Johny Mattsson 526d21dab4 Major cleanup - c_whatever is finally history. (#2838)
The PR removed the bulk of non-newlib headers from the NodeMCU source base.  
app/libc has now been cut down to the bare minimum overrides to shadow the 
corresponding functions in the SDK's libc. The old c_xyz.h headerfiles have been 
nuked in favour of the standard <xyz.h> headers, with a few exceptions over in 
sdk-overrides. Again, shipping a libc.a without headers is a terrible thing to do. We're 
still living on a prayer that libc was configured the same was as a default-configured
xtensa gcc toolchain assumes it is. That part I cannot do anything about, unfortunately, 
but it's no worse than it has been before.

This enables our source files to compile successfully using the standard header files, 
and use the typical malloc()/calloc()/realloc()/free(), the strwhatever()s and 
memwhatever()s. These end up, through macro and linker magic, mapped to the 
appropriate SDK or ROM functions.
2019-07-22 00:58:21 +03:00

355 lines
13 KiB

// ***************************************************************************
// TCS34725 module for ESP8266 with nodeMCU
// Written by K. Townsend (, Adapted for nodeMCU by Travis Howse (tjhowse
// BSD (see license.txt)
// ***************************************************************************
// Original header:
@file tcs34725.c
@author K. Townsend (
@ingroup Sensors
@brief Driver for the TAOS TCS34725 I2C digital RGB/color sensor
@license BSD (see license.txt)
//#define NODE_DEBUG
#include "module.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include <math.h>
// #define TCS34725_ADDRESS (0x29<<1)
#define TCS34725_ADDRESS (0x29)
#define TCS34725_BUS_ID (0x00) /* ?? Not sure what this is for . Nodemcu I2C bus ID? */
#define TCS34725_READBIT (0x01)
#define TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT (0x80)
#define TCS34725_ENABLE (0x00)
#define TCS34725_ENABLE_AIEN (0x10) /* RGBC Interrupt Enable */
#define TCS34725_ENABLE_WEN (0x08) /* Wait enable - Writing 1 activates the wait timer */
#define TCS34725_ENABLE_AEN (0x02) /* RGBC Enable - Writing 1 actives the ADC, 0 disables it */
#define TCS34725_ENABLE_PON (0x01) /* Power on - Writing 1 activates the internal oscillator, 0 disables it */
#define TCS34725_ATIME (0x01) /* Integration time */
#define TCS34725_WTIME (0x03) /* Wait time (if TCS34725_ENABLE_WEN is asserted) */
#define TCS34725_WTIME_2_4MS (0xFF) /* WLONG0 = 2.4ms WLONG1 = 0.029s */
#define TCS34725_WTIME_204MS (0xAB) /* WLONG0 = 204ms WLONG1 = 2.45s */
#define TCS34725_WTIME_614MS (0x00) /* WLONG0 = 614ms WLONG1 = 7.4s */
#define TCS34725_AILTL (0x04) /* Clear channel lower interrupt threshold */
#define TCS34725_AILTH (0x05)
#define TCS34725_AIHTL (0x06) /* Clear channel upper interrupt threshold */
#define TCS34725_AIHTH (0x07)
#define TCS34725_PERS (0x0C) /* Persistence register - basic SW filtering mechanism for interrupts */
#define TCS34725_PERS_NONE (0b0000) /* Every RGBC cycle generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_1_CYCLE (0b0001) /* 1 clean channel value outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_2_CYCLE (0b0010) /* 2 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_3_CYCLE (0b0011) /* 3 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_5_CYCLE (0b0100) /* 5 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_10_CYCLE (0b0101) /* 10 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_15_CYCLE (0b0110) /* 15 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_20_CYCLE (0b0111) /* 20 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_25_CYCLE (0b1000) /* 25 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_30_CYCLE (0b1001) /* 30 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_35_CYCLE (0b1010) /* 35 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_40_CYCLE (0b1011) /* 40 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_45_CYCLE (0b1100) /* 45 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_50_CYCLE (0b1101) /* 50 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_55_CYCLE (0b1110) /* 55 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_PERS_60_CYCLE (0b1111) /* 60 clean channel values outside threshold range generates an interrupt */
#define TCS34725_CONFIG (0x0D)
#define TCS34725_CONFIG_WLONG (0x02) /* Choose between short and long (12x) wait times via TCS34725_WTIME */
#define TCS34725_CONTROL (0x0F) /* Set the gain level for the sensor */
#define TCS34725_ID (0x12) /* 0x44 = TCS34721/TCS34725, 0x4D = TCS34723/TCS34727 */
#define TCS34725_STATUS (0x13)
#define TCS34725_STATUS_AINT (0x10) /* RGBC Clean channel interrupt */
#define TCS34725_STATUS_AVALID (0x01) /* Indicates that the RGBC channels have completed an integration cycle */
#define TCS34725_CDATAL (0x14) /* Clear channel data */
#define TCS34725_CDATAH (0x15)
#define TCS34725_RDATAL (0x16) /* Red channel data */
#define TCS34725_RDATAH (0x17)
#define TCS34725_GDATAL (0x18) /* Green channel data */
#define TCS34725_GDATAH (0x19)
#define TCS34725_BDATAL (0x1A) /* Blue channel data */
#define TCS34725_BDATAH (0x1B)
#define TCS34725_EN_DELAY 30
typedef enum
TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_2_4MS = 0xFF, /**< 2.4ms - 1 cycle - Max Count: 1024 */
TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_24MS = 0xF6, /**< 24ms - 10 cycles - Max Count: 10240 */
TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_101MS = 0xD5, /**< 101ms - 42 cycles - Max Count: 43008 */
TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_154MS = 0xC0, /**< 154ms - 64 cycles - Max Count: 65535 */
TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_700MS = 0x00 /**< 700ms - 256 cycles - Max Count: 65535 */
typedef enum
TCS34725_GAIN_1X = 0x00, /**< No gain */
TCS34725_GAIN_4X = 0x01, /**< 2x gain */
TCS34725_GAIN_16X = 0x02, /**< 16x gain */
TCS34725_GAIN_60X = 0x03 /**< 60x gain */
static void temp_setup_debug(int line, const char *str);
uint8_t tcs34725Setup(lua_State* L);
uint8_t tcs34725Enable(lua_State* L);
uint8_t tcs34725Disable(lua_State* L);
uint8_t tcs34725GetRawData(lua_State* L);
uint8_t tcs34725LuaSetIntegrationTime(lua_State* L);
uint8_t tcs34725SetIntegrationTime(tcs34725IntegrationTime_t it, lua_State* L);
uint8_t tcs34725LuaSetGain(lua_State* L);
uint8_t tcs34725SetGain(tcs34725Gain_t gain, lua_State* L);
static bool _tcs34725Initialised = false;
static int32_t _tcs34725SensorID = 0;
static tcs34725Gain_t _tcs34725Gain = TCS34725_GAIN_1X;
static tcs34725IntegrationTime_t _tcs34725IntegrationTime = TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_2_4MS;
os_timer_t tcs34725_timer; // timer for forced mode readout
sint32_t cb_tcs_en;
@brief Writes an 8 bit values over I2C
uint8_t tcs34725Write8 (uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
platform_i2c_send_address(TCS34725_BUS_ID, TCS34725_ADDRESS, PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER);
platform_i2c_send_byte(TCS34725_BUS_ID, TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT | reg );
platform_i2c_send_byte(TCS34725_BUS_ID, value);
return 0;
@brief Reads a 8 bit values over I2C
uint8_t tcs34725Read8(uint8_t reg)
uint8_t value;
platform_i2c_send_address(TCS34725_BUS_ID, TCS34725_ADDRESS, PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER);
platform_i2c_send_byte(TCS34725_BUS_ID, TCS34725_COMMAND_BIT | reg);
platform_i2c_send_address(TCS34725_BUS_ID, TCS34725_ADDRESS, PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_RECEIVER);
value = platform_i2c_recv_byte(TCS34725_BUS_ID, 0);
return value;
@brief Reads a 16 bit values over I2C
uint16_t tcs34725Read16(uint8_t reg)
uint8_t low = tcs34725Read8(reg);
uint8_t high = tcs34725Read8(++reg);
return (high << 8) | low;
@brief Finishes enabling the device
uint8_t tcs34725EnableDone()
dbg_printf("Enable finished\n");
lua_State *L = lua_getstate();
os_timer_disarm (&tcs34725_timer);
tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ENABLE, TCS34725_ENABLE_PON | TCS34725_ENABLE_AEN);
/* Ready to go ... set the initialised flag */
_tcs34725Initialised = true;
/* This needs to take place after the initialisation flag! */
tcs34725SetIntegrationTime(TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_2_4MS, L);
tcs34725SetGain(TCS34725_GAIN_60X, L);
lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cb_tcs_en); // Get the callback to call
luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cb_tcs_en); // Unregister the callback to avoid leak
cb_tcs_en = LUA_NOREF;
lua_call(L, 0, 0);
return 0;
@brief Enables the device
uint8_t tcs34725Enable(lua_State* L)
dbg_printf("Enable begun\n");
if (lua_type(L, 1) == LUA_TFUNCTION || lua_type(L, 1) == LUA_TLIGHTFUNCTION) {
if (cb_tcs_en != LUA_NOREF) {
luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cb_tcs_en);
lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
cb_tcs_en = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
} else {
return luaL_error(L, "Enable argument must be a function.");
tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ENABLE, TCS34725_ENABLE_PON);
// Start a timer to wait TCS34725_EN_DELAY before calling tcs34725EnableDone
os_timer_disarm (&tcs34725_timer);
os_timer_setfn (&tcs34725_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)tcs34725EnableDone, NULL);
os_timer_arm (&tcs34725_timer, TCS34725_EN_DELAY, 0); // trigger callback when readout is ready
return 0;
@brief Disables the device (putting it in lower power sleep mode)
uint8_t tcs34725Disable(lua_State* L)
/* Turn the device off to save power */
uint8_t reg = 0;
reg = tcs34725Read8(TCS34725_ENABLE);
tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ENABLE, reg & ~(TCS34725_ENABLE_PON | TCS34725_ENABLE_AEN));
_tcs34725Initialised = false;
return 0;
@brief Initialises the I2C block
uint8_t tcs34725Setup(lua_State* L)
uint8_t id = 0;
/* Make sure we have the right IC (0x44 = TCS34725 and TCS34721) */
id = tcs34725Read8(TCS34725_ID);
dbg_printf("id: %x\n",id);
if (id != 0x44) {
return luaL_error(L, "No TCS34725 found.");
lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
return 1;
@brief Sets the integration time to the specified value
uint8_t tcs34725LuaSetIntegrationTime(lua_State* L)
tcs34725IntegrationTime_t it = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
return tcs34725SetIntegrationTime(it,L);
@brief Sets the integration time to the specified value
uint8_t tcs34725SetIntegrationTime(tcs34725IntegrationTime_t it, lua_State* L)
if (!_tcs34725Initialised)
tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_ATIME, it);
_tcs34725IntegrationTime = it;
return 0;
@brief Sets gain to the specified value from Lua
uint8_t tcs34725LuaSetGain(lua_State* L)
tcs34725Gain_t gain = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
return tcs34725SetGain(gain,L);
@brief Sets gain to the specified value
uint8_t tcs34725SetGain(tcs34725Gain_t gain, lua_State* L)
if (!_tcs34725Initialised)
return luaL_error(L, "TCS34725 not initialised.");
tcs34725Write8(TCS34725_CONTROL, gain);
_tcs34725Gain = gain;
return 0;
@brief Reads the raw red, green, blue and clear channel values
uint8_t tcs34725GetRawData(lua_State* L)
uint16_t r;
uint16_t g;
uint16_t b;
uint16_t c;
if (!_tcs34725Initialised)
return luaL_error(L, "TCS34725 not initialised.");
c = tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_CDATAL);
r = tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_RDATAL);
g = tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_GDATAL);
b = tcs34725Read16(TCS34725_BDATAL);
lua_pushinteger(L, c);
lua_pushinteger(L, r);
lua_pushinteger(L, g);
lua_pushinteger(L, b);
return 4;
LROT_FUNCENTRY( setup, tcs34725Setup )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( enable, tcs34725Enable )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( disable, tcs34725Disable )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( raw, tcs34725GetRawData )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( setGain, tcs34725LuaSetGain )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( setIntegrationTime, tcs34725LuaSetIntegrationTime )
LROT_END( tcs34725, NULL, 0 )
NODEMCU_MODULE(TCS34725, "tcs34725", tcs34725, NULL);