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#ifndef __USER_CONFIG_H__
#define __USER_CONFIG_H__
// The firmware supports a range of Flash sizes, though 4 Mbyte seems to be
// the most common currently. NodeMCU builds include a discovery function
// which is enabled by FLASH_AUTOSIZE, but you can override this by commenting
// this out and enabling the explicitly size, e.g. FLASH_4M. Valid sizes are
//#define FLASH_4M
// The firmware now selects a baudrate of 115,200 by default, but the driver
// also includes automatic baud rate detection at start-up. If you want to change
// the default rate then vaild rates are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
// 31250, 38400, 57600, 74880, 115200, 230400, 256000, 460800 [, 921600, 1843200,
// 368640]. Note that the last 3 rates are not recommended as these might be
// unreliable, but 460800 seems to work well for most USB-serial devices.
// Three separate build variants are now supported. The main difference is in the
// processing of numeric data types. If LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL is defined, then
// all numeric calculations are done in integer, with divide being an integer
// operations, and decimal fraction constants are illegal. Otherwise all
// numeric operations use floating point, though they are exact for integer
// expressions < 2^53.
// The main advantage of INTEGRAL builds is that the basic internal storage unit,
// the TValue, is 8 bytes long. We have now reduced the size of FP TValues to
// 12 bytes rather than the previous 16 as this gives a material RAM saving with
// no performance loss. However, you can define LUA_DWORD_ALIGNED_TVALUES and
// this will force 16 byte TValues on FP builds.
// The Lua Flash Store (LFS) allows you to store Lua code in Flash memory and
// the Lua VMS will execute this code directly from flash without needing any
// RAM overhead. If you want to enable LFS then set the following define to
// the size of the store that you need. This can be any multiple of 4kB up to
// a maximum 256Kb.
//#define LUA_FLASH_STORE 0x10000
// By default Lua executes the file init.lua at start up. The following
// define allows you to replace this with an alternative startup. Warning:
// you must protect this execution otherwise you will enter a panic loop;
// the simplest way is to wrap the action in a function invoked by a pcall.
// The example provided executes the LFS module "_init" at startup or fails
// through to the interactive prompt.
//#define LUA_INIT_STRING "pcall(function() node.flashindex'_init'() end)"
// NodeMCU supports two file systems: SPIFFS and FATFS, the first is available
// on all ESP8266 modules. The latter requires extra H/W so is less common.
// If you use SPIFFS then there are a number of options which impact the
// RAM overhead and performance of the file system.
// If you use the spiffsimg tool to create your own FS images on your dev PC
// then we recommend that you fix the location and size of the FS, allowing
// some headroom for rebuilding flash images and LFS. As an alternative to
// fixing the size of the FS, you can force the SPIFFS file system to end on
// the next 1Mb boundary. This is useful for certain OTA scenarios. In
// general, limiting the size of the FS only to what your application needs
// gives the fastest start-up and imaging times.
//#define SPIFFS_FIXED_LOCATION 0x100000
#define SPIFFS_CACHE 1 // Enable if you use you SPIFFS in R/W mode
#define SPIFFS_MAX_OPEN_FILES 4 // maximum number of open files for SPIFFS
#define FS_OBJ_NAME_LEN 31 // maximum length of a filename
//#define BUILD_FATFS
// The HTTPS stack requires client SSL to be enabled. The SSL buffer size is
// used only for espconn-layer secure connections, and is ignored otherwise.
// Some HTTPS applications require a larger buffer size to work. See
// https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/issues/1457 for details.
// The SHA2 and MD2 libraries are also optionally used by the crypto functions.
// The SHA1 and MD5 function are implemented in the ROM BIOS. The MD2 and SHA2
// are by firmware code, and can be enabled if you need this functionality.
//#define MD2_ENABLE
#define SHA2_ENABLE
#define SSL_BUFFER_SIZE 5120
// GPIO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE needs to be defined if your application uses the
// gpio.trig() or related GPIO interrupt service routine code. Likewise the
// GPIO interrupt hook is requited for a few modules such as rotary. If you
// don't require this functionality, then commenting out these options out
// will remove any associated runtime overhead.
// If your application uses the light sleep functions and you wish the
// firmware to manage timer rescheduling over sleeps (the CPU clock is
// suspended so timers get out of sync) then enable the following options
// The WiFi module optionally offers an enhanced level of WiFi connection
// management, using internal timer callbacks. Whilst many Lua developers
// prefer to implement equivalent features in Lua, others will prefer the
// Wifi module to do this for them. Uncomment the following to enable
// this functionality. See the relevant WiFi module documentation for
// further details, as the scope of these changes is not obvious.
// Enable the wifi.startsmart() and wifi.stopsmart()
// Enable wifi.sta.config() event callbacks
// Enable creation on the wifi.eventmon.reason table
// Enable use of the WiFi.monitor sub-module
// Whilst the DNS client details can be configured through the WiFi API,
// the defaults can be exposed temporarily during start-up. The following
// WIFI_STA options allow you to configure this in the firmware. If the
// WIFI_STA_HOSTNAME is not defined then the hostname will default to
// to the last 3 octets (6 hexadecimal digits) of MAC address with the
// prefix "NODE-". If it is defined then the hostname must only contain
// alphanumeric characters. If you are imaging multiple modules with this
// firmware then you must also define WIFI_STA_HOSTNAME_APPEND_MAC to
// append the last 3 octets of the MAC address. Note that the total
// Hostname MUST be 32 chars or less.
// If you use the enduser_setup module, then you can also set the default
// SSID when this module is running in AP mode.
#define ENDUSER_SETUP_AP_SSID "SetupGadget"
// The following sections are only relevent for those developers who are
// developing modules or core Lua changes and configure how extra diagnostics
// are enabled in the firmware. These should only be configured if you are
// building your own custom firmware and have full access to the firmware
// source code.
// Enabling DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS adds the asserts in LUA and also some useful
// extras to the node module. These are silent in normal operation and so can
// be enabled without any harm (except for the code size increase and slight
// slowdown). If you want to use the remote GDB to handle breaks and failed
// assertions then enable the DEVELOPMENT_USE GDB option. A supplimentary
// define DEVELOPMENT_BREAK_ON_STARTUP_PIN allows you to define a GPIO pin,
// which if pulled low at start-up will immediately initiate a GDB session.
// The DEVELOP_VERSION option enables lots of debug output, and is normally
// only used by hardcore developers.
// These options can be enabled globally here or you can alternatively use
// the DEFINES variable in the relevant Makefile to set these on a per
// directory basis. If you do this then you can also set the corresponding
// compile options (-O0 -ggdb) on a per directory as well.
// *** Heareafter, there be demons ***
// The remaining options are advanced configuration options and you should only
// change this if you have tracked the implications through the Firmware sources
// and understand the these.
#define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_DEBUG_MINIMAL // for debug.getregistry() and debug.traceback()
extern void luaL_assertfail(const char *file, int line, const char *message);
#define lua_assert(x) ((x) ? (void) 0 : luaL_assertfail(__FILE__, __LINE__, #x))
extern void luaL_dbgbreak(void);
#define lua_assert(x) ((x) ? (void) 0 : luaL_dbgbreak())
#define NODE_DEBUG
#define COAP_DEBUG
#endif /* DEVELOP_VERSION */
#define NODE_DBG dbg_printf
#define NODE_DBG
#endif /* NODE_DEBUG */
#define NODE_ERROR
#define NODE_ERR dbg_printf
#define NODE_ERR
#endif /* NODE_ERROR */
#define ICACHE_STORE_TYPEDEF_ATTR __attribute__((aligned(4),packed))
#define ICACHE_STORE_ATTR __attribute__((aligned(4)))
#define ICACHE_STRING2(x) #x
__attribute__((section(".iram0.text." __FILE__ "." ICACHE_STRING(__LINE__))))
__attribute__((section(".irom.reserved." __FILE__ "." ICACHE_STRING(__LINE__)),\
#define NO_INTR_CODE ICACHE_RAM_ATTR __attribute__ ((noinline))
#define NO_INTR_CODE inline
#endif /* __USER_CONFIG_H__ */