A module for the HDC1000 temperature and humidity sensor.
HDC1000 NodeMCU Library
Here's my NodeMCU library for the TI HDC1000 temperature and humidity sensor. It should work with the HDC1008 too but I haven't tested it.
Setup your sensor:
First, require it:
hdc1000 = require("hdc1000")
Then, initialize it:
hdc1000.init(sda, scl)
Configure it:
Default options set the address to 0x40 and enable both temperature and humidity readings at 14-bit resolution, with the integrated heater on. You can change them by initializing your sensor like this:
mySensor.begin(address, resolution, heater);
"resolution" can be set to 14 bits for both temperature and humidity (0x00 - default) 11 bits for temperature (0x40), 11 bits for humidity (0x01), 8 bits for humidity (0x20) "heater" can be set to ON (0x20 - default) or OFF (0x00)
Read some values
You can read temperature and humidity by using the following commands:
temperature = hdc1000.getTemp()
in Celsius degrees.
humidity = hdc1000.getHumi()
in %
Check your battery
The following code returns true if the battery voltage is <2.8V, false otherwise.
isDead = hdc1000.batteryDead();
Happy making! Also, check out my Breakout Board and Arduino library for this chip: http://b.truzzi.me/hdc1000-temperature-and-humidity-sensor-breakout-with-arduino-library/.