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; Product: QXK port to ARM Cortex-M (M0,M0+,M1,M3,M4,M7), IAR ARM assembler
; Last Updated for Version: 5.6.0
; Date of the Last Update: 2015-12-09
; Q u a n t u m L e a P s
; ---------------------------
; innovating embedded systems
; Copyright (C) Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
; This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
; terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
; the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
; licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; Contact information:
; http://www.state-machine.com
; mailto:info@state-machine.com
PUBLIC QXK_start_ ; start the QXK multitasking
PUBLIC QXK_stackInit_ ; initialize the stack of each thread
PUBLIC PendSV_Handler ; CMSIS-compliant PendSV exception
EXTERN QXK_attr_ ; QXK attribute structure
EXTERN QXK_threadRet_ ; return from a thread function
; NOTE: keep in synch with QF_BASEPRI value defined in "qf_port.h" !!!
; NOTE: keep in synch with the QXK struct in "qxk.h" !!!
; NOTE: keep in synch with the QMActive struct in "qf.h/qxk.h" !!!
; The QXK_start_ function starts QXK multitasking.
; The C signature: void QXK_start_(void);
; NOTE: QXK_start_() must be called with interrupts disabled and
; returns with interrupts **enabled**.
LDR r1,=0xE000ED18 ; System Handler Priority Register
LDR r2,[r1,#8] ; load the System 12-15 Priority Register
MOVS r3,#0xFF
LSLS r3,r3,#16
ORRS r2,r3 ; set PRI_14 (PendSV) to 0xFF
STR r2,[r1,#8] ; write the System 12-15 Priority Register
; set the MSP to the top of the C-STACK, which is the first entry
; in the vector table. (This recovers any stack used so far by main().)
LDR r0,=0xE000ED08 ; r0 := address of Vector Table Offset register
LDR r0,[r0,#0] ; r0 := contents of VTOR
LDR r0,[r0] ; r0 := VT[0] (first entry is the top of stack)
MSR MSP,r0 ; main SP := initial top of stack
ISB ; flush the instruction pipeline
; set the current QXK thread to the next QXK thread
LDR r1,=QXK_attr_
LDR r2,[r1,#QXK_NEXT] ; r2 := QXK_attr_.next
STR r2,[r1,#QXK_CURR] ; QXK_attr_.curr := r2
; get the top of stack of the current QXK thread
LDR r0,[r2,#QMACTIVE_THREAD] ; r0 := QXK_attr_.next->thread (SP)
; pop r4-r11 from the PSP
MOVS r1,r0 ; r1 := top of stack
ADDS r0,r0,#(4*4) ; point r0 to the 4 high registers r7-r11
LDMIA r0!,{r4-r7} ; pop the 4 high registers into low registers
MOV r8,r4 ; move low registers into high registers
MOV r9,r5
MOV r10,r6
MOV r11,r7
LDMIA r1!,{r4-r7} ; pop the low registers
; NOTE: at this point r0 holds the new top of stack
MSR PSP,r0 ; set PSP to the thread's SP
ISB ; flush the instruction pipeline
; switch CPU to using the Process Stack Pointer (PSP)
MOVS r1,#(1 << 1)
ORRS r0,r0,r1 ; set the Active Stack Pointer
MSR CONTROL,r0 ; switch to PSP
DSB ; make sure all data access completes
ISB ; flush the instruction pipeline
; fake return from an exception...
POP {r0-r3} ; pop R0..R3
; NOTE: R0 holds the 'par' argument of the
; thread function
POP {r1,r2} ; pop R12 and LR into low registers r1,r2
MOV r12,r1
MOV lr,r2
POP {r1,r2} ; pop PC to R1 and xPSR to R2
; NOTE: it's OK to clobber R1 and R2
#if (__CORE__ == __ARM6M__) ; Cortex-M0/M0+/M1 ?
CPSIE i ; enable interrupts (clear PRIMASK)
#else ; M3/M4/M7
#ifdef __ARMVFP__ ; if VFP available...
; enable VFP by enabling CP10 and CP11 coprocessors
LDR.W r3,=0xE000ED88 ; r3 := &CPACR
LDR r2,[r3] ; r2 := CPACR
ORR r2,r2,#(0xF << 20); r2 := r2 | (CP10 | CP11)
STR r2,[r3] ; CPACR = r2
DSB ; make sure all data access completes
ISB ; reset the instruction pipeline
; enable Automatic State Preservation and Lazy Stacking in the VFP
LDR r3,=0xE000EF34 ; r3 := &FPCCR
LDR r2,[r3] ; r2 := FPCCR
ORR r2,r2,#(3 << 30) ; set ASPEN | LSPEN
STR r2,[r3] ; FPCCR &= ~(ASPEN | LSPEN)
; clear the VFP Context Active (FPCA) bit in CONTROL
MRS r2,CONTROL ; r2 := CONTROL (NOTE: it's OK to clobber R2)
BICS r2,r2,#(1 << 2) ; r2 := r2 & ~(1 << 2) (FPCA bit)
MSR CONTROL,r2 ; CONTROL := r2 (clear CONTROL[2] FPCA bit)
#endif ; VFP available
MOVS r2,#0 ; NOTE: it's OK to clobber R2
MSR BASEPRI,r2 ; enable interrupts (clear BASEPRI)
#endif ; M3/M4/M7
BX r1 ; return to the "interrupted" thread (PC)
; The PendSV_Handler exception handler is used for context switching in QXK.
; The use of the PendSV exception is the recommended and most efficient
; method for performing context switches with ARM Cortex-M.
; The PendSV exception should have the lowest priority in the whole system
; (0xFF, see QXK_start_). All other exceptions and interrupts should have
; higher priority. For example, for NVIC with 2 priority bits all interrupts
; and exceptions must have numerical value of priority lower than 0xC0.
; In this case the interrupt priority levels available to your applications
; are (in the order from the lowest to the highest urgency): 0x80, 0x40, 0x00.
; Also, *all* "kernel-aware" ISRs in the QXK application must call the
; QXK_ISR_EXIT() macro to trigger the PendSV exception.
; The C signature (CMSIS): void PendSV_Handler(void);
; Due to tail-chaining and its lowest priority, the PendSV exception will be
; entered immediately after the exit from the *last* nested interrupt (or
; exception). In QXK, this is exactly the time when the QXK context switch
; must occur.
MRS r0,PSP ; r0 := Process Stack Pointer
ISB ; flush the instruction pipeline
#if (__CORE__ == __ARM6M__) ; Cortex-M0/M0+/M1 ?
SUBS r0,r0,#(8*4) ; make room for 8 registers r4-r11
MOVS r1,r0 ; r1 := temporary PSP (do not clobber r0!)
STMIA r1!,{r4-r7} ; save the low registers
MOV r4,r8 ; move the high registers to low registers...
MOV r5,r9
MOV r6,r10
MOV r7,r11
STMIA r1!,{r4-r7} ; save the high registers
; NOTE: at this point r0 still holds the top of stack
CPSID i ; disable interrupts (set PRIMASK)
#else ; M3/M4/M7
STMDB r0!,{r4-r11} ; save r4-r11 on top of the exception frame
#ifdef __ARMVFP__ ; if VFP available...
TST lr,#(1 << 4) ; is it return with the VFP exception frame?
IT EQ ; if lr[4] is zero...
VSTMDBEQ r0!,{s16-s31} ; ... save VFP registers s16..s31
#endif ; VFP available
MSR BASEPRI,r3 ; selectively disable interrupts
#endif ; M3/M4/M7
ISB ; flush the instruction pipeline
; store the SP of the current QXK thread...
LDR r1,=QXK_attr_
LDR r2,[r1,#QXK_CURR]
STR r0,[r2,#QMACTIVE_THREAD] ; QXK_attr_.curr->thread := r0
#ifdef __ARMVFP__ ; if VFP available...
; store the LR of the current QXK thread...
STR lr,[r2,#QMACTIVE_OSOBJECT] ; QXK_attr_.curr->osObject := lr
#endif ; VFP available
; set current to the next...
LDR r2,[r1,#QXK_NEXT] ; r2 := QXK_attr_.next
STR r2,[r1,#QXK_CURR] ; QXK_attr_.curr := r2
; restore the SP of the next thread...
LDR r0,[r2,#QMACTIVE_THREAD] ; r0 := QXK_attr_.next->thread (SP)
#ifdef __ARMVFP__ ; if VFP available...
; restore the LR of the next thread...
LDR lr,[r2,#QMACTIVE_OSOBJECT] ; lr := QXK_attr_.next->osObject
#endif ; VFP available
; exit the critical section
#if (__CORE__ == __ARM6M__) ; Cortex-M0/M0+/M1 ?
CPSIE i ; enable interrupts (clear PRIMASK)
MOVS r1,r0 ; r1 := top of stack
ADDS r0,r0,#(4*4) ; point r0 to the 4 high registers r7-r11
LDMIA r0!,{r4-r7} ; pop the 4 high registers into low registers
MOV r8,r4 ; move low registers into high registers
MOV r9,r5
MOV r10,r6
MOV r11,r7
LDMIA r1!,{r4-r7} ; pop the low registers
; NOTE: at this point r0 holds the new top of stack
#else ; M3/M4/M7
MOVS r3,#0
MSR BASEPRI,r3 ; enable interrupts (clear BASEPRI)
#ifdef __ARMVFP__ ; if VFP available...
TST lr,#(1 << 4) ; is it return to the VFP exception frame?
IT EQ ; if lr[4] is zero...
VLDMIAEQ r0!,{s16-s31} ; ... restore VFP registers s16..s31
#endif ; VFP available
LDMIA r0!,{r4-r11} ; restore r4-r11 from the next thread's stack
#endif ; M3/M4/M7
DSB ; make sure all data access completes
; set the PSP to the next thread's SP
MSR PSP,r0 ; Process Stack Pointer := r0
ISB ; flush the instruction pipeline
BX lr ; return to the next thread
; Initialize the private stack of a QXK thread.
; NOTE: the function aligns the stack to the 8-byte boundary for
; compatibility with the AAPCS. Additionally, the function pre-fills
; the stack with the known bit pattern (0xDEADBEEF).
; The C signature:
; void QXK_stackInit_(void *act, QActionHandler thread,
; void *stkSto, uint_fast16_t stkSize);
; NOTE: QXK_stackInit_() must be called before the QF is made
; aware of this QXK thread. In that case there can be no external
; communication with this thread, so no critical section is needed.
; assignment of parameters (AAPCS)
; r0 - QMActive pointer (act)
; r1 - thread routine
; r2 - begining of stack
; r3 - size of stack [bytes]
ADDS r3,r2,r3 ; r3 := end of stack (top of stack)
MOV r12,r0 ; save r0 in r12
; round up the beginning of stack to the 8-byte boundary
; r2 := (((r2 -1) >> 3) + 1) << 3;
SUBS r0,r2,#1
LSRS r0,r0,#3
ADDS r0,r0,#1
LSLS r2,r0,#3
; round down the end of stack to the 8-byte boundary
; r3 := (r3 >> 3) << 3;
LSRS r0,r3,#3
LSLS r3,r0,#3
SUBS r3,r3,#16*4 ; r3 := top of the 16-register stack frame
MOV r0,r12
STR r1,[r0,#QMACTIVE_OSOBJECT] ; temporarily save the thread routine
; pre-fill the stack with 0xDEADBEEF
MOV r1,r0
STMIA r2!,{r0,r1}
CMP r2,r3
BLT.N QXK_stackInit_fill
; prepare the standard exception (without VFP) stack frame...
MOV r0,r12 ; restore r0 from r12
MOVS r2,#0x04
STR r2,[r3,#0*4] ; r4
MOVS r2,#0x05
STR r2,[r3,#1*4] ; r5
MOVS r2,#0x06
STR r2,[r3,#2*4] ; r6
MOVS r2,#0x07
STR r2,[r3,#3*4] ; r7
MOVS r2,#0x08
STR r2,[r3,#4*4] ; r8
MOVS r2,#0x09
STR r2,[r3,#5*4] ; r9
MOVS r2,#0x0A
STR r2,[r3,#6*4] ; r10
MOVS r2,#0x0B
STR r2,[r3,#7*4] ; r11
STR r0,[r3,#8*4] ; r0 (argument to thread routine, act pointer)
MOVS r2,#0x01
STR r2,[r3,#9*4] ; r1
MOVS r2,#0x02
STR r2,[r3,#10*4] ; r2
MOVS r2,#0x03
STR r2,[r3,#11*4] ; r3
MOVS r2,#0x0C
STR r2,[r3,#12*4] ; r12
LDR r2,=QXK_threadRet_
STR r2,[r3,#13*4] ; LR (return address)
LDR r1,[r0,#QMACTIVE_OSOBJECT] ; r1 := saved thread routine
STR r1,[r3,#14*4] ; PC (entry point, thread routine)
MOVS r2,#1
LSLS r2,r2,#24 ; r2 := 0x01000000
STR r2,[r3,#15*4] ; xPSR
STR r3,[r0,#QMACTIVE_THREAD] ; act->thread := top of stack
MOVS r2,#2
MVNS r2,r2 ; r2 := ~2 == 0xFFFFFFFD
STR r2,[r0,#QMACTIVE_OSOBJECT] ; act->thread.osObject := lr
BX lr ; return to the caller
ALIGNROM 2,0xFF ; make sure the END is properly aligned