2015-04-28 13:45:35 -04:00
/*! @page ports_rtos Ports to Third-Party RTOS
The main purpose of integrating QP / C with conventional RTOSes is to enable you to incorporate various communication stacks ( TCP / IP , USB , CAN , etc . ) as well as other middleware , which requires the ability to * * block * * the task code .
- @ subpage cmsis - rtx
- @ subpage embos
- @ subpage freertos
- @ subpage threadx
- @ subpage ucos - ii
@ note
You do * * not * * need to use a traditional RTOS just to achieve preemptive multitasking with QP . The @ ref comp_qk " preemptive QK kernel " , available as part of the QP package , supports preemptive priority - based multitasking and is fully compatible with Rate Monotonic Scheduling to achieve guaranteed , hard real - time performance . The preemptive , run - to - completion QK kernel perfectly matches the run - to - completion execution semantics of active objects , yet it is simpler , faster , and more efficient than any traditional blocking kernel .
/*! @page cmsis-rtx CMSIS-RTOS RTX
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/*! @page embos embOS
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/*! @page freertos FreeRTOS
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/*! @page threadx ThreadX
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/*! @page ucos-ii uC/OS-II
@ section ucos - ii_about About the QP Port to uC / OS - II
This directory contains a generic platform - independent QP / C port to uC / OS - II V2 .92 .
Typically , you should not need to change the files in this directory to adapt the QP - uC / OS port on any CPU / Compiler to which uC / OS - II has been ported , because all the CPU and compiler specifics are handled by the uC / OS - II RTOS .
@ note
Currently , the port has been tested only on ARM Cortex - M3 and M4F .
@ section ucos - ii_source uC / OS - II Source and ARM Cortex - M3 / M4 Ports
The uC / OS - II V2 .92 source code and ports are located in 3 rd_party @ uCOS - II . Please make sure to read about uC / OS - II licensing in the README file found in this directory .
@ note
The official Micrium ARM - Cortex - M ports have been modified by Quantum Leaps to remove the dependencies on the Micrium ' s uC - CPU and uC - LIB components , and instead to inter - operate with the Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard ( CMSIS ) .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ section ucos - ii_using Using this QP Port to uC / OS - II
The example projects for this port are located in @ ref exa_ucos - ii " examples/ucos-ii/arm-cm/dpp_ek-tm4c123gxl " .
Currently , ARM - KEIL and IAR - ARM toolsets are supported ( in the < span class = " img folder " >arm</span> and <span class= " img folder " >iar</span> sub-directories within this example project).
The example projects use this port by directly including the QP source code ( and this port ) in the application projects . There is no QP library to build .
However , this port can also be used as a library , in which case you need to build the QP library yourself and include in your project .
< div class = " separate " ></div>
@ subsection ucos - ii_build QP Source Files Needed in this QP Port
Whether you use this QP port as source files or as a library , it is important to note that not all QP soruce files should be included . Here is the list of QP source files needed :
@ verbatim
+ - source
| + - qep_hsm . c
| + - qep_msm . c
| + - qf_act . c
| + - qf_defer . c
| + - qf_dyn . c
| + - qf_ps . c
| + - qf_qeq . c
| + - qf_qmact . c
| + - qf_time . c
| |
| + - qs . c - included only in the Spy build configuration
| + - qs_fp . c - included only in the Spy build configuration
+ - ports
| + - ucos - ii
| | + - qf_port . c
@ endverbatim
@ note
Specifically , the QP source files qf_actq . c and qf_mem . c must * * NOT * * be included in the build , because this functionality is taken from uC / OS - II .
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