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547 lines
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/* swTimer.c SDK timer suspend API
* SDK software timer API info:
* The SDK software timer uses a linked list called `os_timer_t* timer_list` to keep track of
* all currently armed timers.
* The SDK software timer API executes in a task. The priority of this task in relation to the
* application level tasks is unknown (at time of writing).
* To determine when a timer's callback should be executed, the respective timer's `timer_expire`
* variable is compared to the hardware counter(FRC2), then, if the timer's `timer_expire` is
* less than the current FRC2 count, the timer's callback is fired.
* The timers in this list are organized in an ascending order starting with the timer
* with the lowest timer_expire.
* When a timer expires that has a timer_period greater than 0, timer_expire is changed to
* current FRC2 + timer_period, then the timer is inserted back in to the list in the correct position.
* when using millisecond(default) timers, FRC2 resolution is 312.5 ticks per millisecond.
* Timer suspension is achieved by first finding any non-SDK timers by comparing the timer function callback pointer
* of each timer in "timer_list" to a list of registered timer callback pointers stored in the Lua registry.
* If a timer with a corresponding registered callback pointer is found, the timer's timer_expire field is is compared
* to the current FRC2 count and the difference is saved along with the other timer parameters to temporary variables.
* The timer is then disarmed and the parameters are copied back, the timer pointer is then
* added to a separate linked list of which the head pointer is stored as a lightuserdata in the lua registry.
* Resuming the timers is achieved by first retrieving the lightuserdata holding the suspended timer list head pointer.
* Then, starting with the beginning of the list the current FRC2 count is added back to the timer's timer_expire, then
* the timer is manually added back to "timer_list" in an ascending order.
* Once there are no more suspended timers, the function returns
#include "module.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "task/task.h"
#include "user_interface.h"
#include "user_modules.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
//#define SWTMR_DEBUG
#if !defined(SWTMR_DBG) && defined(LUA_USE_MODULES_SWTMR_DBG)
//this section specifies which lua registry to use. LUA_GLOBALSINDEX or LUA_REGISTRYINDEX
#define SWTMR_DBG(fmt, ...) dbg_printf("\n SWTMR_DBG(%s): "fmt"\n", __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define CB_LIST_STR "timer_cb_ptrs"
#define SUSP_LIST_STR "suspended_tmr_LL_head"
#define SWTMR_DBG(...)
#define CB_LIST_STR "cb"
#define SUSP_LIST_STR "st"
typedef struct tmr_cb_queue{
os_timer_func_t *tmr_cb_ptr;
uint8 suspend_policy;
struct tmr_cb_queue * next;
typedef struct cb_registry_item{
os_timer_func_t *tmr_cb_ptr;
uint8 suspend_policy;
/* Internal variables */
static tmr_cb_queue_t* register_queue = NULL;
static task_handle_t cb_register_task_id = 0; //variable to hold task id for task handler(process_cb_register_queue)
/* Function declarations */
//void swtmr_cb_register(void* timer_cb_ptr, uint8 resume_policy);
static void add_to_reg_queue(void* timer_cb_ptr, uint8 suspend_policy);
static void process_cb_register_queue(task_param_t param, uint8 priority);
#define push_swtmr_registry_key(L) lua_pushstring(L, "SWTMR_registry_key")
#define push_swtmr_registry_key(L) lua_pushlightuserdata(L, ®ister_queue);
#include <pm/swtimer.h>
void swtmr_suspend_timers(){
lua_State* L = lua_getstate();
//get swtimer table
lua_rawget(L, L_REGISTRY);
//get cb_list table
lua_pushstring(L, CB_LIST_STR);
lua_rawget(L, -2);
//check for existence of the swtimer table and the cb_list table, return if not found
if(!lua_istable(L, -2) || !lua_istable(L, -1)){
// not necessarily an error maybe there are legitimately no timers to suspend
lua_pop(L, 2);
os_timer_t* suspended_timer_list_head = NULL;
os_timer_t* suspended_timer_list_tail = NULL;
//get suspended_timer_list table
lua_pushstring(L, SUSP_LIST_STR);
lua_rawget(L, -3);
//if suspended_timer_list exists, find tail of list
if(lua_isuserdata(L, -1)){
suspended_timer_list_head = suspended_timer_list_tail = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
while(suspended_timer_list_tail->timer_next != NULL){
suspended_timer_list_tail = suspended_timer_list_tail->timer_next;
lua_pop(L, 1);
//get length of lua table containing the callback pointers
size_t registered_cb_qty = lua_objlen(L, -1);
//allocate a temporary array to hold the list of callback pointers
cb_registry_item_t** cb_reg_array = calloc(1,sizeof(cb_registry_item_t*)*registered_cb_qty);
luaL_error(L, "%s: unable to suspend timers, out of memory!", __func__);
uint8 index = 0;
//convert lua table cb_list to c array
while(lua_next(L, -2) != 0){
if(lua_isuserdata(L, -1)){
cb_reg_array[index] = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
//the cb_list table is no longer needed, pop it from the stack
lua_pop(L, 1);
volatile uint32 frc2_count = RTC_REG_READ(FRC2_COUNT_ADDRESS);
os_timer_t* timer_ptr = timer_list;
uint32 expire_temp = 0;
uint32 period_temp = 0;
void* arg_temp = NULL;
/* In this section, the SDK's timer_list is traversed to find any timers that have a registered callback pointer.
* If a registered callback is found, the timer is suspended by saving the difference
* between frc2_count and timer_expire then the timer is disarmed and placed into suspended_timer_list
* so it can later be resumed.
while(timer_ptr != NULL){
os_timer_t* next_timer = (os_timer_t*)0xffffffff;
for(size_t i = 0; i < registered_cb_qty; i++){
if(timer_ptr->timer_func == cb_reg_array[i]->tmr_cb_ptr){
//current timer will be suspended, next timer's pointer will be needed to continue processing timer_list
next_timer = timer_ptr->timer_next;
//store timer parameters temporarily so the timer can be disarmed
if(timer_ptr->timer_expire < frc2_count)
expire_temp = 2; // 16 us in ticks (1 tick = ~3.2 us) (arbitrarily chosen value)
expire_temp = timer_ptr->timer_expire - frc2_count;
period_temp = timer_ptr->timer_period;
arg_temp = timer_ptr->timer_arg;
if(timer_ptr->timer_period == 0 && cb_reg_array[i]->suspend_policy == SWTIMER_RESTART){
SWTMR_DBG("Warning: suspend_policy(RESTART) is not compatible with single-shot timer(%p), changing suspend_policy to (RESUME)", timer_ptr);
cb_reg_array[i]->suspend_policy = SWTIMER_RESUME;
//remove the timer from timer_list so we don't have to.
timer_ptr->timer_next = NULL;
//this section determines timer behavior on resume
if(cb_reg_array[i]->suspend_policy == SWTIMER_DROP){
SWTMR_DBG("timer(%p) was disarmed and will not be resumed", timer_ptr);
else if(cb_reg_array[i]->suspend_policy == SWTIMER_IMMEDIATE){
timer_ptr->timer_expire = 1;
SWTMR_DBG("timer(%p) will fire immediately on resume", timer_ptr);
else if(cb_reg_array[i]->suspend_policy == SWTIMER_RESTART){
timer_ptr->timer_expire = period_temp;
SWTMR_DBG("timer(%p) will be restarted on resume", timer_ptr);
timer_ptr->timer_expire = expire_temp;
SWTMR_DBG("timer(%p) will be resumed with remaining time", timer_ptr);
if(cb_reg_array[i]->suspend_policy != SWTIMER_DROP){
timer_ptr->timer_period = period_temp;
timer_ptr->timer_func = cb_reg_array[i]->tmr_cb_ptr;
timer_ptr->timer_arg = arg_temp;
//add timer to suspended_timer_list
if(suspended_timer_list_head == NULL){
suspended_timer_list_head = timer_ptr;
suspended_timer_list_tail = timer_ptr;
suspended_timer_list_tail->timer_next = timer_ptr;
suspended_timer_list_tail = timer_ptr;
//if timer was suspended, timer_ptr->timer_next is invalid, use next_timer instead.
if(next_timer != (os_timer_t*)0xffffffff){
timer_ptr = next_timer;
timer_ptr = timer_ptr->timer_next;
//tmr_cb_ptr_array is no longer needed.
//add suspended_timer_list pointer to swtimer table.
lua_pushstring(L, SUSP_LIST_STR);
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, suspended_timer_list_head);
lua_rawset(L, -3);
//pop swtimer table from stack
lua_pop(L, 1);
void swtmr_resume_timers(){
lua_State* L = lua_getstate();
//get swtimer table
lua_rawget(L, L_REGISTRY);
//get suspended_timer_list lightuserdata
lua_pushstring(L, SUSP_LIST_STR);
lua_rawget(L, -2);
//check for existence of swtimer table and the suspended_timer_list pointer userdata, return if not found
if(!lua_istable(L, -2) || !lua_isuserdata(L, -1)){
// not necessarily an error maybe there are legitimately no timers to resume
lua_pop(L, 2);
os_timer_t* suspended_timer_list_ptr = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1); //pop suspended timer list userdata from stack
//since timers will be resumed, the suspended_timer_list lightuserdata can be cleared from swtimer table
lua_pushstring(L, SUSP_LIST_STR);
lua_rawset(L, -3);
lua_pop(L, 1); //pop swtimer table from stack
volatile uint32 frc2_count = RTC_REG_READ(FRC2_COUNT_ADDRESS);
//this section does the actual resuming of the suspended timer(s)
while(suspended_timer_list_ptr != NULL){
os_timer_t* timer_list_ptr = timer_list;
//the pointer to next suspended timer must be saved, the current suspended timer will be removed from the list
os_timer_t* next_suspended_timer_ptr = suspended_timer_list_ptr->timer_next;
suspended_timer_list_ptr->timer_expire += frc2_count;
//traverse timer_list to determine where to insert suspended timer
while(timer_list_ptr != NULL){
if(suspended_timer_list_ptr->timer_expire > timer_list_ptr->timer_expire){
if(timer_list_ptr->timer_next != NULL){
//current timer is not at tail of timer_list
if(suspended_timer_list_ptr->timer_expire < timer_list_ptr->timer_next->timer_expire){
//insert suspended timer between current timer and next timer
suspended_timer_list_ptr->timer_next = timer_list_ptr->timer_next;
timer_list_ptr->timer_next = suspended_timer_list_ptr;
break; //timer resumed exit while loop
//suspended timer expire is larger than next timer
//current timer is at tail of timer_list and suspended timer expire is greater then current timer
//append timer to end of timer_list
timer_list_ptr->timer_next = suspended_timer_list_ptr;
suspended_timer_list_ptr->timer_next = NULL;
break; //timer resumed exit while loop
else if(timer_list_ptr == timer_list){
//insert timer at head of list
suspended_timer_list_ptr->timer_next = timer_list_ptr;
timer_list = timer_list_ptr = suspended_timer_list_ptr;
break; //timer resumed exit while loop
//suspended timer expire is larger than next timer
//timer not resumed, next timer in timer_list
timer_list_ptr = timer_list_ptr->timer_next;
//timer was resumed, next suspended timer
suspended_timer_list_ptr = next_suspended_timer_ptr;
//this function registers a timer callback pointer in a lua table
void swtmr_cb_register(void* timer_cb_ptr, uint8 suspend_policy){
lua_State* L = lua_getstate();
//Lua has not started yet, therefore L_REGISTRY is not available.
//add timer cb to queue for later processing after Lua has started
add_to_reg_queue(timer_cb_ptr, suspend_policy);
size_t cb_list_last_idx = 0;
lua_rawget(L, L_REGISTRY);
if(!lua_istable(L, -1)){
//swtmr does not exist, create and add to registry
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_newtable(L);//push new table for swtmr.timer_cb_list
// add swtimer table to L_REGISTRY
lua_pushvalue(L, -2);
lua_rawset(L, L_REGISTRY);
lua_pushstring(L, CB_LIST_STR);
lua_rawget(L, -2);
if(lua_istable(L, -1)){
//cb_list exists, get length of list
cb_list_last_idx = lua_objlen(L, -1);
//cb_list does not exist in swtmr, create and add to swtmr
lua_pop(L, 1);// pop nil value from stack
lua_newtable(L);//create new table for swtmr.timer_cb_list
lua_pushstring(L, CB_LIST_STR); //push name for the new table onto the stack
lua_pushvalue(L, -2); //push table to top of stack
lua_rawset(L, -4); //pop table and name from stack and register in swtmr
//append new timer cb ptr to table
lua_pushnumber(L, cb_list_last_idx+1);
cb_registry_item_t* reg_item = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(cb_registry_item_t));
reg_item->tmr_cb_ptr = timer_cb_ptr;
reg_item->suspend_policy = suspend_policy;
lua_rawset(L, -3);
//clear items pushed onto stack by this function
lua_pop(L, 2);
//this function adds the timer cb ptr to a queue for later registration after lua has started
static void add_to_reg_queue(void* timer_cb_ptr, uint8 suspend_policy){
tmr_cb_queue_t* queue_temp = calloc(1,sizeof(tmr_cb_queue_t));
//it's boot time currently and we're already out of memory, something is very wrong...
dbg_printf("\n\t%s:out of memory, rebooting.", __FUNCTION__);
queue_temp->tmr_cb_ptr = timer_cb_ptr;
queue_temp->suspend_policy = suspend_policy;
queue_temp->next = NULL;
if(register_queue == NULL){
register_queue = queue_temp;
tmr_cb_queue_t* queue_ptr = register_queue;
while(queue_ptr->next != NULL){
queue_ptr = queue_ptr->next;
queue_ptr->next = queue_temp;
cb_register_task_id = task_get_id(process_cb_register_queue);//get task id from task interface
task_post_low(cb_register_task_id, false); //post task to process next item in queue
static void process_cb_register_queue(task_param_t param, uint8 priority)
SWTMR_DBG("L== NULL, Lua not yet started! posting task");
task_post_low(cb_register_task_id, false); //post task to process next item in queue
while(register_queue != NULL){
tmr_cb_queue_t* register_queue_ptr = register_queue;
void* cb_ptr_tmp = register_queue_ptr->tmr_cb_ptr;
swtmr_cb_register(cb_ptr_tmp, register_queue_ptr->suspend_policy);
register_queue = register_queue->next;
int print_timer_list(lua_State* L){
lua_rawget(L, L_REGISTRY);
lua_pushstring(L, CB_LIST_STR);
lua_rawget(L, -2);
if(!lua_istable(L, -2) || !lua_istable(L, -1)){
lua_pop(L, 2);
return 0;
os_timer_t* suspended_timer_list_head = NULL;
os_timer_t* suspended_timer_list_tail = NULL;
lua_pushstring(L, SUSP_LIST_STR);
lua_rawget(L, -3);
if(lua_isuserdata(L, -1)){
suspended_timer_list_head = suspended_timer_list_tail = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
while(suspended_timer_list_tail->timer_next != NULL){
suspended_timer_list_tail = suspended_timer_list_tail->timer_next;
lua_pop(L, 1);
size_t registered_cb_qty = lua_objlen(L, -1);
cb_registry_item_t** cb_reg_array = calloc(1,sizeof(cb_registry_item_t*)*registered_cb_qty);
luaL_error(L, "%s: unable to suspend timers, out of memory!", __func__);
return 0;
uint8 index = 0;
while(lua_next(L, -2) != 0){
if(lua_isuserdata(L, -1)){
cb_reg_array[index] = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
os_timer_t* timer_list_ptr = timer_list;
dbg_printf("\n\tCurrent FRC2: %u\n", RTC_REG_READ(FRC2_COUNT_ADDRESS));
while(timer_list_ptr != NULL){
bool registered_flag = FALSE;
for(int i=0; i < registered_cb_qty; i++){
if(timer_list_ptr->timer_func == cb_reg_array[i]->tmr_cb_ptr){
registered_flag = TRUE;
timer_list_ptr, timer_list_ptr->timer_func, timer_list_ptr->timer_expire, timer_list_ptr->timer_period, timer_list_ptr->timer_next, registered_flag ? "Registered" : "");
timer_list_ptr = timer_list_ptr->timer_next;
lua_pop(L, 1);
return 0;
int print_susp_timer_list(lua_State* L){
lua_rawget(L, L_REGISTRY);
if(!lua_istable(L, -1)){
return luaL_error(L, "swtmr table not found!");
lua_pushstring(L, SUSP_LIST_STR);
lua_rawget(L, -2);
if(!lua_isuserdata(L, -1)){
return luaL_error(L, "swtmr.suspended_list userdata not found!");
os_timer_t* susp_timer_list_ptr = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
while(susp_timer_list_ptr != NULL){
dbg_printf("\tptr:%p\tcb:%p\texpire:%8u\tperiod:%8u\tnext:%p\n",susp_timer_list_ptr, susp_timer_list_ptr->timer_func, susp_timer_list_ptr->timer_expire, susp_timer_list_ptr->timer_period, susp_timer_list_ptr->timer_next);
susp_timer_list_ptr = susp_timer_list_ptr->timer_next;
return 0;
int suspend_timers_lua(lua_State* L){
return 0;
int resume_timers_lua(lua_State* L){
return 0;
LROT_FUNCENTRY( timer_list, print_timer_list )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( susp_timer_list, print_susp_timer_list )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( suspend, suspend_timers_lua )
LROT_FUNCENTRY( resume, resume_timers_lua )
LROT_END( test_swtimer_debug, NULL, 0 )