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Generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown.
Ever wanted to simplify documentation and avoid heavy tools like Visio when explaining your code?
This is why mermaid was born, a simple markdown-like script language for generating charts from text via javascript.
The code below would render the following image
<tr><th>Code</th><th>Rendered diagram</th></tr>
graph TD;
<p align="center">
<img src='http://www.sveido.com/mermaid/img/ex1.png' alt='Example 1'>
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail...
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
<img src='http://www.sveido.com/mermaid/img/seq1.png' alt='Example 2'>
Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool
Class03 *-- Class04
Class05 o-- Class06
Class07 .. Class08
Class09 --> C2 : Where am i?
Class09 --* C3
Class09 --|> Class07
Class07 : equals()
Class07 : Object[] elementData
Class01 : size()
Class01 : int chimp
Class01 : int gorilla
Class08 <--> C2: Cool label
<img src='./docs/img/class-diagram.png' alt='Example 3'>
## Further reading
* [Usage](http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/#usage)
* [Flowchart syntax](http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/#flowcharts-basic-syntax)
* [Sequence diagram syntax](http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/#sequence-diagrams)
* [Mermaid client](http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/#mermaid-cli)
* [Demos](http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/#demos)
# Credits
Many thanks to the [d3](http://d3js.org/) and [dagre-d3](https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre-d3) projects for providing
the graphical layout and drawing libraries! Thanks also to the
[js-sequence-diagram](http://bramp.github.io/js-sequence-diagrams) project for usage of the grammar for the
sequence diagrams. Thanks to Jessica Peter for inspiration and starting point for gantt rendering.
*Mermaid was created by Knut Sveidqvist for easier documentation.*
Knut has not done all work by him self, here is the full list of the projects [contributors](https://github.com/knsv/mermaid/graphs/contributors).