148 lines
3.2 KiB

@echo off
echo gen_misc.bat version 20150511
echo .
echo Please follow below steps(1-5) to generate specific bin(s):
echo STEP 1: choose boot version(0=boot_v1.1, 1=boot_v1.2+, 2=none)
set input=default
set /p input=enter(0/1/2, default 2):
if %input% equ 0 (
set boot=old
) else (
if %input% equ 1 (
set boot=new
) else (
set boot=none
echo boot mode: %boot%
echo STEP 2: choose bin generate(0=eagle.flash.bin+eagle.irom0text.bin, 1=user1.bin, 2=user2.bin)
set input=default
set /p input=enter (0/1/2, default 0):
if %input% equ 1 (
if %boot% equ none (
set app=0
echo choose no boot before
echo generate bin: eagle.flash.bin+eagle.irom0text.bin
) else (
set app=1
echo generate bin: user1.bin
) else (
if %input% equ 2 (
if %boot% equ none (
set app=0
echo choose no boot before
echo generate bin: eagle.flash.bin+eagle.irom0text.bin
) else (
set app=2
echo generate bin: user2.bin
) else (
if %boot% neq none (
set boot=none
echo ignore boot
set app=0
echo generate bin: eagle.flash.bin+eagle.irom0text.bin
echo STEP 3: choose spi speed(0=20MHz, 1=26.7MHz, 2=40MHz, 3=80MHz)
set input=default
set /p input=enter (0/1/2/3, default 2):
if %input% equ 0 (
set spi_speed=20
) else (
if %input% equ 1 (
set spi_speed=26.7
) else (
if %input% equ 3 (
set spi_speed=80
) else (
set spi_speed=40
echo spi speed: %spi_speed% MHz
echo STEP 4: choose spi mode(0=QIO, 1=QOUT, 2=DIO, 3=DOUT)
set input=default
set /p input=enter (0/1/2/3, default 0):
if %input% equ 1 (
set spi_mode=QOUT
) else (
if %input% equ 2 (
set spi_mode=DIO
) else (
if %input% equ 3 (
set spi_mode=DOUT
) else (
set spi_mode=QIO
echo spi mode: %spi_mode%
echo STEP 5: choose flash size and map
echo 0= 512KB( 256KB+ 256KB)
echo 2=1024KB( 512KB+ 512KB)
echo 3=2048KB( 512KB+ 512KB)
echo 4=4096KB( 512KB+ 512KB)
echo 5=2048KB(1024KB+1024KB)
echo 6=4096KB(1024KB+1024KB)
set input=default
set /p input=enter (0/1/2/3/4/5/6, default 0):
if %input% equ 2 (
set spi_size_map=2
echo spi size: 1024KB
echo spi ota map: 512KB + 512KB
) else (
if %input% equ 3 (
set spi_size_map=3
echo spi size: 2048KB
echo spi ota map: 512KB + 512KB
) else (
if %input% equ 4 (
set spi_size_map=4
echo spi size: 4096KB
echo spi ota map: 512KB + 512KB
) else (
if %input% equ 5 (
set spi_size_map=5
echo spi size: 2048KB
echo spi ota map: 1024KB + 1024KB
) else (
if %input% equ 6 (
set spi_size_map=6
echo spi size: 4096KB
echo spi ota map: 1024KB + 1024KB
) else (
set spi_size_map=0
echo spi size: 512KB
echo spi ota map: 256KB + 256KB
touch user/user_main.c
echo start...
make BOOT=%boot% APP=%app% SPI_SPEED=%spi_speed% SPI_MODE=%spi_mode% SPI_SIZE=%spi_size_map%