mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 21:18:25 +08:00
The PR removed the bulk of non-newlib headers from the NodeMCU source base. app/libc has now been cut down to the bare minimum overrides to shadow the corresponding functions in the SDK's libc. The old c_xyz.h headerfiles have been nuked in favour of the standard <xyz.h> headers, with a few exceptions over in sdk-overrides. Again, shipping a libc.a without headers is a terrible thing to do. We're still living on a prayer that libc was configured the same was as a default-configured xtensa gcc toolchain assumes it is. That part I cannot do anything about, unfortunately, but it's no worse than it has been before. This enables our source files to compile successfully using the standard header files, and use the typical malloc()/calloc()/realloc()/free(), the strwhatever()s and memwhatever()s. These end up, through macro and linker magic, mapped to the appropriate SDK or ROM functions.
769 lines
22 KiB
769 lines
22 KiB
** $Id: lgc.c,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
** Garbage Collector
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#define lgc_c
#define LUA_CORE
#include "lua.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "ldebug.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lgc.h"
#include "lmem.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "ltable.h"
#include "ltm.h"
#include "lrotable.h"
#define GCSTEPSIZE 1024u
#define GCSWEEPMAX 40
#define GCSWEEPCOST 10
#define maskmarks cast_byte(~(bitmask(BLACKBIT)|WHITEBITS))
#define makewhite(g,x) \
((x)->gch.marked = cast_byte(((x)->gch.marked & maskmarks) | luaC_white(g)))
#define white2gray(x) reset2bits((x)->gch.marked, WHITE0BIT, WHITE1BIT)
#define black2gray(x) resetbit((x)->gch.marked, BLACKBIT)
#define stringmark(s) if (!isLFSobject(&(s)->tsv)) {reset2bits((s)->tsv.marked, WHITE0BIT, WHITE1BIT);}
#define isfinalized(u) testbit(getmarked(u), FINALIZEDBIT)
#define markfinalized(u) l_setbit((u)->marked, FINALIZEDBIT)
#define KEYWEAK bitmask(KEYWEAKBIT)
#define markvalue(g,o) { checkconsistency(o); \
if (iscollectable(o) && iswhite(gcvalue(o))) reallymarkobject(g,gcvalue(o)); }
#define markobject(g,t) { if (iswhite(obj2gco(t))) \
reallymarkobject(g, obj2gco(t)); }
#define setthreshold(g) (g->GCthreshold = (g->estimate/100) * g->gcpause)
static void removeentry (Node *n) {
if (ttype(gkey(n)) != LUA_TDEADKEY && iscollectable(gkey(n)))
// The gkey is always in RAM so it can be marked as DEAD even though it
// refers to an LFS object.
setttype(gkey(n), LUA_TDEADKEY); /* dead key; remove it */
static void reallymarkobject (global_State *g, GCObject *o) {
/* don't mark LFS Protos (or strings) */
if (gettt(&o->gch) == LUA_TPROTO && isLFSobject(&(o->gch)))
lua_assert(iswhite(o) && !isdead(g, o));
switch (gettt(&o->gch)) {
Table *mt = gco2u(o)->metatable;
gray2black(o); /* udata are never gray */
if (mt && !luaR_isrotable(mt)) markobject(g, mt);
markobject(g, gco2u(o)->env);
case LUA_TUPVAL: {
UpVal *uv = gco2uv(o);
markvalue(g, uv->v);
if (uv->v == &uv->u.value) /* closed? */
gray2black(o); /* open upvalues are never black */
gco2cl(o)->c.gclist = g->gray;
g->gray = o;
case LUA_TTABLE: {
gco2h(o)->gclist = g->gray;
g->gray = o;
gco2th(o)->gclist = g->gray;
g->gray = o;
case LUA_TPROTO: {
gco2p(o)->gclist = g->gray;
g->gray = o;
default: lua_assert(0);
static void marktmu (global_State *g) {
GCObject *u = g->tmudata;
if (u) {
do {
u = u->gch.next;
makewhite(g, u); /* may be marked, if left from previous GC */
reallymarkobject(g, u);
} while (u != g->tmudata);
/* move `dead' udata that need finalization to list `tmudata' */
size_t luaC_separateudata (lua_State *L, int all) {
global_State *g = G(L);
size_t deadmem = 0;
GCObject **p = &g->mainthread->next;
GCObject *curr;
while ((curr = *p) != NULL) {
if (!(iswhite(curr) || all) || isfinalized(gco2u(curr)))
p = &curr->gch.next; /* don't bother with them */
else if (fasttm(L, gco2u(curr)->metatable, TM_GC) == NULL) {
markfinalized(gco2u(curr)); /* don't need finalization */
p = &curr->gch.next;
else { /* must call its gc method */
deadmem += sizeudata(gco2u(curr));
*p = curr->gch.next;
/* link `curr' at the end of `tmudata' list */
if (g->tmudata == NULL) /* list is empty? */
g->tmudata = curr->gch.next = curr; /* creates a circular list */
else {
curr->gch.next = g->tmudata->gch.next;
g->tmudata->gch.next = curr;
g->tmudata = curr;
return deadmem;
static int traversetable (global_State *g, Table *h) {
int i;
int weakkey = 0;
int weakvalue = 0;
const TValue *mode = luaO_nilobject;
if (h->metatable) {
if (!luaR_isrotable(h->metatable))
markobject(g, h->metatable);
mode = gfasttm(g, h->metatable, TM_MODE);
if (mode && ttisstring(mode)) { /* is there a weak mode? */
weakkey = (strchr(svalue(mode), 'k') != NULL);
weakvalue = (strchr(svalue(mode), 'v') != NULL);
if (weakkey || weakvalue) { /* is really weak? */
h->marked &= ~(KEYWEAK | VALUEWEAK); /* clear bits */
h->marked |= cast_byte((weakkey << KEYWEAKBIT) |
(weakvalue << VALUEWEAKBIT));
h->gclist = g->weak; /* must be cleared after GC, ... */
g->weak = obj2gco(h); /* ... so put in the appropriate list */
if (weakkey && weakvalue) return 1;
if (!weakvalue) {
i = h->sizearray;
while (i--)
markvalue(g, &h->array[i]);
if (luaH_isdummy (h->node))
return weakkey || weakvalue;
i = sizenode(h);
while (i--) {
Node *n = gnode(h, i);
lua_assert(ttype(gkey(n)) != LUA_TDEADKEY || ttisnil(gval(n)));
if (ttisnil(gval(n)))
removeentry(n); /* remove empty entries */
else {
if (!weakkey) markvalue(g, gkey(n));
if (!weakvalue) markvalue(g, gval(n));
return weakkey || weakvalue;
** All marks are conditional because a GC may happen while the
** prototype is still being created
static void traverseproto (global_State *g, Proto *f) {
int i;
if (isLFSobject(f))
return; /* don't traverse Protos in LFS */
if (f->source) stringmark(f->source);
for (i=0; i<f->sizek; i++) /* mark literals */
markvalue(g, &f->k[i]);
for (i=0; i<f->sizeupvalues; i++) { /* mark upvalue names */
if (f->upvalues[i])
for (i=0; i<f->sizep; i++) { /* mark nested protos */
if (f->p[i])
markobject(g, f->p[i]);
for (i=0; i<f->sizelocvars; i++) { /* mark local-variable names */
if (f->locvars[i].varname)
static void traverseclosure (global_State *g, Closure *cl) {
markobject(g, cl->c.env);
if (cl->c.isC) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<cl->c.nupvalues; i++) /* mark its upvalues */
markvalue(g, &cl->c.upvalue[i]);
else {
int i;
lua_assert(cl->l.nupvalues == cl->l.p->nups);
markobject(g, cl->l.p);
for (i=0; i<cl->l.nupvalues; i++) { /* mark its upvalues */
markobject(g, cl->l.upvals[i]);
static void checkstacksizes (lua_State *L, StkId max) {
int ci_used = cast_int(L->ci - L->base_ci); /* number of `ci' in use */
int s_used = cast_int(max - L->stack); /* part of stack in use */
if (L->size_ci > LUAI_MAXCALLS) /* handling overflow? */
return; /* do not touch the stacks */
if (4*ci_used < L->size_ci && 2*BASIC_CI_SIZE < L->size_ci)
luaD_reallocCI(L, L->size_ci/2); /* still big enough... */
condhardstacktests(luaD_reallocCI(L, ci_used + 1));
if (4*s_used < L->stacksize &&
luaD_reallocstack(L, L->stacksize/2); /* still big enough... */
condhardstacktests(luaD_reallocstack(L, s_used));
static void traversestack (global_State *g, lua_State *l) {
StkId o, lim;
CallInfo *ci;
markvalue(g, gt(l));
lim = l->top;
if(l->stack == NULL) return; /* no stack to traverse */
for (ci = l->base_ci; ci <= l->ci; ci++) {
lua_assert(ci->top <= l->stack_last);
if (lim < ci->top) lim = ci->top;
for (o = l->stack; o < l->top; o++)
markvalue(g, o);
for (; o <= lim; o++)
if (!isfixedstack(l)) /* if stack size is fixed, can't resize it. */
checkstacksizes(l, lim);
** traverse one gray object, turning it to black.
** Returns `quantity' traversed.
static l_mem propagatemark (global_State *g) {
GCObject *o = g->gray;
switch (gettt(&o->gch)) {
case LUA_TTABLE: {
Table *h = gco2h(o);
g->gray = h->gclist;
if (traversetable(g, h)) /* table is weak? */
black2gray(o); /* keep it gray */
return sizeof(Table) + sizeof(TValue) * h->sizearray +
sizeof(Node) * sizenode(h);
Closure *cl = gco2cl(o);
g->gray = cl->c.gclist;
traverseclosure(g, cl);
return (cl->c.isC) ? sizeCclosure(cl->c.nupvalues) :
lua_State *th = gco2th(o);
g->gray = th->gclist;
th->gclist = g->grayagain;
g->grayagain = o;
traversestack(g, th);
return sizeof(lua_State) + sizeof(TValue) * th->stacksize +
sizeof(CallInfo) * th->size_ci;
case LUA_TPROTO: {
Proto *p = gco2p(o);
g->gray = p->gclist;
traverseproto(g, p);
return sizeof(Proto) + sizeof(Proto *) * p->sizep +
sizeof(TValue) * p->sizek +
sizeof(LocVar) * p->sizelocvars +
sizeof(TString *) * p->sizeupvalues +
(proto_isreadonly(p) ? 0 : sizeof(Instruction) * p->sizecode +
(p->packedlineinfo ?
strlen(cast(char *, p->packedlineinfo))+1 :
sizeof(int) * p->sizelineinfo);
default: lua_assert(0); return 0;
static size_t propagateall (global_State *g) {
size_t m = 0;
while (g->gray) m += propagatemark(g);
return m;
** The next function tells whether a key or value can be cleared from
** a weak table. Non-collectable objects are never removed from weak
** tables. Strings behave as `values', so are never removed too. for
** other objects: if really collected, cannot keep them; for userdata
** being finalized, keep them in keys, but not in values
static int iscleared (const TValue *o, int iskey) {
if (!iscollectable(o)) return 0;
if (ttisstring(o)) {
stringmark(rawtsvalue(o)); /* strings are `values', so are never weak */
return 0;
return iswhite(gcvalue(o)) ||
(ttisuserdata(o) && (!iskey && isfinalized(uvalue(o))));
** clear collected entries from weaktables
static void cleartable (GCObject *l) {
while (l) {
Table *h = gco2h(l);
int i = h->sizearray;
lua_assert(testbit(h->marked, VALUEWEAKBIT) ||
testbit(h->marked, KEYWEAKBIT));
if (testbit(h->marked, VALUEWEAKBIT)) {
while (i--) {
TValue *o = &h->array[i];
if (iscleared(o, 0)) /* value was collected? */
setnilvalue(o); /* remove value */
i = sizenode(h);
while (i--) {
Node *n = gnode(h, i);
if (!ttisnil(gval(n)) && /* non-empty entry? */
(iscleared(key2tval(n), 1) || iscleared(gval(n), 0))) {
setnilvalue(gval(n)); /* remove value ... */
removeentry(n); /* remove entry from table */
l = h->gclist;
static void freeobj (lua_State *L, GCObject *o) {
switch (gettt(&o->gch)) {
luaF_freeproto(L, gco2p(o));
case LUA_TFUNCTION: luaF_freeclosure(L, gco2cl(o)); break;
case LUA_TUPVAL: luaF_freeupval(L, gco2uv(o)); break;
case LUA_TTABLE: luaH_free(L, gco2h(o)); break;
lua_assert(gco2th(o) != L && gco2th(o) != G(L)->mainthread);
luaE_freethread(L, gco2th(o));
luaM_freemem(L, o, sizestring(gco2ts(o)));
luaM_freemem(L, o, sizeudata(gco2u(o)));
default: lua_assert(0);
#define sweepwholelist(L,p) sweeplist(L,p,MAX_LUMEM)
static GCObject **sweeplist (lua_State *L, GCObject **p, lu_mem count) {
GCObject *curr;
global_State *g = G(L);
int deadmask = otherwhite(g);
while ((curr = *p) != NULL && count-- > 0) {
lua_assert(!isLFSobject(&(curr->gch)) || curr->gch.tt == LUA_TTHREAD);
if (curr->gch.tt == LUA_TTHREAD) /* sweep open upvalues of each thread */
sweepwholelist(L, &gco2th(curr)->openupval);
if ((curr->gch.marked ^ WHITEBITS) & deadmask) { /* not dead? */
lua_assert(!isdead(g, curr) || testbit(curr->gch.marked, FIXEDBIT));
makewhite(g, curr); /* make it white (for next cycle) */
p = &curr->gch.next;
else { /* must erase `curr' */
lua_assert(isdead(g, curr) || deadmask == bitmask(SFIXEDBIT));
*p = curr->gch.next;
freeobj(L, curr);
return p;
static void checkSizes (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
/* check size of string hash */
if (g->strt.nuse < cast(lu_int32, g->strt.size/4) &&
g->strt.size > MINSTRTABSIZE*2)
luaS_resize(L, g->strt.size/2); /* table is too big */
/* it is not safe to re-size the buffer if it is in use. */
if (luaZ_bufflen(&g->buff) > 0) return;
/* check size of buffer */
if (luaZ_sizebuffer(&g->buff) > LUA_MINBUFFER*2) { /* buffer too big? */
size_t newsize = luaZ_sizebuffer(&g->buff) / 2;
luaZ_resizebuffer(L, &g->buff, newsize);
static void GCTM (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
GCObject *o = g->tmudata->gch.next; /* get first element */
Udata *udata = rawgco2u(o);
const TValue *tm;
/* remove udata from `tmudata' */
if (o == g->tmudata) /* last element? */
g->tmudata = NULL;
g->tmudata->gch.next = udata->uv.next;
udata->uv.next = g->mainthread->next; /* return it to `root' list */
g->mainthread->next = o;
makewhite(g, o);
tm = fasttm(L, udata->uv.metatable, TM_GC);
if (tm != NULL) {
lu_byte oldah = L->allowhook;
lu_mem oldt = g->GCthreshold;
L->allowhook = 0; /* stop debug hooks during GC tag method */
g->GCthreshold = 2*g->totalbytes; /* avoid GC steps */
setobj2s(L, L->top, tm);
setuvalue(L, L->top+1, udata);
L->top += 2;
luaD_call(L, L->top - 2, 0);
L->allowhook = oldah; /* restore hooks */
g->GCthreshold = oldt; /* restore threshold */
** Call all GC tag methods
void luaC_callGCTM (lua_State *L) {
while (G(L)->tmudata)
void luaC_freeall (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
int i;
g->currentwhite = WHITEBITS | bitmask(SFIXEDBIT); /* mask to collect all elements */
sweepwholelist(L, &g->rootgc);
for (i = 0; i < g->strt.size; i++) /* free all string lists */
sweepwholelist(L, &g->strt.hash[i]);
static void markmt (global_State *g) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<NUM_TAGS; i++)
if (g->mt[i] && !luaR_isrotable(g->mt[i])) markobject(g, g->mt[i]);
/* mark root set */
static void markroot (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
g->gray = NULL;
g->grayagain = NULL;
g->weak = NULL;
markobject(g, g->mainthread);
/* make global table be traversed before main stack */
markvalue(g, gt(g->mainthread));
markvalue(g, registry(L));
g->gcstate = GCSpropagate;
static void remarkupvals (global_State *g) {
UpVal *uv;
for (uv = g->uvhead.u.l.next; uv != &g->uvhead; uv = uv->u.l.next) {
lua_assert(uv->u.l.next->u.l.prev == uv && uv->u.l.prev->u.l.next == uv);
if (isgray(obj2gco(uv)))
markvalue(g, uv->v);
static void atomic (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
size_t udsize; /* total size of userdata to be finalized */
/* remark occasional upvalues of (maybe) dead threads */
/* traverse objects caucht by write barrier and by 'remarkupvals' */
/* remark weak tables */
g->gray = g->weak;
g->weak = NULL;
markobject(g, L); /* mark running thread */
markmt(g); /* mark basic metatables (again) */
/* remark gray again */
g->gray = g->grayagain;
g->grayagain = NULL;
udsize = luaC_separateudata(L, 0); /* separate userdata to be finalized */
marktmu(g); /* mark `preserved' userdata */
udsize += propagateall(g); /* remark, to propagate `preserveness' */
cleartable(g->weak); /* remove collected objects from weak tables */
/* flip current white */
g->currentwhite = cast_byte(otherwhite(g));
g->sweepstrgc = 0;
g->sweepgc = &g->rootgc;
g->gcstate = GCSsweepstring;
g->estimate = g->totalbytes - udsize; /* first estimate */
static void sweepstrstep (global_State *g, lua_State *L) {
lu_mem old = g->totalbytes;
sweepwholelist(L, &g->strt.hash[g->sweepstrgc++]);
if (g->sweepstrgc >= g->strt.size) /* nothing more to sweep? */
g->gcstate = GCSsweep; /* end sweep-string phase */
lua_assert(old >= g->totalbytes);
g->estimate -= old - g->totalbytes;
static l_mem singlestep (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
switch (g->gcstate) {
case GCSpause: {
markroot(L); /* start a new collection */
return 0;
case GCSpropagate: {
if (g->gray)
return propagatemark(g);
else { /* no more `gray' objects */
atomic(L); /* finish mark phase */
return 0;
case GCSsweepstring: {
sweepstrstep(g, L);
case GCSsweep: {
lu_mem old = g->totalbytes;
g->sweepgc = sweeplist(L, g->sweepgc, GCSWEEPMAX);
if (*g->sweepgc == NULL) { /* nothing more to sweep? */
g->gcstate = GCSfinalize; /* end sweep phase */
lua_assert(old >= g->totalbytes);
g->estimate -= old - g->totalbytes;
case GCSfinalize: {
if (g->tmudata) {
if (g->estimate > GCFINALIZECOST)
g->estimate -= GCFINALIZECOST;
else {
g->gcstate = GCSpause; /* end collection */
g->gcdept = 0;
return 0;
default: lua_assert(0); return 0;
void luaC_step (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if(is_block_gc(L)) return;
l_mem lim = (GCSTEPSIZE/100) * g->gcstepmul;
if (lim == 0)
lim = (MAX_LUMEM-1)/2; /* no limit */
g->gcdept += g->totalbytes - g->GCthreshold;
if (g->estimate > g->totalbytes)
g->estimate = g->totalbytes;
do {
lim -= singlestep(L);
if (g->gcstate == GCSpause)
} while (lim > 0);
if (g->gcstate != GCSpause) {
if (g->gcdept < GCSTEPSIZE)
g->GCthreshold = g->totalbytes + GCSTEPSIZE; /* - lim/g->gcstepmul;*/
else {
g->gcdept -= GCSTEPSIZE;
g->GCthreshold = g->totalbytes;
else {
lua_assert(g->totalbytes >= g->estimate);
int luaC_sweepstrgc (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if (g->gcstate == GCSsweepstring) {
sweepstrstep(g, L);
return (g->gcstate == GCSsweepstring) ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
void luaC_fullgc (lua_State *L) {
global_State *g = G(L);
if(is_block_gc(L)) return;
if (g->gcstate <= GCSpropagate) {
/* reset sweep marks to sweep all elements (returning them to white) */
g->sweepstrgc = 0;
g->sweepgc = &g->rootgc;
/* reset other collector lists */
g->gray = NULL;
g->grayagain = NULL;
g->weak = NULL;
g->gcstate = GCSsweepstring;
lua_assert(g->gcstate != GCSpause && g->gcstate != GCSpropagate);
/* finish any pending sweep phase */
while (g->gcstate != GCSfinalize) {
lua_assert(g->gcstate == GCSsweepstring || g->gcstate == GCSsweep);
while (g->gcstate != GCSpause) {
void luaC_barrierf (lua_State *L, GCObject *o, GCObject *v) {
global_State *g = G(L);
lua_assert(isblack(o) && iswhite(v) && !isdead(g, v) && !isdead(g, o));
lua_assert(g->gcstate != GCSfinalize && g->gcstate != GCSpause);
lua_assert(o->gch.tt != LUA_TTABLE);
/* must keep invariant? */
if (g->gcstate == GCSpropagate)
reallymarkobject(g, v); /* Restore invariant */
else /* don't mind */
makewhite(g, o); /* mark as white just to avoid other barriers */
void luaC_barrierback (lua_State *L, Table *t) {
global_State *g = G(L);
GCObject *o = obj2gco(t);
lua_assert(isblack(o) && !isdead(g, o));
lua_assert(g->gcstate != GCSfinalize && g->gcstate != GCSpause);
black2gray(o); /* make table gray (again) */
t->gclist = g->grayagain;
g->grayagain = o;
void luaC_marknew (lua_State *L, GCObject *o) {
global_State *g = G(L);
o->gch.marked = luaC_white(g);
if (g->gcstate == GCSpropagate)
reallymarkobject(g, o); /* mark new objects as gray during propagate state. */
void luaC_link (lua_State *L, GCObject *o, lu_byte tt) {
global_State *g = G(L);
o->gch.next = g->rootgc;
g->rootgc = o;
o->gch.marked = luaC_white(g);
o->gch.tt = tt;
void luaC_linkupval (lua_State *L, UpVal *uv) {
global_State *g = G(L);
GCObject *o = obj2gco(uv);
o->gch.next = g->rootgc; /* link upvalue into `rootgc' list */
g->rootgc = o;
if (isgray(o)) {
if (g->gcstate == GCSpropagate) {
gray2black(o); /* closed upvalues need barrier */
luaC_barrier(L, uv, uv->v);
else { /* sweep phase: sweep it (turning it into white) */
makewhite(g, o);
lua_assert(g->gcstate != GCSfinalize && g->gcstate != GCSpause);