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namespace eval expectnmcu::core {
set panicre "powered by Lua \[0-9.\]+ on SDK \[0-9.\]+"
set promptstr "\n> "
namespace export reboot waitboot connect
namespace export send_exp_prompt send_exp_res_prompt send_exp_prompt_c
package require cmdline
# Use DTR/RTS signaling to reboot the device
## I'm not sure why we have to keep resetting the mode, but so it goes.
proc ::expectnmcu::core::reboot { dev } {
set victimfd [open ${dev} ]
set mode [fconfigure ${victimfd} -mode ]
fconfigure ${victimfd} -mode ${mode} -ttycontrol {DTR 0 RTS 1}
sleep 0.1
fconfigure ${victimfd} -mode ${mode} -ttycontrol {DTR 0 RTS 0}
close ${victimfd}
proc ::expectnmcu::core::waitboot { victim } {
expect {
-i ${victim} "Formatting file system" {
set timeout 120
-i ${victim} "powered by Lua" { }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
# Catch nwf's system bootup, in case we're testing an existing system,
# rather than a blank firmware.
expect {
-i ${victim} -re "Reset delay!.*${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr}" {
send -i ${victim} "stop(true)\n"
expect -i ${victim} -ex ${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr}
-i ${victim} -ex ${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr} { }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
# Do a little more active synchronization with the DUT: send it a command
# and wait for the side-effect of that command to happen, thereby ensuring
# that the next prompt we see is after this point in the input.
send -i ${victim} "print(\"a\",\"z\")\n"
expect {
-i ${victim} -ex "a\tz" { }
expect {
-i ${victim} -ex ${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr} { }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
# Establish a serial connection to the device via socat. Takes
# -baud=N, -reboot=0/1/dontwait, -waitboot=0/1 optional parameters
proc ::expectnmcu::core::connect { dev args } {
set opts {
{ baud.arg 115200 }
{ reboot.arg 1 }
array set arg [::cmdline::getoptions args $opts]
spawn "socat" "STDIO" "${dev},b${arg(baud)},raw,crnl"
close -onexec 1 -i ${spawn_id}
set victim ${spawn_id}
# XXX?
set victimfd [open ${dev} ]
set mode [fconfigure ${victimfd} -mode ${arg(baud)},n,8,1 ]
if { ${arg(reboot)} != 0 } {
::expectnmcu::core::reboot ${dev}
if { ${arg(reboot)} != "dontwait" } {
::expectnmcu::core::waitboot ${victim}
close ${victimfd}
return ${victim}
# This one is somewhat "for experts only" -- it expects that you have either
# consumed whatever command you flung at the node or that you have some reason
# to not be concerned with its echo (and return)
proc ::expectnmcu::core::exp_prompt { sid } {
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex ${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr} { }
-i ${sid} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
proc ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt { sid cmd } {
send -i ${sid} -- "${cmd}\n"
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex "${cmd}" { }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex ${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr} { }
-i ${sid} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
proc ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_res_prompt { sid cmd res } {
send -i ${sid} -- "${cmd}\n"
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex "${cmd}" { }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
expect {
-i ${sid} -re "${res}.*${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr}" { }
-i ${sid} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" }
-i ${sid} -ex ${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr} { return -code error "Prompt before expected response" }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
proc ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c { sid cmd } {
send -i ${sid} -- "${cmd}\n"
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex "${cmd}" { }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
expect {
-i ${sid} -ex "\n>> " { }
-i ${sid} -ex ${::expectnmcu::core::promptstr} { return -code error "Non-continuation prompt" }
-i ${sid} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" }
timeout { return -code error "Timeout" }
package provide expectnmcu::core 1.0