mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 21:18:25 +08:00
656 lines
18 KiB
656 lines
18 KiB
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Martin d'Allens <martin.dallens@gmail.com> wrote this file. As long as you retain
* this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day,
* and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* FIXME: sprintf->snprintf everywhere.
* FIXME: support null characters in responses.
#include "osapi.h"
#include "user_interface.h"
#include "espconn.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "httpclient.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
/* Internal state. */
typedef struct request_args_t {
char * hostname;
int port;
bool secure;
char * method;
char * path;
char * headers;
char * post_data;
char * buffer;
int buffer_size;
int redirect_follow_count;
int timeout;
os_timer_t timeout_timer;
http_callback_t callback_handle;
} request_args_t;
static char * ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR esp_strdup( const char * str )
if ( str == NULL )
char * new_str = (char *) os_malloc( os_strlen( str ) + 1 ); /* 1 for null character */
if ( new_str == NULL )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "esp_strdup: malloc error" );
os_strcpy( new_str, str );
esp_isupper( char c )
return(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
esp_isalpha( char c )
return( (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') );
esp_isspace( char c )
return(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\12');
esp_isdigit( char c )
return(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
static int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_chunked_decode( const char * chunked, char * decode )
int i = 0, j = 0;
int decode_size = 0;
char *str = (char *) chunked;
char * endstr;
/* [chunk-size] */
i = strtoul( str + j, NULL, 16 );
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Chunk Size:%d\r\n", i );
if ( i <= 0 )
/* [chunk-size-end-ptr] */
endstr = (char *) os_strstr( str + j, "\r\n" );
/* [chunk-ext] */
j += endstr - (str + j);
/* [CRLF] */
j += 2;
/* [chunk-data] */
decode_size += i;
os_memcpy( (char *) &decode[decode_size - i], (char *) str + j, i );
j += i;
/* [CRLF] */
j += 2;
while ( true );
* footer CRLF
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_receive_callback( void * arg, char * buf, unsigned short len )
struct espconn * conn = (struct espconn *) arg;
request_args_t * req = (request_args_t *) conn->reverse;
if ( req->buffer == NULL )
/* Let's do the equivalent of a realloc(). */
const int new_size = req->buffer_size + len;
char * new_buffer;
if ( new_size > BUFFER_SIZE_MAX || NULL == (new_buffer = (char *) os_malloc( new_size ) ) )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Response too long (%d)\n", new_size );
req->buffer[0] = '\0'; /* Discard the buffer to avoid using an incomplete response. */
if ( req->secure )
espconn_secure_disconnect( conn );
espconn_disconnect( conn );
return; /* The disconnect callback will be called. */
os_memcpy( new_buffer, req->buffer, req->buffer_size );
os_memcpy( new_buffer + req->buffer_size - 1 /*overwrite the null character*/, buf, len ); /* Append new data. */
new_buffer[new_size - 1] = '\0'; /* Make sure there is an end of string. */
os_free( req->buffer );
req->buffer = new_buffer;
req->buffer_size = new_size;
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_send_callback( void * arg )
struct espconn * conn = (struct espconn *) arg;
request_args_t * req = (request_args_t *) conn->reverse;
if ( req->post_data == NULL )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "All sent\n" );
/* The headers were sent, now send the contents. */
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Sending request body\n" );
if ( req->secure )
espconn_secure_send( conn, (uint8_t *) req->post_data, strlen( req->post_data ) );
espconn_send( conn, (uint8_t *) req->post_data, strlen( req->post_data ) );
os_free( req->post_data );
req->post_data = NULL;
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_connect_callback( void * arg )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Connected\n" );
struct espconn * conn = (struct espconn *) arg;
request_args_t * req = (request_args_t *) conn->reverse;
espconn_regist_recvcb( conn, http_receive_callback );
espconn_regist_sentcb( conn, http_send_callback );
char post_headers[32] = "";
if ( req->post_data != NULL ) /* If there is data then add Content-Length header. */
os_sprintf( post_headers, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", strlen( req->post_data ) );
if(req->headers == NULL) /* Avoid NULL pointer, it may cause exception */
req->headers = (char *)os_malloc(sizeof(char));
req->headers[0] = '\0';
char ua_header[32] = "";
int ua_len = 0;
if (os_strstr( req->headers, "User-Agent:" ) == NULL && os_strstr( req->headers, "user-agent:" ) == NULL)
os_sprintf( ua_header, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", "ESP8266" );
ua_len = strlen(ua_header);
char host_header[32] = "";
int host_len = 0;
if ( os_strstr( req->headers, "Host:" ) == NULL && os_strstr( req->headers, "host:" ) == NULL)
if ((req->port == 80) || ((req->port == 443) && ( req->secure )))
os_sprintf( host_header, "Host: %s\r\n", req->hostname );
os_sprintf( host_header, "Host: %s:%d\r\n", req->hostname, req->port );
host_len = strlen(host_header);
char buf[69 + strlen( req->method ) + strlen( req->path ) + host_len +
strlen( req->headers ) + ua_len + strlen( post_headers )];
int len = os_sprintf( buf,
"%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"%s" // Host (if not provided in the headers from Lua)
"Connection: close\r\n"
"%s" // Headers from Lua (optional)
"%s" // User-Agent (if not provided in the headers from Lua)
"%s" // Content-Length
req->method, req->path, host_header, req->headers, ua_header, post_headers );
if (req->secure)
espconn_secure_send( conn, (uint8_t *) buf, len );
espconn_send( conn, (uint8_t *) buf, len );
if (req->headers != NULL)
os_free( req->headers );
req->headers = NULL;
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Sending request header\n" );
static void http_free_req( request_args_t * req)
if (req->buffer) {
os_free( req->buffer );
if (req->post_data) {
os_free( req->post_data );
if (req->headers) {
os_free( req->headers );
os_free( req->hostname );
os_free( req->method );
os_free( req->path );
os_free( req );
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_disconnect_callback( void * arg )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Disconnected\n" );
struct espconn *conn = (struct espconn *) arg;
if ( conn == NULL )
if ( conn->proto.tcp != NULL )
os_free( conn->proto.tcp );
if ( conn->reverse != NULL )
request_args_t * req = (request_args_t *) conn->reverse;
int http_status = -1;
char * body = "";
// Turn off timeout timer
os_timer_disarm( &(req->timeout_timer) );
if ( req->buffer == NULL )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Buffer probably shouldn't be NULL\n" );
else if ( req->buffer[0] != '\0' )
/* FIXME: make sure this is not a partial response, using the Content-Length header. */
const char * version_1_0 = "HTTP/1.0 ";
const char * version_1_1 = "HTTP/1.1 ";
if (( os_strncmp( req->buffer, version_1_0, strlen( version_1_0 ) ) != 0 ) &&
( os_strncmp( req->buffer, version_1_1, strlen( version_1_1 ) ) != 0 ))
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Invalid version in %s\n", req->buffer );
http_status = atoi( req->buffer + strlen( version_1_0 ) );
char *locationOffset = (char *) os_strstr( req->buffer, "Location:" );
if ( locationOffset == NULL ) {
locationOffset = (char *) os_strstr( req->buffer, "location:" );
if ( locationOffset != NULL && http_status >= 300 && http_status <= 308 ) {
if (req->redirect_follow_count < REDIRECTION_FOLLOW_MAX) {
locationOffset += strlen("location:");
while (*locationOffset == ' ') { // skip url leading white-space
char *locationOffsetEnd = (char *) os_strstr(locationOffset, "\r\n");
if ( locationOffsetEnd == NULL ) {
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Found Location header but was incomplete\n" );
http_status = -1;
} else {
*locationOffsetEnd = '\0';
// Check if url is absolute
bool url_has_protocol =
os_strncmp( locationOffset, "http://", strlen( "http://" ) ) == 0 ||
os_strncmp( locationOffset, "https://", strlen( "https://" ) ) == 0;
if ( url_has_protocol ) {
http_request( locationOffset, req->method, req->headers,
req->post_data, req->callback_handle, req->redirect_follow_count );
} else {
if ( os_strncmp( locationOffset, "/", 1 ) == 0) { // relative and full path
http_raw_request( req->hostname, req->port, req->secure, req->method,
locationOffset, req->headers, req->post_data, req->callback_handle, req->redirect_follow_count );
} else { // relative and relative path
// find last /
const char *pathFolderEnd = strrchr(req->path, '/');
int pathFolderLength = pathFolderEnd - req->path;
pathFolderLength++; // use the '/'
int locationLength = strlen(locationOffset);
locationLength++; // use the '\0'
// append pathFolder with given relative path
char *completeRelativePath = (char *) os_malloc(pathFolderLength + locationLength);
os_memcpy( completeRelativePath, req->path, pathFolderLength );
os_memcpy( completeRelativePath + pathFolderLength, locationOffset, locationLength);
http_raw_request( req->hostname, req->port, req->secure, req->method,
completeRelativePath, req->headers, req->post_data, req->callback_handle, req->redirect_follow_count );
os_free( completeRelativePath );
http_free_req( req );
espconn_delete( conn );
os_free( conn );
} else {
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG("Too many redirections\n");
http_status = -1;
} else {
body = (char *) os_strstr(req->buffer, "\r\n\r\n");
if (NULL == body) {
/* Find missing body */
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG("Body shouldn't be NULL\n");
/* To avoid NULL body */
body = "";
} else {
/* Skip CR & LF */
body = body + 4;
if ( os_strstr( req->buffer, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" ) )
int body_size = req->buffer_size - (body - req->buffer);
char chunked_decode_buffer[body_size];
os_memset( chunked_decode_buffer, 0, body_size );
/* Chuncked data */
http_chunked_decode( body, chunked_decode_buffer );
os_memcpy( body, chunked_decode_buffer, body_size );
if ( req->callback_handle != NULL ) /* Callback is optional. */
req->callback_handle( body, http_status, req->buffer );
http_free_req( req );
/* Fix memory leak. */
espconn_delete( conn );
os_free( conn );
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_error_callback( void *arg, sint8 errType )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Disconnected with error\n" );
http_disconnect_callback( arg );
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_timeout_callback( void *arg )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Connection timeout\n" );
struct espconn * conn = (struct espconn *) arg;
if ( conn == NULL )
if ( conn->reverse == NULL )
request_args_t * req = (request_args_t *) conn->reverse;
/* Call disconnect */
if ( req->secure )
espconn_secure_disconnect( conn );
espconn_disconnect( conn );
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_dns_callback( const char * hostname, ip_addr_t * addr, void * arg )
request_args_t * req = (request_args_t *) arg;
if ( addr == NULL )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "DNS failed for %s\n", hostname );
if ( req->callback_handle != NULL )
req->callback_handle( "", -1, "" );
http_free_req( req );
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "DNS found %s " IPSTR "\n", hostname, IP2STR( addr ) );
struct espconn * conn = (struct espconn *) os_zalloc( sizeof(struct espconn) );
conn->type = ESPCONN_TCP;
conn->state = ESPCONN_NONE;
conn->proto.tcp = (esp_tcp *) os_zalloc( sizeof(esp_tcp) );
conn->proto.tcp->local_port = espconn_port();
conn->proto.tcp->remote_port = req->port;
conn->reverse = req;
os_memcpy( conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip, addr, 4 );
espconn_regist_connectcb( conn, http_connect_callback );
espconn_regist_disconcb( conn, http_disconnect_callback );
espconn_regist_reconcb( conn, http_error_callback );
/* Set connection timeout timer */
os_timer_disarm( &(req->timeout_timer) );
os_timer_setfn( &(req->timeout_timer), (os_timer_func_t *) http_timeout_callback, conn );
os_timer_arm( &(req->timeout_timer), req->timeout, false );
if ( req->secure )
espconn_secure_set_size( ESPCONN_CLIENT, 5120 ); /* set SSL buffer size */
espconn_secure_connect( conn );
espconn_connect( conn );
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_raw_request( const char * hostname, int port, bool secure, const char * method, const char * path, const char * headers, const char * post_data, http_callback_t callback_handle, int redirect_follow_count )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "DNS request\n" );
request_args_t * req = (request_args_t *) os_zalloc( sizeof(request_args_t) );
req->hostname = esp_strdup( hostname );
req->port = port;
req->secure = secure;
req->method = esp_strdup( method );
req->path = esp_strdup( path );
req->headers = esp_strdup( headers );
req->post_data = esp_strdup( post_data );
req->buffer_size = 1;
req->buffer = (char *) os_malloc( 1 );
req->buffer[0] = '\0'; /* Empty string. */
req->callback_handle = callback_handle;
req->redirect_follow_count = redirect_follow_count;
ip_addr_t addr;
err_t error = espconn_gethostbyname( (struct espconn *) req, /* It seems we don't need a real espconn pointer here. */
hostname, &addr, http_dns_callback );
if ( error == ESPCONN_INPROGRESS )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "DNS pending\n" );
else if ( error == ESPCONN_OK )
/* Already in the local names table (or hostname was an IP address), execute the callback ourselves. */
http_dns_callback( hostname, &addr, req );
if ( error == ESPCONN_ARG )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "DNS arg error %s\n", hostname );
}else {
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "DNS error code %d\n", error );
http_dns_callback( hostname, NULL, req ); /* Handle all DNS errors the same way. */
* Parse an URL of the form http://host:port/path
* <host> can be a hostname or an IP address
* <port> is optional
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_request( const char * url, const char * method, const char * headers, const char * post_data, http_callback_t callback_handle, int redirect_follow_count )
* FIXME: handle HTTP auth with http://user:pass@host/
* FIXME: get rid of the #anchor part if present.
char hostname[128] = "";
int port = 80;
bool secure = false;
bool is_http = os_strncmp( url, "http://", strlen( "http://" ) ) == 0;
bool is_https = os_strncmp( url, "https://", strlen( "https://" ) ) == 0;
if ( is_http )
url += strlen( "http://" ); /* Get rid of the protocol. */
else if ( is_https )
port = 443;
secure = true;
url += strlen( "https://" ); /* Get rid of the protocol. */
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "URL is not HTTP or HTTPS %s\n", url );
char * path = os_strchr( url, '/' );
if ( path == NULL )
path = os_strchr( url, '\0' ); /* Pointer to end of string. */
char * colon = os_strchr( url, ':' );
if ( colon > path )
colon = NULL; /* Limit the search to characters before the path. */
if (path - url >= sizeof(hostname)) {
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "hostname is too long %s\n", url );
if ( colon == NULL ) /* The port is not present. */
os_memcpy( hostname, url, path - url );
hostname[path - url] = '\0';
port = atoi( colon + 1 );
if ( port == 0 )
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "Port error %s\n", url );
os_memcpy( hostname, url, colon - url );
hostname[colon - url] = '\0';
if ( path[0] == '\0' ) /* Empty path is not allowed. */
path = "/";
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "hostname=%s\n", hostname );
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "port=%d\n", port );
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "method=%s\n", method );
HTTPCLIENT_DEBUG( "path=%s\n", path );
http_raw_request( hostname, port, secure, method, path, headers, post_data, callback_handle, redirect_follow_count);
* Parse an URL of the form http://host:port/path
* <host> can be a hostname or an IP address
* <port> is optional
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_post( const char * url, const char * headers, const char * post_data, http_callback_t callback_handle )
http_request( url, "POST", headers, post_data, callback_handle, 0 );
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_get( const char * url, const char * headers, http_callback_t callback_handle )
http_request( url, "GET", headers, NULL, callback_handle, 0 );
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_delete( const char * url, const char * headers, const char * post_data, http_callback_t callback_handle )
http_request( url, "DELETE", headers, post_data, callback_handle, 0 );
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_put( const char * url, const char * headers, const char * post_data, http_callback_t callback_handle )
http_request( url, "PUT", headers, post_data, callback_handle, 0 );
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_callback_example( char * response, int http_status, char * full_response )
os_printf( "http_status=%d\n", http_status );
if ( http_status != HTTP_STATUS_GENERIC_ERROR )
os_printf( "strlen(full_response)=%d\n", strlen( full_response ) );
os_printf( "response=%s<EOF>\n", response );