- | :--------- | :------------------------------------ |
| `doc` | `Document` | the document to removed elements from |
| `id` | `string` | id for any existing SVG element |
| `divId` | `string` | - |
| `iFrameId` | `string` | - |
#### Returns
#### Defined in