Fivefold 2f452b22b4
Doc update for bme280.lua (#3384)
- Changed the note about bme280_math dependency into a blue note box, like in the [bh1750 documentation](
- Added a paragraph on differentiating between BMP280 and BME280 sensors. It put it in an orange caution box for now, might be too visible for a rare problem.
- Small fixes in bme280.setup() description
2021-01-24 20:33:46 +01:00

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Raw Blame History

BME280 module

Since Origin / Contributor Maintainer Source
2020-10-04 vsky279 vsky279 bme280.lua

This module communicates with BME280/BMP280 temperature/air presssure/humidity sensors (Bosch Sensortec) through I2C interface.

!!! note

The module works only with the [bme280_math](../modules/bme280_math) module.

!!! caution

The BMP280 only supports temperature and air pressure measurements. It will give wrong readings for humidity but no warnings or errors. Sometimes sellers of breakout boards for these sensors confuse the two and sell one as the other.

To easily check if you have a BMP280 or a BME280 look at the shape of the sensor: The BMP280 has rectangular shape, whereas the BME280 has a square one.


Creates bme280sensor object and initializes the module. Initialization is mandatory before reading values. Note that there has to be a delay between some tens to hundreds of milliseconds between calling setup() and reading measurements.

Functions supported by bme280sensor object:


bme280.setup(id, [address, temp_oss, press_oss, humi_oss, power_mode, inactive_duration, IIR_filter])


  • id - I2C bus number
  • (optional)address - BME280 sensor address. 1 for BME280_I2C_ADDRESS1 = 0x76, 2 for BME280_I2C_ADDRESS2 = 0x77. Default sensor address is BME280_I2C_ADDRESS1.
  • (optional) temp_oss - Controls oversampling of temperature data. Default oversampling is 16x.
  • (optional) press_oss - Controls oversampling of pressure data. Default oversampling is 16x.
  • (optional) humi_oss - Controls oversampling of humidity data. Default oversampling is 16x
  • (optional) sensor_mode - Controls the sensor mode of the device. Default sensor more is normal.
  • (optional) inactive_duration - Controls inactive duration in normal mode. Default inactive duration is 20ms.
  • (optional) IIR_filter - Controls the time constant of the IIR filter. Default filter coefficient is 16.
  • (optional) cold_start - If 0 then the BME280 chip is not initialised. Useful in a battery operated setup when the ESP deep sleeps and on wakeup needs to initialise the driver (the module) but not the chip itself. The chip was kept powered (sleeping too) and is holding the latest reading that should be fetched quickly before another reading starts (bme280sensor:startreadout()). By default the chip is initialised.
temp_oss, press_oss, humi_oss Data oversampling
0 Skipped (output set to 0x80000)
1 oversampling ×1
2 oversampling ×2
3 oversampling ×4
4 oversampling ×8
5 oversampling ×16
sensor_mode Sensor mode
0 Sleep mode
1 and 2 Forced mode
3 Normal mode

Using forced mode is recommended for applications which require low sampling rate or hostbased synchronization. The sensor enters into sleep mode after a forced readout. Please refer to BME280 Final Datasheet for more details.

inactive_duration t standby (ms)
0 0.5
1 62.5
2 125
3 250
4 500
5 1000
6 10
7 20
IIR_filter Filter coefficient
0 Filter off
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16


sobj - BME280 Sensor Object (nil if initialization has failed)

BME280 Sensor Object Methods


Re-initializes the sensor.


Parameters are the same as for the bme280.setup function.


Returned values are the same as for the bme280.setup function.


For given air pressure (called QFE in aviation - see wiki QNH article) and sea level air pressure returns the altitude in meters, i.e. altimeter function.


sobj:altitude(P, QNH)


  • P measured pressure
  • QNH current sea level pressure


altitude in meters of measurement point


For given temperature and relative humidity returns the dew point in celsius.


sobj:dewpoint(H, T)


  • H relative humidity in percent (100 means 100%)
  • T temperate in celsius


dew point in celsisus


For given altitude converts the air pressure to sea level air pressure (QNH).


sobj:qfe2qnh(P, altitude)


  • P measured pressure
  • altitude altitude in meters of measurement point


sea level pressure


Reads the sensor and returns the temperature, the air pressure, the air relative humidity and see level pressure when altitude is specified.




  • (optional) altitude- altitude in meters of measurement point. If provided also the air pressure converted to sea level air pressure is returned.


  • T temperature in celsius
  • P air pressure in hectopascals
  • H relative humidity in percent
  • (optional) QNH air pressure in hectopascals (when altitude is specified)

Returns nil if the readout is not successful.


Starts readout (turns the sensor into forced mode). After the readout the sensor turns to sleep mode. Callback function is called with readout results.


sobj:startreadout(delay, callback)


  • callback if provided it will be invoked after given delay. Callback parameters are identical to sobj:read results.
  • altitude in meters of measurement point (QNH is returned when specified)
  • delay sets sensor to forced mode and calls the callback (if provided) after given number of milliseconds. For 0 the default delay is set to 113ms (sufficient time to perform reading for oversampling settings 16x). For different oversampling setting please refer to BME280 Final Datasheet - Appendix B: Measurement time and current calculation.




alt=320 -- altitude of the measurement place

sda, scl = 3, 4
i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
s = require('bme280').setup(0)

tmr.create():alarm(500, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function()
    local T, P, H, QNH = s:read(alt)
    local D = s:dewpoint(H, T)
    print(("T=%.2f, QFE=%.3f, QNH=%.3f, humidity=%.3f, dewpoint=%.2f"):format(T, P, QNH, H, D))

Example with sensor in sleep mode between readouts (asynchronous readouts)

alt=320 -- altitude of the measurement place

sda, scl = 3, 4
i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
s = require('bme280').setup(0, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0) -- initialize to sleep mode

tmr.create():alarm(1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function()
    s:startreadout(function(T, P, H, QNH)
        local D = s:dewpoint(H, T)
        print(("T=%.2f, QFE=%.3f, QNH=%.3f, humidity=%.3f, dewpoint=%.2f"):format(T, P, QNH, H, D))
    end, alt)

Altimeter function - calculate altitude based on current sea level pressure (QNH) and measure pressure

alt = 0 -- initial altitude

sda, scl = 3, 4
i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
s = require('bme280').setup(0)

tmr.create():alarm(100, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function()
    local _, P, _, lQNH = s:read(alt)
    if not QNH then QNH = lQNH end
    local altitude = s:altitude(P, QNH)
    print(("altitude=%.3f m"):format(altitude))