2022-12-15 18:24:23 +00:00

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Please edit the corresponding file in /packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/



Please edit the corresponding file in /packages/mermaid/src/docs/config/

Theme Configuration

Dynamic and integrated theme configuration was introduced in Mermaid version 8.7.0.

Themes can now be customized at the site-wide level, or on individual Mermaid diagrams. For site-wide theme customization, the initialize call is used. For diagram specific customization, the init directive is used.

Available Themes

  1. default - This is the default theme for all diagrams.

  2. neutral - This theme is great for black and white documents that will be printed.

  3. dark - This theme goes well with dark-colored elements or dark-mode.

  4. forest - This theme contains shades of green.

  5. base - This is the only theme that can be modified. Use this theme as the base for customizations.

Site-wide Theme

To customize themes site-wide, call the initialize method on the mermaidAPI.

Example of initialize call setting theme to base:

  securityLevel: 'loose',
  theme: 'base',

Diagram-specific Themes

To customize the theme of an individual diagram, use the init directive.

Example of init directive setting the theme to forest:

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
  graph TD
    a --> b
%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
  graph TD
    a --> b
%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
  graph TD
    a --> b
%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
  graph TD
    a --> b

Reminder: the only theme that can be customed is the base theme. The following section covers how to use themeVariables for customizations.

Customizing Themes with themeVariables

To make a custom theme, modify themeVariables via init.

You will need to use the base theme as it is the only modifiable theme.

Parameter Description Type Properties
themeVariables Modifiable with the init directive Object primaryColor, primaryTextColor, lineColor (see full list)

Example of modifying themeVariables using the init directive:

  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
      'primaryColor': '#BB2528',
      'primaryTextColor': '#fff',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
      'lineColor': '#F8B229',
      'secondaryColor': '#006100',
      'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
        graph TD
          A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
          B --> C{Let me think}
          B --> G[/Another/]
          C ==>|One| D[Laptop]
          C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
          C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]
          subgraph section
  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
      'primaryColor': '#BB2528',
      'primaryTextColor': '#fff',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
      'lineColor': '#F8B229',
      'secondaryColor': '#006100',
      'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
        graph TD
          A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
          B --> C{Let me think}
          B --> G[/Another/]
          C ==>|One| D[Laptop]
          C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
          C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]
          subgraph section
  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
      'primaryColor': '#BB2528',
      'primaryTextColor': '#fff',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
      'lineColor': '#F8B229',
      'secondaryColor': '#006100',
      'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
        graph TD
          A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
          B --> C{Let me think}
          B --> G[/Another/]
          C ==>|One| D[Laptop]
          C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
          C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]
          subgraph section
  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
      'primaryColor': '#BB2528',
      'primaryTextColor': '#fff',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000',
      'lineColor': '#F8B229',
      'secondaryColor': '#006100',
      'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
        graph TD
          A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
          B --> C{Let me think}
          B --> G[/Another/]
          C ==>|One| D[Laptop]
          C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
          C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]
          subgraph section

Color and Color Calculation

To ensure diagram readability, the default value of certain variables is calculated or derived from other variables. For example, primaryBorderColor is derived from the primaryColor variable. So if the primaryColor variable is customized, Mermaid will adjust primaryBorderColor automatically. Adjustments can mean a color inversion, a hue change, a darkening/lightening by 10%, etc.

The theming engine will only recognize hex colors and not color names. So, the value #ff0000 will work, but red will not.

Theme Variables

Variable Default value Description
darkMode false Affects how derived colors are calculated. Set value to true for dark mode.
background #f4f4f4 Used to calculate color for items that should either be background colored or contrasting to the background
fontFamily trebuchet ms, verdana, arial
fontSize 16px Font size in pixels
primaryColor #fff4dd Color to be used as background in nodes, other colors will be derived from this
primaryBorderColor calculated from primaryColor Color to be used as border in nodes using primaryColor
primaryBorderColor calculated from primaryColor Color to be used as border in nodes using primaryColor
primaryTextColor calculated from darkMode #ddd/#333 Color to be used as text color in nodes using primaryColor
secondaryColor calculated from primaryColor
primaryBorderColor calculated from primaryColor Color to be used as border in nodes using primaryColor
secondaryBorderColor calculated from secondaryColor Color to be used as border in nodes using secondaryColor
primaryBorderColor calculated from primaryColor Color to be used as border in nodes using primaryColor
secondaryTextColor calculated from secondaryColor Color to be used as text color in nodes using secondaryColor
tertiaryColor calculated from primaryColor
tertiaryBorderColor calculated from tertiaryColor Color to be used as border in nodes using tertiaryColor
tertiaryTextColor calculated from tertiaryColor Color to be used as text color in nodes using tertiaryColor
noteBkgColor #fff5ad Color used as background in notes
noteTextColor #333 Text color in note rectangles
noteBorderColor calculated from noteBkgColor Border color in note rectangles
lineColor calculated from background
textColor calculated from primaryTextColor Text in diagram over the background for instance text on labels and on signals in sequence diagram or the title in Gantt diagram
mainBkg calculated from primaryColor Background in flowchart objects like rects/circles, class diagram classes, sequence diagram etc
errorBkgColor tertiaryColor Color for syntax error message
errorTextColor tertiaryTextColor Color for syntax error message

Flowchart Variables

Variable Default value Description
nodeBorder primaryBorderColor Node Border Color
clusterBkg tertiaryColor Background in subgraphs
clusterBorder tertiaryBorderColor Cluster Border Color
defaultLinkColor lineColor Link Color
titleColor tertiaryTextColor Title Color
edgeLabelBackground calculated from secondaryColor
nodeTextColor primaryTextColor Color for text inside Nodes

Sequence Diagram Variables

Variable Default value Description
actorBkg mainBkg Actor Background Color
actorBorder primaryBorderColor Actor Border Color
actorTextColor primaryTextColor Actor Text Color
actorLineColor grey Actor Line Color
signalColor textColor Signal Color
signalTextColor textColor Signal Text Color
labelBoxBkgColor actorBkg Label Box Background Color
labelBoxBorderColor actorBorder Label Box Border Color
labelTextColor actorTextColor Label Text Color
loopTextColor actorTextColor Loop Text Color
activationBorderColor calculated from secondaryColor Activation Border Color
activationBkgColor secondaryColor Activation Background Color
sequenceNumberColor calculated from lineColor Sequence Number Color

State Colors

Variable Default value Description
labelColor primaryTextColor
altBackground tertiaryColor Used for background in deep composite states

Class Colors

Variable Default value Description
classText textColor Color of Text in class diagrams

User Journey Colors

Variable Default value Description
fillType0 primaryColor Fill for 1st section in journey diagram
fillType1 secondaryColor Fill for 2nd section in journey diagram
fillType2 calculated from primaryColor Fill for 3rd section in journey diagram
fillType3 calculated from secondaryColor Fill for 4th section in journey diagram
fillType4 calculated from primaryColor Fill for 5th section in journey diagram
fillType5 calculated from secondaryColor Fill for 6th section in journey diagram
fillType6 calculated from primaryColor Fill for 7th section in journey diagram
fillType7 calculated from secondaryColor Fill for 8th section in journey diagram