mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 21:12:55 +08:00
* Switch off interrupts before rtctime dsleep. * Deal with the fact that MCU keeps running after being told to enter deep sleep (It can keep running for quite a few instructions at times (and none at all at others), and it appears that trying to cache additional code from SPI flash while trying to go to sleep fails miserably at both....) * Ensure flash is not active when going into deep sleep.
224 lines
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224 lines
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// Module for RTC time keeping
#include "module.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "rtc/rtctime_internal.h"
#include "rtc/rtctime.h"
/* seconds per day */
#define SPD 24*60*60
/* days per month -- nonleap! */
static const short __spm[13] =
{ 0,
static int __isleap (int year) {
/* every fourth year is a leap year except for century years that are
* not divisible by 400. */
/* return (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)); */
return (!(year % 4) && ((year % 100) || !(year % 400)));
// ******* C API functions *************
void __attribute__((noreturn)) TEXT_SECTION_ATTR rtc_time_enter_deep_sleep_final (void)
rtc_reg_write_and_loop(0x08,0x00100000); // go to sleep
void rtctime_early_startup (void)
Cache_Read_Enable (0, 0, 1);
rtc_time_register_bootup ();
rtc_time_switch_clocks ();
Cache_Read_Disable ();
void rtctime_late_startup (void)
rtc_time_switch_system ();
void rtctime_gettimeofday (struct rtc_timeval *tv)
rtc_time_gettimeofday (tv);
void rtctime_settimeofday (const struct rtc_timeval *tv)
if (!rtc_time_check_magic ())
rtc_time_prepare ();
rtc_time_settimeofday (tv);
bool rtctime_have_time (void)
return rtc_time_have_time ();
void rtctime_deep_sleep_us (uint32_t us)
rtc_time_deep_sleep_us (us);
void rtctime_deep_sleep_until_aligned_us (uint32_t align_us, uint32_t min_us)
rtc_time_deep_sleep_until_aligned (align_us, min_us);
void rtctime_gmtime (const int32 stamp, struct rtc_tm *r)
int32_t i;
int32_t work = stamp % (SPD);
r->tm_sec = work % 60; work /= 60;
r->tm_min = work % 60; r->tm_hour = work / 60;
work = stamp / (SPD);
r->tm_wday = (4 + work) % 7;
for (i = 1970; ; ++i) {
int32_t k = __isleap (i) ? 366 : 365;
if (work >= k) {
work -= k;
} else {
r->tm_year = i - 1900;
r->tm_yday = work;
r->tm_mday = 1;
if (__isleap (i) && (work > 58)) {
if (work == 59) r->tm_mday = 2; /* 29.2. */
work -= 1;
for (i = 11; i && (__spm[i] > work); --i) ;
r->tm_mon = i;
r->tm_mday += work - __spm[i];
// ******* Lua API functions *************
// rtctime.set (sec, usec)
static int rtctime_set (lua_State *L)
if (!rtc_time_check_magic ())
rtc_time_prepare ();
uint32_t sec = luaL_checknumber (L, 1);
uint32_t usec = 0;
if (lua_isnumber (L, 2))
usec = lua_tonumber (L, 2);
struct rtc_timeval tv = { sec, usec };
rtctime_settimeofday (&tv);
return 0;
// sec, usec = rtctime.get ()
static int rtctime_get (lua_State *L)
struct rtc_timeval tv;
rtctime_gettimeofday (&tv);
lua_pushnumber (L, tv.tv_sec);
lua_pushnumber (L, tv.tv_usec);
return 2;
static void do_sleep_opt (lua_State *L, int idx)
if (lua_isnumber (L, idx))
uint32_t opt = lua_tonumber (L, idx);
if (opt < 0 || opt > 4)
luaL_error (L, "unknown sleep option");
system_deep_sleep_set_option (opt);
// rtctime.dsleep (usec, option)
static int rtctime_dsleep (lua_State *L)
uint32_t us = luaL_checknumber (L, 1);
do_sleep_opt (L, 2);
rtctime_deep_sleep_us (us); // does not return
return 0;
// rtctime.dsleep_aligned (aligned_usec, min_usec, option)
static int rtctime_dsleep_aligned (lua_State *L)
if (!rtctime_have_time ())
return luaL_error (L, "time not available, unable to align");
uint32_t align_us = luaL_checknumber (L, 1);
uint32_t min_us = luaL_checknumber (L, 2);
do_sleep_opt (L, 3);
rtctime_deep_sleep_until_aligned_us (align_us, min_us); // does not return
return 0;
static void add_table_item (lua_State *L, const char *key, int val)
lua_pushstring (L, key);
lua_pushinteger (L, val);
lua_rawset (L, -3);
// rtctime.epoch2cal (stamp)
static int rtctime_epoch2cal (lua_State *L)
struct rtc_tm date;
int32_t stamp = luaL_checkint (L, 1);
luaL_argcheck (L, stamp >= 0, 1, "wrong arg range");
rtctime_gmtime (stamp, &date);
/* construct Lua table */
lua_createtable (L, 0, 8);
add_table_item (L, "yday", date.tm_yday + 1);
add_table_item (L, "wday", date.tm_wday + 1);
add_table_item (L, "year", date.tm_year + 1900);
add_table_item (L, "mon", date.tm_mon + 1);
add_table_item (L, "day", date.tm_mday);
add_table_item (L, "hour", date.tm_hour);
add_table_item (L, "min", date.tm_min);
add_table_item (L, "sec", date.tm_sec);
return 1;
// Module function map
static const LUA_REG_TYPE rtctime_map[] = {
{ LSTRKEY("set"), LFUNCVAL(rtctime_set) },
{ LSTRKEY("get"), LFUNCVAL(rtctime_get) },
{ LSTRKEY("dsleep"), LFUNCVAL(rtctime_dsleep) },
{ LSTRKEY("dsleep_aligned"), LFUNCVAL(rtctime_dsleep_aligned) },
{ LSTRKEY("epoch2cal"), LFUNCVAL(rtctime_epoch2cal) },
NODEMCU_MODULE(RTCTIME, "rtctime", rtctime_map, NULL);