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HTTP Server Module

Since Origin / Contributor Maintainer Source
2015-01-19 Vladimir Dronnikov Vladimir Dronnikov http.lua

This Lua module provides a simple callback implementation of a HTTP 1.1 server.


httpserver = require("httpserver")


httpserver = nil
package.loaded["httpserver"] = nil


Function to start HTTP server.


httpserver.createServer(port, handler(req, res))


  • port: Port number for HTTP server. Most HTTP servers listen at port 80.
  • handler: callback function for when HTTP request was made.


net.server sub module.


Callback function has 2 arguments: req (request) and res (response). The first object holds values:

  • conn: net.socket sub module. DO NOT call :on or :send on this object.

  • method: Request method that was used (e.g.POST or GET)

  • url: Requested URL

  • onheader: assign a function to this value which will be called as soon as HTTP headers like content-type are available. This handler function has 3 parameters:

    • self: req object
    • name: Header name. Will allways be lowercase.
    • value: Header value
  • ondata: assign a function to this value which will be called as soon as body data is available. This handler function has 2 parameters:

    • self: req object
    • chunk: Request data. If all data is received there will be one last call with data = nil

The second object holds functions:

  • send(self, data, [response_code]): Function to send data to client.

    • self: res object
    • data: data to send (may be nil)
    • response_code: the HTTP response code like 200(default) or 404 (for example) NOTE if there are several calls with response_code given only the first one will be used. Any further codes given will be ignored.
  • send_header(self, header_name, header_data): Function to send HTTP headers to client. This function will not be available after data has been sent. (It will be nil.)

    • self: res object
    • header_name: the HTTP header name
    • header_data: the HTTP header data
  • finish([data[, response_code]]): Function to finalize connection, optionally sending data and return code.

    • data: optional data to send on connection finalizing
    • response_code: the HTTP response code like 200(default) or 404 (for example) NOTE if there are several calls with response_code given only the first one will be used. Any further codes given will be ignored.

Full example can be found in http-example.lua